Paris's DUI


Well-known member
She's famous because we made her famous
Only have ourselves to blame
If she didn't sell magazines, burgers, and commercials, no one would care about her


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
She's famous because we made her famous
Only have ourselves to blame
If she didn't sell magazines, burgers, and commercials, no one would care about her

There is no "we" here.
I have never voluntarily contributed anything to Paris Hilton's fortune. I don't buy tabloids. I don't buy magazines with her on the front. I don't buy her music. I don't watch her 'reality show'. I don't buy her clothes.


No. *I* have not made a contribution to that individual's fortune. YOU may have, but *I* have not.


Well-known member
ITA Shimmer. I have NEVER bought a damn thing her picture was on. As a matter of fact, I actually refuse to buy that brand if I can if she's on it.

She's just-as you put it. Trash.

She and Britney Spears.

They would make a good pair.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
There is no "we" here.
I have never voluntarily contributed anything to Paris Hilton's fortune. I don't buy tabloids. I don't buy magazines with her on the front. I don't buy her music. I don't watch her 'reality show'. I don't buy her clothes.


No. *I* have not made a contribution to that individual's fortune. YOU may have, but *I* have not.

Yet you know so much about her
So you must be watching/reading/hearing something

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I get that Raerae means we as society, not as individuals. I certain did not contribute to Paris' fame.

It is, however, hard to avoid hearing about her/seeing stuff. If you casually read the covers of magazines while waiting in line, her name will most likely appear. It is very, very difficult not to be somewhat familiar with her.

Shimmer hit the nail on the head with
I think people are passionate because they're tired of seeing rich and famous people get off for crimes that the average person would spend a lifetime paying for.

Robert Downey Jr. is an excellent example of someone rich and famous not being hit as hard as he should be for his crimes. I guess I personally get frustrated, because I've known people who commit crimes far less worse and get hit a lot harder.


Well-known member
The next day (after her ordeal) she called Ryan Seacrest on his talk show and said that she worked all day on her video, went to DINNER with her sister and friends before going to the bar. She left the bar after consuming one drink because she was hungry because she had not eaten that day. :whattha:

What was she doing at dinner?


Well-known member
I dunno about you, but if I KNOW I'm going to be drinking at a bar or club, i usually dont eat dinner that night. Nothing worse than feeling full and looking like your pregnant because you have dinner rolling around in your tummy. Defeneteley the way I wanna look when I'm at a club

We used to go out to dinner in groups all the time before the bars and clubs. You just order drinks while your at dinner to warm you up to the rest of the night


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tyester
So she's driving drunk in her SLR getting some burgers?

Oya I do that allllll the time...

Just because your BAC is .08 doesn't make you drunk. At the minimum legal limit to qualify for DUI? Yes. Drunk? Hardly.

And you've never done a 3am after last call munchy run to get fast food after being up all partying night? Not once? I find that hard to believe. I've lost track of the times i've driven to the 24 hour grochery store at like 2am to buy break and bake cookies with my roomates at my old apartment. C'mon Tyester, have a little fun in life.

Did you know you can get a DUI if your under 21 if your BAC is over .05? So your telling me a 20 years, 364 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds old individual is "drunk" because she gets pulled over with a BAC of .05 and gets a DUI? Yet at midnight, one second later, she is suddenly granted magical metobolistic powers that allow her to not be drunk until her BAC reaches .08? Oh if only I had waited one second longer before getting in my car! Please officer, I'm not drunk anymore, I have .03 to go now that I'm 21!


Well-known member
This isn't the first time Paris has been cuaght drinking and driving a few years ago she put her car in drive instead of reverse and rammed into people nobody was hurt though, she doesn't get it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by luvme4me
This isn't the first time Paris has been cuaght drinking and driving a few years ago she put her car in drive instead of reverse and rammed into people nobody was hurt though, she doesn't get it

I backed into someone's car on Christmas Eve a few years back. They were parked where they weren't supposed to be, and I was driving my grandpa's ford (stupid land boat) with my Mom and Aunt in the car. Put a dent in their front fender, no damage to the car I was driving =P We told the people, they looked at it, got upset, and said they would deal with it in the morning (they were across the street). I think they were too drunk that night to remember =P I was sober at the time too! Nobody got hurt though!

I've got plenty of other "stupid things I've done while driving" stories.

Most of the really stupid ones were done while underaged lol.

I know I'm not the only one


Well-known member
Did you know you can get a DUI if your under 21 if your BAC is over .05? So your telling me a 20 years, 364 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds old individual is "drunk" because she gets pulled over with a BAC of .05 and gets a DUI? Yet at midnight, one second later, she is suddenly granted magical metobolistic powers that allow her to not be drunk until her BAC reaches .08? Oh if only I had waited one second longer before getting in my car! Please officer, I'm not drunk anymore, I have .03 to go now that I'm 21!

The limit is there because at UNDER 21 years of age you're not supposed to be driniking and driving AT ALL....Not ONE drink (and if ya wanna get technical, not one drink AT ALL, EVER). After you turn 21, you ARE allowed by law to have one drink (or two..depending) long as your BAC stays below .08. Any more than that, and you are considered drunk....Drunk you may not feel (or be), but drunk you are....BY LAW.

little teaser

Well-known member
ok ladies let me spell it out paris hilton and nichole richie=hot hot hot and hotter didnt some one make a song about haters? and people shouldnt judge other people with out takeing a walk in there shoes to walk in paris you need some big feet hateing some one you dont even know or hasnt done anything to you =jeaously which is evil so how many here need to check there self befor

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