People wanting your discount.....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DirtyPlum
My nail technician asked me the other day, third time doing my nails - the cheek!
My bff asked me for her:
Sis in law
Mum in law
And get this... Her friends neighbour.
Needless to say i had words with said bff.

I have also had girls ask me for:
foundation samples, delivered to their door.
Five lipsticks posted out 80 miles to my uncles Sis in law when they have 3 stores in their city
Vex e/s by above so she can give it to her friend from abroad when she goes to visit her (I was the only one getting vex-ed

Sometimes it's not even discount, it's free friggin delivery. "when u next go to work can u grab blacktrack for me?"

I'm so pissed off just thinking abt it!

I just reply with "I'm not allowed to buy for anyone else, it's strictly monitored, I get a tiny allowance each month, or tell them how it's free p&p on website.

That kills me! I had that happen to me too! One of my so-called friends not only asked me to get stuff for her, but for her other 2 friends as well! Um, hello? This is MY discount! How dare you offer MY discount to other people? Like, what are you even thinking?! She is always like "Let me know when you are going to MAC, I wanna get some stuff." I go atleast twice a month & I NEVER tell her when I do LOL!


Well-known member
OMG, yes, that used to happen to me all the time at M.A.C.

I actually had some customers, who thought we were BFFs for some reason, flat out ask me to use my discount for them. I looked at them like, "Girl, bye. You better take this Oh, Baby and raise up out of my face." I couldn't believe their nerve. Very frustrating!


Well-known member
I hear you on that. It is annoying isn't it? I don't work for mac but I used to work for a retailer that sold leather. I had people ask if I could buy them leather jackets/pants/bags with my discount ALL THE TIME. People just don't think about the consequences of abusing the system, firstly my job, and also how can a business run if people within are buying things for everyone?! I have never purchased anything for discount other than for myself, except after years of employment one Christmas I asked my manager if I could buy a jacket as a present for my mom with my discount. Even though she was pretty much the same size as me (and I could just say it was for me) I wanted to be honest since I wasn't going to be wearing it. I wouldn't have argued if my manager said no. It's one of those things you know you shouldn't abuse and I didn't go around broadcasting it either.


Well-known member
Woww Nyla I am amazed at the audacity of the receptionist. I would never in a million years do that - some people have no manners whatsoever.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
Doesn't it piss you off when people, especially people who you don't even know or aren't even friendly with ask you for your discount? I swear when people find out I work for MAC they just come out of everywhere asking if I can "hook them up". A few weeks ago I was at the Dr.'s office & I was going to work right after my appt. so I was dressed up, had my make-up done & was wearing my MAC necklace. So the receptionist who I don't know from a whole in the wall goes "Oh you work for MAC?" I tell her that I do. And ten she goes "Yeah, you guys get a really good discount on the make-up right?" I tell her that we do, but I'm not aloud to discuss what kind of discount we get. She goes "Oh ok, well could I come by your counter one day & you can hook me up?" I explain to her that it doesn't work that way & we can only use our discount at MAC stores. By now I am really amazed at the set this girl. Then she goes "So, I could come to the counter one day & just let you know what I want & you could get it for me?" I tell her that I could not & that the discount was only for MAC employees & that I could get into trouble for that. She finally shut up after that. But, I just couldn't believe that this complete stranger had the nerve to ask me for my discount. Then just the other day My MIL calls me & wants to know if one of my Brother In Law's baby mamas could come see me & get a discount. I see this chick once in a blue moon! Like we aren't even friends in any regard. Yet she has the nerve to ask for me to get her a discount? People amaze me.

Share your stories of how people all of a sudden want to be your best friend when they find out you work for MAC or any other cosmetic line for that matter.....

You should have been like,"Oh, sure! And you are gonna hook me up on my medical expenses, right?"

I had a friend that would ALWAYS just want me to give her makeup and MAC shirts. I made the mistake of complaining once that the shirts I had shrank after a couple of washes. So whenever we got shirts, she would say, "Give it to me! It is not going to fit you soon anyway!" And when we got the Fafi shirts, she called from the other side of the country wanting me to mail her my Fafi shirt when I was finished. I had not talked to her in months! The Fafi shirt would probably fit my cat but she ain't getting it! Suck it!


Well-known member
How tacky
And rude
I'm all for a discount, but not at the risk at someone's job, or flat out asking someone to give it to me, people need to have some damn tact


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
Omg! I'll have to remember that one as well Mac_Whore. Thats a good one! ....

