People, let's review OSHA


Well-known member
One of the dressing rooms tonight smelled like pee but I could not find any "spots" so I just didn't ask any questions. I was in a bookstore after work and went to the humor section (I collect Uncle John Bathroom Readers) and there in the middle was a copy of Playgirl. Someone had taken it over to look at it as if they were looking at Calvin and Hobbes books. One of the employees told me that at least this time they didn't find it in the children's section.:shrug:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iio
and omg I have to share this...there are a bunch of guys that just moved in a couple months ago and when my mom came home around 6 in the morning with her friend from going out, they saw a girl giving one of the guys a blow job OUTSIDE OF THEIR HOME on the side somewhere, in a FAMILY neighborhood!! my mom yelled "BAD!!!!!" but i dont know I think its just so dumb i dont understand why these people are so desperate to have sex to the point where they just want to do it anywhere and not care about others around.

This happened to me in college. I was coming home from a Bible study/church event and as I was being dropped off, the minister's headlights shone on a guy getting a blow job from two (yes, two) girls. he told me later that he had misgivings about dropping me off that night and almost just had me stay with him and his family. I think I screamed at them something about having respect for yourself.

I also remember from my undergrad standing in line at a dorm cafeteria and hearing this girl begging to give this guy head later that night. It was probably one of the saddest things I had ever seen in my life.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by asnbrb
Oh and the time that we found a used condom (complete with the junk inside) in a staff only room. No one's fessed up to doing that and everyone had put their foot down and refused point blank to clean it up. One of the managers had to sweep it up.

At least you know they are not spawning.

Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
So I printed up a sign that read "PLEASE PEE INSIDE THE TOILET NOT AROUND IT!!"

it didnt work. people pissed on my sign . gross

I remember seeing a sign that said, "No Hovering" in a building on campus. I thought it was funny.


Well-known member
Wow I didn't know there was such a problem with people peeing/pooping in dressing rooms. It really makes me think twice about trying to get a job in a department store.

This reminds me of something a friend told me. He was working in a place that had a tanning bed room in the back and he went back there to clean it and someone had taken a crap right in the tanning bed and he had to clean it. I've also heard stories of people peeing in the stand-up beds too.


Well-known member
When I was a freshma in college, my ALL GIRLS dorm floor got fined because "of a large amount of feces smeared on the walls"
Apparently this is pretty prevalent in the male dorms as well.

This is a sick- yet hilarious thread lol

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