Please be VERY VERY Careful

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Well-known member
I was having lunch with my dad over at my folks house and a knock came to the door. I went over and answered it (seriously, I would never do this normally unless someone were with me or i was expecting them - ie: UPS Man, Mail lady, etc).

There was this girl there, and she was doing a contest, then started coughing. She asked for a glass of water.

I asked my dad to get the water since - I told her- the kitchen was at the other end of the house (Lie). He comes over and gives her the water, by that time I let him handle it and I was already calling the police. He said she took one sip and left.

This girl was trying to get into our house. She tried not to make it obvious, but the coughing was forced (you know that cough you do to sometimes get outta work? Yup thats the one), and after I had spoken to the police.... they said that she tried it already on someone else and didn't get through but she DID do it on someone else and did get in and took some stuff.

So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be careful ladies.

P.S. I know nobody lives in my neighborhood but this is one of those- If it happens to you hopefully you will know what to do sorta things


Well-known member
creepy.. i'm always a freak about answering the door. i'm glad you & your dad handled it safely!


Well-known member
Wow, that was quick and smart thinking on your must have had a hunch that she was suspicious. I'm glad nothing happened, though. Thanks for sharing this tidbit of news with us...and you are right, it can happen to anyone. It's becoming increasingly difficult to trust anybody these days...what a shame. And I am such a naive, innocent-thinking type person and my DH is always warning me to be careful. I'll definitely use more caution from now on when someone comes to my door.


Well-known member
i have a sign on my door that usually deters people, and if it doesn't, I'll generally answer the door with a loaded weapon. It's airsoft but it's in the holster and my hand is on the grip.
Paranoid? Maybe.


Well-known member
Our house is set up kind of weird, so I can't see out the front door without opening it. Needless to say, if my husband isn't home to answer the door, it just doesn't get answered.


Well-known member
Heh at my Moms house, my Dad installed a camera that views on the TV... So if she's home alone, she can switch on the TV Camera and see who's at the front door, b4 she opens it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hawkeye
seriously, I would never do this normally unless someone were with me or i was expecting them - ie: UPS Man, Mail lady, etc).

My co-worker and I were actually talking about this a few weeks back... How trusting we are to people in a uniform...

I mean think about it... How hard would it be for a man, to buy a brown button up shirt and pants, and hold a official UPS package that he picked up at the UPS Store.

Knock Knock....

Rapist - UPS!!

You - One Second!!

*you open door*

*rapist pushes you down and locks door behind you*

Instant sexual assault in your own home..

We all really let our guard down when it comes to people were expecting... And even those were not, when we see that they are wearing a familiar uniform.

What about like people like the cable guy, and the GAS man. We openly let them in our houses, and offer them something to drink... It's happened before...

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
i have a sign on my door that usually deters people, and if it doesn't, I'll generally answer the door with a loaded weapon. It's airsoft but it's in the holster and my hand is on the grip.
Paranoid? Maybe.

What's on the sign?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
What's on the sign?


The residents of this house have a widely varied routine and sleeping times. When you knock on the door or ring the bell the three dogs go postal and generally wake someone which puts you in the uncomfortable position of coming face to face with someone who is a) likely to be very unhappy at the moment and b) attempting to wrestle three dogs away from the door. Note here only one of them is known to bite.

Parents of children who are guests: Please feel free to ring the bell or knock on the door. You’re expected generally.

Service Personnel with an appointment: Please feel free to ring the bell. We called you.

We, therefore, highly recommend that the following people do NOT attempt to engage our attention and kindly move on down the street.

Unexpected guests: Sorry we’re full. Make a courtesy call before just showing up. (Exemptions given if you’re here to hand us a check for over $200, delivering free beer, pizza, or all of the aforementioned).

Solicitors: We have all the magazine subscriptions, services, candy, etc.., that anybody could want. We also have a great internet connection so we really don’t need your product. If we did we’d order it. Look down at the door mat and take a hint. Don’t ring the bell.

Missionaries, Moonies, and all other people with a message: We appreciate the thought but we’re not interested in visiting with you. See the above information about the internet. We do our research on topics that interest us. Yours most likely does not. Don’t ring the bell.

Thank You


Well-known member
haha that letter on the door is such a great idea!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
My co-worker and I were actually talking about this a few weeks back... How trusting we are to people in a uniform...

I mean think about it... How hard would it be for a man, to buy a brown button up shirt and pants, and hold a official UPS package that he picked up at the UPS Store.

Knock Knock....

Rapist - UPS!!

You - One Second!!

*you open door*

*rapist pushes you down and locks door behind you*

Instant sexual assault in your own home..

We all really let our guard down when it comes to people were expecting... And even those were not, when we see that they are wearing a familiar uniform.

What about like people like the cable guy, and the GAS man. We openly let them in our houses, and offer them something to drink... It's happened before...

That's how the Boston Strangler got into his victim's apartments, he pretended to be a painter hired by the landlord...until I heard that story, I would have been very trusting to anyone wearing a uniform, or saying they were sent by an apt manager.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
i have a sign on my door that usually deters people, and if it doesn't, I'll generally answer the door with a loaded weapon. It's airsoft but it's in the holster and my hand is on the grip.
Paranoid? Maybe.

What kind of weapon? I live in a borderline difficult area, and I've been meaning into looking into various forms of protection.


Well-known member
It's a full metal full auto airsoft weapon. Fires 6mm plastic bb's 315 fps.
Fatal? Not by a long shot.
However, upon first glance you don't know if it's real or not, and getting shot with it particularly at close range, isn't fun.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
I've had that happen to me, two blokes knocked on my door, i opened it thinking my package had arrived but they asked for a glass of water and their eyes were shifty, (im observant)

Man: Can i have a glass of water please?
Me: Uhh sorry, mom told me not to give anything to someone i dont know *made that up*
Man: Oh right, couldnt i have a sip?
Me: uhh be right back, gotta shut the door though
Man: Ok
Me: *legs it up the stairs and watches outta the window*

he cleared off after 10 mins :| scared me :| its so dumb how people think they can get away with that. stupid f**ks

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
The same thing happened to me. It's so creepy. He was trying to sell something and tried to come in when I didn't answer the door.
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