Or you can tell them, "Yes, I will buy you that eye shadow with my discount. Will you pay my mortgage, car payment and other bills when they fire me? Seems like a fair trade." lol

That should get the point across.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipshock
OMG, yes, that used to happen to me all the time at M.A.C.

I actually had some customers, who thought we were BFFs for some reason, flat out ask me to use my discount for them. I looked at them like, "Girl, bye. You better take this Oh, Baby and raise up out of my face." I couldn't believe their nerve. Very frustrating!

I don't understand that. I have has so many customers ask me for the discount or wanting to know how much it is~


Well-known member
I know my fair share of tacky people, so I can imagine what y'all go thru. I worked at a hotel and people would ease into conversation, asking about the discount I get if I stayed at the chain.....Then it was, "Can you get me a room?" On top of that, it was asking for rooms during city events, Mardi Gras, Bayou Classic, NBA All Star, etc....Sorry, go f**k in your car like you usually do.

It's the same thing with nails. I dont' have a table at my house. One, I don't want everyone trampling thru my home and 2, I have a job---see me there. But, the tackiness doesn't cease. My BFF has never asked me to do her nails, but strange how people I just bump into have the gall to do so.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
I know my fair share of tacky people, so I can imagine what y'all go thru. I worked at a hotel and people would ease into conversation, asking about the discount I get if I stayed at the chain.....Then it was, "Can you get me a room?" On top of that, it was asking for rooms during city events, Mardi Gras, Bayou Classic, NBA All Star, etc....Sorry, go f**k in your car like you usually do.

It's the same thing with nails. I dont' have a table at my house. One, I don't want everyone trampling thru my home and 2, I have a job---see me there. But, the tackiness doesn't cease. My BFF has never asked me to do her nails, but strange how people I just bump into have the gall to do so.

Michie....I was gonna hit you up when you came down to go shopping....Ok I guess I will park that thought
j/k I would never


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Sorry to bring it off topic but I LOVE your avatar, Tish!

Don't interrupt. Rude!

I made it.



Well-known member
I have a PRO card and I have bought my two friends things with my card, but they have NEVER asked me, I always offered, and they even asked me if I was sure it was ok. I did it out of friendship and because I know the prices are expensive and because I encourage them to buy nicer products than the cheap crap they usually buy (well, it's the truth!). The girls at MAC are TOO sweet, in fact, they know I do it for them and ask if I want to split up the cost so we don't have to do it later.

I cannot, however, believe how RUDE it is for those customers to ask that of you! UnBELIEVEable! I would never presume to ask that - it could cost you your job. If a friend offers and there is a way to discreetly make a deal, that is one thing, but a stranger going, 'hey can you hook me up,' is just CLASSLESS and ridiculous. People just have no morals and no common decency any more. Please...


Well-known member
ROTFLMAO at Willa and Tish's avatars, I don't even think Bon Qui Qui was funny, except the "RUDE" part lol, those pics made my day


Well-known member
Wow, that is so rude.
I work at a large shoe/urban clothing store, and every couple of months employee's get 50% off of everything at the store, and people seem to find out about it before I do! And they call asking when I could meet them to get the 50% off of whatever it is when they want, I just stopped. I'm not going into work on MY day off, wait for hours for you to look around and try on shoes, and wait for you to pay, only for you to call me an hour later saying you forgot to buy something.



Well-known member
I get that alot when people know I work at MAC. They would always say something like "Ooooh I'm going to be coming there now" and I'm like for what???They say 'a free makeover/makeup" and I'm like no you are not. Its very true most of my close friends who love makeup haven't even brought this up its mostly strangers and random customers? They also not only ask about the discount but how much I make and I tell them we are not allowed to say but in reality..... It's none of your business OMG!!!!


New member
I can't believe the audacity of that person! Even worse, I work as a freelance MUA and people who I barely know will contact me and ask if I can do their make-up for them without even considering the fact that they might have to pay me, without even offering me the price for my service. They think just because I sort of know them I should do it for free. It's disgusting, kit costs money and so does my time! Grr.


Active member
Wow people are bold. When I worked at a non-beauty related place and I'd tell people where I worked the first thing they'd say is, "Can you hook me up?" Um no. The employee discount is for ME, the EMPLOYEE.


New member
I dunno why people are like that, but I understand what you mean Nyla.
This is my biggest pet peeve. AT LEAST if you're being tacky and asking someone you're not close to at all for a discount, discount something at your job as well. But I'm supposed to pay you full price at your job but break rules and get written up so someone I don't know can be happy? Puh-lease.