Pleasureflush Skinfinish


Well-known member
It's a Mineralized Skin Finish


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Famousblackpen
Someone just sold theres on LJ for $15 :confused:

WHAT!!! where??? link plz, I need to see this for my self.


Active member
Originally Posted by Famousblackpen
Someone just sold theres on LJ for $15 :confused:

i saw that. and the masochist in me keeps going back to look. it hurts so very much... i've needed pleasureflush for so long


Well-known member
ahh no wonder I missed the post. Its in MAC sales swap. Im not a member any more, I got swaplifted and ripped off too many times

And the temptation to buy/ swap was too much so I left it.


Well-known member
Now it's up to $162. That's crazy!!

I have a question though for those who have it. How accurate is that picture on the Ebay auction? It's different that the other pictures I've seen, and that picture actually kind of kills my lemming for it, so I'm just wondering if it's very true to life. Thanks!


New member
There's a rumor that it will be re-released this Fall...can anyone confirm this, or is someone on crack?


Well-known member
This is kind of nutso. I can see picking it up for a little more than retail, but $162? The color doesn't look that many dollars worth of amazing to me. But then I never got the whole Parrot thing either.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mitwif
There's a rumor that it will be re-released this Fall...can anyone confirm this, or is someone on crack?

I'm gonna have to say someone is on crack.

I really wanted to believe that Stereo Rose was coming back but when they added Pleasureflush to this rumour I started to become weary.

Now some on MUA are claiming that it was posted on Specktra that Stereo Rose and Pleasureflush will be re-realeased in October so I know it's pretty much b.s because I have not seen anyone on here say that.

Until the "brochure" that contains the proof of this re-release is shown-it's just a rumour.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caroni99
I'm gonna have to say someone is on crack.

I really wanted to believe that Stereo Rose was coming back but when they added Pleasureflush to this rumour I started to become weary.

Now some on MUA are claiming that it was posted on Specktra that Stereo Rose and Pleasureflush will be re-realeased in October so I know it's pretty much b.s because I have not seen anyone on here say that.

Until the "brochure" that contains the proof of this re-release is shown-it's just a rumour.

I agree. If they do re-promote this, well then, that's great. But if not, I won't be too surprised either. Actually I would be more pleased if it was Stereo Rose, than Pleasureflush. That would be a more wearable color for me.


Well-known member
if pleasureflush were to be released in october, i'm sure that person who wins it on ebay for 162 bucks would kick themselves real hard. i like stereo rose way better anyway

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