POLL: What commercial do you absolutely *HATE*? Which do you think are OK?


Well-known member
Anything with 'cute' kids in it. Lisping, piggytails, kids sticking their fingers up their noses... yerk.

The MAC/PC ads are cute, even if I resent the implications contained within them.


Well-known member
i love the herding cats ad.

favourite current ad: the libra "guys don't get it" ad and the yogurt ad with the delivery of calories. lame but still funny.

favourite all time ads: the volkswagon "unpimp my ride" Golf GTi ads (sadly only screened in the USA. link to watch them: http://adsoftheworld.com/book_chapte...n_pimp_my_ride ) best ads EVER.

worst ad: the easy off bam ads, the airwick air freshener ads.


Well-known member
HATEHATEHATE ANY MacDonalds commercials *especially the older ones* and the Coca Cola commercials (remember the "Always CocaCola" slogan...errrghhh...I wanted to rip out my hair when that would come on!)..I also hate any commercials that have kids eating food which it is all over thier faces, hands, hair...Is that supposed to be cute? IMO, it just generalilzes the discusting habits we've come to accept from kids (and adults too)...Makes my stomach turn.

In contrast, my husband and I LOVE the Geico Caveman commercials...Look at his face when he's walking down the beltway in the airport and he sees the poster!! Those just crack me UP!


Well-known member
The commercial I really hated was the Valentine's Day PajamaGram.com commercials. The ones where the women are so excited about getting a pair of (cheap) pajamas for Valentine's Day that they are running up their spiral staircase or through the double doors to the master bath stripping off their clothes. "There is only one gift this Valentine's Day that will make her take her clothes off" WTF?! It ends with a guy curled up with a buxom blonde in her cheap pjs giving the camara a "Yeah, I'm getting some tonight and it only cost me $29.99" look.
Hello, if I were living in a house with a spiral staircase with my husband, there had better be jewelry with those pajamas.

Also, the Vermont Teddybear Co Valentine's Day commercial. Yeah, they took a page out of PajamaGram's book. Women gets a teddybear and her friends squeal and one says "I could just kiss it all over!". Given the look on the male coworkers faces, I think we all know what they are trying to imply.


Well-known member
The two commercials I hate right now are local so not many of you will know about them
I can't stand the "not all bugs need drugs" commercial and I hate the BC "millionaire every year" commercial. I just want to smack everybody silly in that commercial. I know there are some local girls here who will know which ones I mean. My all-time favorite commercial is the one where two guys are lost at sea in a boat and then it time lapses and there is only one guy in the boat holding his tummy and the announcer cuts in and says "alka seltzer, for when you've eaten something you shouldn't" Priceless.


Well-known member
the Mcdonalds commercials that try and make mcdonalds sound like its a healthy place to eat..

"Because what goes On her tummy isn't as important as what goes in it"

while the kid is eating deep fried "100% white meat" chicken nuggets..


"Nausea, heart heartburn ,Indigestion, upset stomach diarrhea-Go pepto bismol "


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Another Janice!
I love the Little Richard and "guy from the movies" Geico commercials. "Mashed potatos, gravy, WHHHoooooo!" LMFAO...

And I second the awful Burger King commercials. Freaky and horrible.

OMG Little Richard! Love it!

And I love the Burger King commercials, at least the ones with Whopper Jr. "Thanks Dr. Love" that was great.

Love Gieco. Their ad agency is brilliant! From the gecko to the caveman. All winners.

Also, love the AXE commercials. The ones with the disclaimers at the end. "If you mess with the king's queens you better watch your Ace Jack."


Oh an we can't forget "Unpimp Ze Auto." OMG. Who thought the crazy Russian Astronaut from Armageddon would be so great destroying cars. Yes! V-Dub in ze house!


Well-known member
aww see- I hate hate hate the axe commercials. I dunno why- I just hate them. I see them come on I turn the channel. I'm crazy. LOL

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I liked when Britney Spears was doing the Pepsi commercials. I thought, particularly the retro ones, were cool


Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
....In contrast, my husband and I LOVE the Geico Caveman commercials...Look at his face when he's walking down the beltway in the airport and he sees the poster!! Those just crack me UP!

I liked the song that they played in that commercial. I tracked it down and it is on my iPod now.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I hate all those WAMU (Washington Mutual Bank) commercials & those loud HEAD ON commercials; what are they trying to do….give me a headache.

Oh, the worst are the ones for the toe fungus, I know they are cartoon fungus, but it makes me physically ill.

I always went for the dark, tall & handsome, whoever thought that the love of my life would be short & bald (you see a woman bathing her baby, and he smiles), I can’t remember what the commercial is for, but just thinking about it is making me teary, I love that one.

The commercial where the holiday song is playing .”it’s the most wonderful time of the year”, they focus on the kids wearing summer clothes and they look mad as the dad is pushing around a shopping cart …..full of school supplies. It’s a commercial for Staples. That one was too funny.

Yes, those Geico caveman commercials are funny.

P.S. I almost forgot, I hate the Burger King commercials with the King, he looks so SCARY!, looking at him makes me lose my appetite, and believe me, that’s not easy. .

P.S.S. The fungus commercials also make me lose my appetite

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I liked the song that they played in that commercial. I tracked it down and it is on my iPod now.

I like that song, I have been wondering what it is, what is it?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I thought of some commercials I hate. I hate the anti-drug ones, because they're so stupid and sometimes, IMO, they make drugs look better than what was intended.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ZLoves2Shop
I like that song, I have been wondering what it is, what is it?

It is called 'Remind Me' by Royksopp. The one on the commercial is called 'Remind Me-Radio Edit' on iTunes. I also like the version called 'Remind Me-Someone Else's Radio Mix'


Well-known member
I have another one.

The Nutrisystem for men commercial that has some poor guy on there saying "My wife told me she doesn't find me as disgusting as before".:eek2:

People, if you have a significant other calling you disgusting, there are more problems there than just a weight issue. It sends a bad bad message. Just as bad as the ones directed to women. Denigration of anyone is wrong.

(Offtopic: But doesn't this site have the greatest selection of smilies

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Originally Posted by macslut
I have another one.

The Nutrisystem for men commercial that has some poor guy on there saying "My wife told me she doesn't find me as disgusting as before".:eek2:

People, if you have a significant other calling you disgusting, there are more problems there than just a weight issue. I agree. It sends a bad bad message. Just as bad as the ones directed to women. Denigration of anyone is wrong.

oh yeah, that's cruel, I have never seen that one.

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