Pleasureflush Skinfinish


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Wattage
LOL - if I won the $42 million lottery in Canada over the weekend, I would buy it, and then donate it to charity.

Heck, I would buy the damn factory and give free MSFs to all Specktraettes

hey, that gives me an idea! let's find the factory in italy & raid it! i'm sure that factory has older & newer msfs lying around! i assume, in addition to them having perfect ones, they will also have imperfect ones, i.e. where the domes are crooked etc.- i'd be perfectly happy with the crooked-domed ones, too!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cloverette
hey, that gives me an idea! let's find the factory in italy & raid it! i'm sure that factory has older & newer msfs lying around! i assume, in addition to them having perfect ones, they will also have imperfect ones, i.e. where the domes are crooked etc.- i'd be perfectly happy with the crooked-domed ones, too!

word!!! :thumbsup:


Well-known member
Didn't mean to hit a nerve.

I have personally gotten carried away with spending on makeup instead of maybe doing something a little more constructive with my money like paying off bills I already have, or fixing something around the house, etc. I forget there are possibly people here who don't have to worry about anything else and this is what they choose to spend all their money on, so that's wonderful for them. I shouldn't judge people for what is important in their lives and are their main concerns, because others' priorities, be it makeup or whatever, are just as important to them as issues that are important to me. Sometimes ebay can be an addiction, just like any compulsive shopping, that's as bad as alcohol, drug or gambling addiction. And it's not humorous....I've been there. And if I had a new credit card with a lot of room on it, I'd be ordering $162 worth of makeup somewhere, more than likely. I don't like admitting that, either.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cool Kitten
no offense, but no one has to justify why they're spending what they're spending. It all the same to me if someone is buying something they really want, be it a coveted piece of MU or italian boots or a designer handbag. It's their money and they can spend it on whatever they want.

They absolutely can spend whatever they want on whatever they want, but I'm still gonna comment when someone is crazy enough to spend over $150 on one single makeup item. They're bidding on E-bay where others can see who is bidding-it's not like they're trying to hide it. To each his own, I guess.


Well-known member
I wish!! I've been kicking myself for not getting Stereo Rose-it looks gorgeous. But echoing the common traing of thought here 'im not holding my breath'

People selling Pleasureflush for ridiculous prices will be pissed though lol


Well-known member
The girl who claimed to have the flyer later said it was about the products used in a fashion show for Fall 06/07. So maybe it was just looks? Not upcoming releases?

Or maybe she's just full of crap.

Either way it looks unlikely we'll see either anytime soon


Well-known member
The flyer stating stereo rose for autumn/winter is up at make up alley now.

Also, there is a post that she was incorrect about pleasureflush

first the flyer link:

pleasureflush mistake:
I can't seem to make the pleasureflush mistake one work but it is a few post up from the stereo rose post.

Mods, if posting links is not cool, please remove.


Well-known member
that pic looks off doesn't resemble the one I have.... :/

But I don't care, I LOVE the one I have and don't ever want to run out lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dreamqueen
The flyer stating stereo rose for autumn/winter is up at make up alley now.

Also, there is a post that she was incorrect about pleasureflush

first the flyer link:

pleasureflush mistake:
I can't seem to make the pleasureflush mistake one work but it is a few post up from the stereo rose post.

Mods, if posting links is not cool, please remove.

So it's true that Stereo Rose is coming out again
I wanted this one so BAD!!!!! it's so mine this time!! :shedevil:
Originally Posted by iheartjuppy
The girl who claimed to have the flyer later said it was about the products used in a fashion show for Fall 06/07. So maybe it was just looks? Not upcoming releases?

Or maybe she's just full of crap.

Either way it looks unlikely we'll see either anytime soon

Sorry, I am not full of crap. But thanks for saying so. Why would I lie?
I really don't get the hype with the MSFs. I posted because I had some early info I thought people would want to know. But why bother if people are going to call me a liar? Ladies, it is just makeup, it is not a life or death issue.

At any rate, I was mistaken it is not Pleasureflush they mentioned but something called "Pleasureful" and someone already posted links to the scans of the Stereo Rose above. There was no mention as to what collection it would be released in, or when, it was just in the booklet that said it was for Autumn/Winter 2006. Supposedly all the stuff in there is coming out during that time. Other things that were listed inside were things we already know are coming out such as Accent Red Pigment. So it is safe to assume that this is a planned release during this Autumn/Winter period.


Well-known member
well im a little bit more of a believer since I saw a scan BUT that just dosnt look like stro rose, I hope it is because I LOVE LOVE stero rose, but stero rose (atleast mine and others ive seen) has VERY thin gold veins, not big and chuncky like the one in that pic has... but I HOPE its right


Well-known member
I hope so!! cause i'm realy getting SR.
you know what i think. That MAC at some point will repromote Pleasureflush. At least, i hope so
. Cause i realy like it


Well-known member
I had a dream last night that I found this small, unpopular website that still has Stereo Rose in their stock for normal price, so I went ahead and bought two...


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