Pleasureflush Skinfinish

Cool Kitten

Well-known member
Originally Posted by princess
These 2 new MSFs looks good, finally a peachy MSF! And the other one sounds so colourful.

Stereo Rose is also peachy, looks like the new one is a nice alternative to Stereo Rose.


Well-known member
I've recently gotten into pigments and MSFs, so I am definitely getting both MSFs...I'm lucky enough to have Shimpagne, Stereo Rose, Shooting Star (soon!) and Metal Rock in my MSF collection...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
Hmmm...Lightscapade sounds like an MSF based off Guerlain meteorites- like an all-over brightener...anyone else think so?

Yes it is... and it is lovely!


Well-known member
Pleasureflush MSF?

What makes these so rare and hard to find? Does anyone have any pics? When did these come out? TIA!!!


Well-known member
Pleasureflush pricing anyone?

We all know, none of us want to pay over retail for anything, even though it's DCed. Alot of girls on MUA always say they would never pay over retail and it's wrong to ask for over retail, but the truth is, these items obviously hold a higher value. MUA isn't ebay, but if any of us wanted to, we could list our items ON ebay and get that 175$.

With that being said, how much would YOU pay for a pleasureflush that has been used, and about 90-95% remains? Does it still hold a good amount of value, or does it just drop down to a 20$ item? What's your opinion?


Well-known member
Re: Pleasureflush pricing anyone?

I guess if i had it firstly i wouldnt sell it...but since people r getting awful prices for it...i would start a bid on EBAY with $9.99...amd lt people bid.


Well-known member
Re: Pleasureflush pricing anyone?

I'd do the same thing. There are some people that start the bidding at like $75 and that's ridiculous. But it's not my fault if people want to pay that much.


Well-known member
Re: Pleasureflush pricing anyone?

I was just wondering your opinions on how much the value of a used pleasureflush is. I can't sell used MU on ebay anyway.

little teaser

Well-known member
Re: Pleasureflush pricing anyone?

like a car as soon as you leave the store and test use it, the value drops.. i would never pay that much for mu, i would pay up to $60 "if" i really, really, like it.


Well-known member
Re: Pleasureflush pricing anyone?

i'd start the bids at just below retail for a BNIB one and hope it got higher. starting at $75 is crazy but if people bid, then lucky you!!

as for your pleasureflush, i think you'd be better off selling it here or on the livejournal community mac_cosmetics in an auction style sale. you'd probably get a good amount of money that way.

i wouldn't pay any more than retail for pleasureflush because it barely interests me. what people would pay for it really depends on how badly they want it, how picky they are about usage (some only want BNIB for their 'collection'), or if they truly want it to use it and the small usage doesn't matter to them.

i have paid only slightly over retail for my msfs and i was fine with that, because it was USD and it worked out to be about the same +a bit of shipping in canadian dollars. so the seller made a slight profit and i got my msf that would have cost about that in the store anyways but was no longer available
worked out well.

anyways, anyone who pays double retail or over for an msf/makeup has some priority issues IMHO. and usage does tend to bring the value down, but as i said, it depends on the buyer.

and those who throw fits when something is priced at over retail for a LE or DC item...what do you expect? you should have bought it when it was at retail
now the person can make profit due to demand.


Active member
Re: Pleasureflush pricing anyone?

I'm a little confused.... are you trying to trade/buy one and are trying to see what is a fair price/current going rate?

If I was lucky enough to have an extra, I would probably list it auction style, but that's just me!


Well-known member
Re: Pleasureflush pricing anyone?

Yes, I am asking what would be a fair price for one that is used.

But I don't understand, are you allowed to list USED cosmetics on ebay?


Well-known member
Re: Pleasureflush pricing anyone?

Originally Posted by Sti43

But I don't understand, are you allowed to list USED cosmetics on ebay?

No, it will get pulled.


Well-known member
Re: Pleasureflush pricing anyone?

Yes, this was my understanding but everyones saying go list it on ebay! That's not what I"m asking here :p


Well-known member
Re: Pleasureflush pricing anyone?

90 to 95% left, id pay up to $80 so id say arround there, I payed $100 for my swiped 1x one and that was a couple months ago


Active member
Re: Pleasureflush pricing anyone?

On US Ebay, you can not sell used due to Federal Laws, but on some other country Ebay's you can.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
Pleasureflush - what's the deal?

Ive seen pics of Pleasureflush and it didnt look anything special to me and doesnt seem to worth $100+ on ebay. What is it about this MSF that makes it such a sought after item?

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