People who talk on the phone in public restrooms...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsCocoa
I've personally never come across anyone having a conversation in the stalls but outside yea why not, I do it all the time if I can get a reception. If I'm actually about to use the toilet I end the call, the closest I've got is texting in the shower and talking on the phone in the bath lol.

I have talked on the phone in the shower. and texted...


Well-known member
I don't get the addiction to cell phones. I like my personal space. If I am getting dressed, in the bathroom, driving, shopping, cooking, you will not hear from me unless it's a crisis. If you are dead, the crisis is over.

Believe it or not, I don't own a cell phone.


Well-known member
^^ I agree completely SparklingWaves. These days it seems that everyone is so important that they can't put their phones down for one second....even for the bathroom. I know you can survive without a phone, because there were many, many years when these were non-existent. I realize they are good to have, I own one, but there are limits.


Well-known member
i have a phone thats kinda gadgety, but if i happen to leave it at home one day or forget to charge it and have to go without it, i'll survive.

its disgusting to me how many people cannot thrive without their technocrap. i mean seriously....take a piss, wash your hands. call that person back. it's NOT that serious.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
No offense....

but based on that I'd never ever shake your hand or come anywhere near the cheek you hold your phone on lol

Uhm... Do you think I hold the phone and wipe with the same hand or something? How would that be possible?

PS. I wash my hands thankyouverymuch


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeautyPsycho
Uhm... Do you think I hold the phone and wipe with the same hand or something? How would that be possible?

PS. I wash my hands thankyouverymuch

lol no, its just too close for comfort.

certain things really gross me out, and i'm not sure why cuz i'm absolutely not neat and tidy at all, but slimy things, public restrooms, port-o-pottys, people's hands, and used cosmetics really skeeve me out lol. I wanted a woman put her fingers in a jar of lotion today to try it on, as soon as she left I threw it away and made another tester.


Well-known member
I'm a major nervous type about using a cellphone anywhere in public. One of my biggest irrational kind of fears is being well, "that guy". Or rather, "that girl". I'd hate for people to be irked by me and my ill-modulated voice yelling about some inane topic with some other person while we're all just in line at the grocery. Because really, if it's important, they'll leave a message. One of the primary things I learned in my days, you don't have to answer the phone. Telemarketers, friends you want to avoid, whatever it may be, you aren't obligated to them, just ignore the ring.

If my phone rings while I'm out, I'll pick it up, but I pretty much whisper and explain right away that I'm not at home and can't chitchat. Admittedly, that's my problem, and it doesn't bother me if other people talk on phones in public, I just have too noticeable of a voice to feel comfortable, haha. Anybody else unable to operate a phone properly while other people are around?

As for public bathroom phoning, I wouldn't dare. If I were actually using the facilities, no way, and if I were just milling around outside of them, well, maybe. Depends on if it was empty or not. I always get so unhappy if someone comes into a restroom on the phone. I don't blame them of course, they want their privacy, but I can't even pee without getting embarrassed that TWO people are now privy to my most private of moments.

I know, I'm a freak!


Well-known member
I rarely ever talk on the phone on the toliet when I'm at home, but I don't flush or wipe till I can have them hold on and mute the phone for a minute so I can finish my "business." But when I'm out in public restrooms and I hear people doing it and what they are saying, it makes me laugh, then I feel weird for laughing while taking a crap!! *Sigh*...people never cease to amuse me!!


Well-known member
It doesn't bother me to hear people on the phone, wher'ever they may be. I figure they're paying for their plan, they can do as they please. If they have a phone, they obviously expect to talk to somone. It may not be what I do, but whatever floats their boat.....It's only offensive to me when they're in situations where they're supposed to be interacting with someone/attending to something else but they're on the phone.


Well-known member
Oh my god it's so funny that you posted this! Last week I was at work and I had to tinkle and the chick in the stall next to me was on the phone full on poopin'! She was in there before I got in there and still there when I left. I could even hear her friend on the other end. Plus, she told the chick she was poopin'! I heard "Blah blah blah, LA Ink, bloop, bloop (poop sound) blah blah blah!" I was like oh my god! I ran back to the counter and told my co-worker all about it hahah. People are so funky.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
I have talked on the phone in the shower. and texted...

I'm impressed, I don't know how that would work haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
I don't get the addiction to cell phones. I like my personal space. If I am getting dressed, in the bathroom, driving, shopping, cooking, you will not hear from me unless it's a crisis. If you are dead, the crisis is over.

Believe it or not, I don't own a cell phone.


i own a cell, but don't even know the numer
I never receive calls

use it only for emergencies

p.s. I have this "space" thing as well, and wouldn't appreciate being able to be found at all times and all places. For God sakes, call me at home, or send me an email, is less intrusive.

hee hee hee "if you're dead the crisis is over" ;-))))) love it
like the sign I saw in a coffe shop: "Drink Coffee, you have plenty of time to sleep when you're dead" ..... ghh ghh ghh


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
I'm impressed, I don't know how that would work haha.

LoL I would leave it on the toilet and if someone called or text me I'd grab it and just stand with my back to the water. LoL its not too hard I haven't done it in awhile though. You kinda have to pause your shower.


Well-known member
lol whenever im on the phone to my friends (at home) and i need to wee i'll just go and then they'll hear a flushing noise and be like "um...did you just go to the toilet" i'll be like (casually) "...yeah..." lol they dont mind though.

I'd never do it in public though, i hardly even like talking on the phone in public.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
It doesn't bother me to hear people on the phone, wher'ever they may be. I figure they're paying for their plan, they can do as they please. If they have a phone, they obviously expect to talk to somone. It may not be what I do, but whatever floats their boat.....It's only offensive to me when they're in situations where they're supposed to be interacting with someone/attending to something else but they're on the phone.

This is something I hate. Its kind of like " Hang up the phone and pay for your shit, the cashier is waiting and you are being an asshole talking away on your phone!" ..or , find out what someone wants BEFORE you go to the cashier to order your food. don't stand there : " what do you want? rice? or chow Mein??! I SAID DO YOU WANT RICE.. Oh ok "

Figure that stuff out before you enter the restaurant.


Well-known member
i work in a casino and i see people talking all the time in the stalls. i don't know if they do it cause it is the quietest place there or if they just don't care. i also see something else that is soooooo gross..... so many woman NOT washing their hands after going to the bathroom then going back to their machine to push the buttons. YUCK!!!! NASTY!!!! even wiping your twat for a quick second might get some piss on them. i just don't get it! i am always washing my hands because i don't know what is on what. another thing that grosses EVERYONE out at the casino is women who pull money out from their boobs! we don't want sweaty boob money. it always seems to be big breasted woman too. i will never get why woman put money there. it is just too gross!!!! it seems like everyday someone is running up to sanitize their hands cause they just got gross boob money. nobody finds it funny. we all just get grossed out.


Well-known member
LOL omg i always see it at my school washrooom. I neverrrrrr everr pick up the phone or dial while i am on the toilet. I don't want people hearing me excreting waste! I only pick up or dial when I am done washing my hands or waiting in line or just touch up on my makeup by the mirror or something.

NEVERRR in the stall... never!

It's really funny how people are on the phone and I'm guessing the person on the other line are like "Are you in the wathroom" due to the flushing sounds. The people in the washroom are always like "Yes... but im not peeing dont worry!" Sometimes it's not true LOL


Well-known member
People do it at work all the time and it is so rude and disrespectful to all in the bathroom.