Post Your Amazing MAC Lip Combinations Here


New member
Oak Lip pencil with Viva Glam II Lipstick topped with the beautiful Viva Glam V!
Soar Lip pencil with Lady Gaga Viva topped with My Favorite Pink Dazzleglass
Lastly, Summerfruit cremestick Liner with Sapalicious Lipgele!


Gel l/s + Coconutty l/s (everyday combo)

Coconutty l/s + Goldensoft lipgelee

going out: Girl about Town + Shift to Pink lipgelee


Well-known member
I think my favorites of the moment are:

With a smokey eye: Gaga l/s with Perky l/g over top
Neutral Eye: Dubonnet l/s with Amorous d/g


Well-known member
Total Wow! l/s + Partial To Pink c/g
Blooming Lovely l/s + Frozen Dream l/g
Show Orchid + Baby Sparks d/g


Well-known member
Hue lipstick with Baby Sparks Dazzleglass (perfect baby pink shade)
Stripdown liner with Soft Dazzle dazzleglass creme


Well-known member
Oak liner with Fresh Brew l/s for that perfect 60's look when paired with super dark eyeshadows.

The MA: "You can't line Fresh Brew!"
Teggy: "Watch me."


Well-known member
Stripdown lipliner + Bronzilla lipstick + Baby Blooms lipglass
Lush-n-Lilac lipliner + Orchidazzle lipstick + Cavalier lipglass
Hover lipliner + Coppertime lipstick + Glamoursun lipglass
Hover lipliner + Frankly Fresh lipglass
Plum Soft lipliner + Myself lipstick + Cavalier lipglass


Well-known member
BBQ liner, Sheer Plum l/s, Venetian lustreglass. All Mac, of course. Very sexy lips! I'm a NW 20 for reference.


Well-known member
I'm just loving Ever Hip l/s with almost anything. It looks really pretty with Sugar Trance l/g but I do use that l/g with so many other l/s.


Well-known member
Holy crap!

Night Violet + Funtabulous makes the most INSANE purple sparkly lip! The gloss makes the purple in NV more vibrant and the lipstick makes the blue sparkles in the gloss really pop. I can't wait to have an occasion to wear it!


Well-known member
Currant lipliner w/ Sophisto lipstick and pinkarat lip glass-I used it on a bride and it came out so pretty.

Currant lip liner w/ Oh baby lip gloss

I use currant lip liner w/ just about every lip look. It's so versatile.


Well-known member
Ravishing l/s topped with Fleshpot l/s (very lightly)... outcome is a greyish/plummy nude lip.


Specktra Bestie
At the moment:

Stylesetter stain w/ Disco Blend s/g

Mystic l/s with Tunnel of Love s/g

Magenta l/l with Victorian l/s (wearing this in my avatar pic)

Nightmoth l/l with Black Knight l/s (OK, there probably aren't a lot of people who are going to love that one, but I worship at the shrine of the vampy lip and Nightmoth just adds this gorgeous, black cherry tone under the black lipstick)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by murflegirl
Thrills l/s with Flurry of Fun l/g OMG.

with temperature rising about power orange! I've been wearing it lately, and I get tons of looks. Then again it's a country town, so maybe it's a shock factor.

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