Post Your Amazing MAC Lip Combinations Here


Well-known member
Splashing Lipglass (from To the Beach) with Viva Glam Gaga!

I also like Splashing Lipglass with Lazy Day lipstick (also from To the Beach)

I can't wait to keep trying out new combinations with Splashing, definitely one of my favorite lipglasses yet!

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
some of my current faves:

Trimmed in Pink l/l feathered in + St Germain l/s centre of lips and blended + Underage

High Top l/s + Date Night dazzleglass

Mouth Off l/l + Vegas Volt l/s + Fleurry of Fun l/g


Well-known member
Here are some of my faves:

Stripdown lip liner
Myth lipstick
Boy Bait gloss

Trimmed in pink l/l
St Germain lipstick
Fashion Scoop gloss

Magenta l/l
Show Orchid Lipstick
Electric Fuschia gloss

Little Tease l/l (yes unfortunately it is discontinued)
Gaga Lipstick
Easy Lounger gloss


Well-known member
Hover l/l + Archetype l/s + Naked Space l/g
Stripdown l/l + Bronzilla l/s + Major Minor l/g
Boldly Bare l/l + Beachbound l/s + Flurry of Fun l/g


Well-known member
Okay, this isn't so much a combo as a shout for joy.

Ruby Woo l/s is the BEST. I had it on for hours and I ate, drank and talked and it DIDN't MOVE! I didn't even use lip liner! So awesome!


Well-known member
My new fave. I don't know why I tried this combo, but I love it.
Call my bluff l/s + Pink poodle l/g = amazing mauve lips


Well-known member
Jazzed l/s, On The Scene c/g and Easy Lounger l/g

Fresh Salmon l/s and Easy Lounger l/g

Chillin c/g and Internationalist d/g

Patisserie l/s and She Loves Candy l/g

Lollipop Loving l/s, Going Casual c/g and Cha Cha l/g


Well-known member
I put Viva Glam Gaga next to my Just Superb Cremesheen glass and the colors looked so similar to me, so I tried that combo. I like it


Well-known member
Ban this? dare to wear l/g w/ Magenta l/l

Stripdown l/l, Cherish l/s, BoyBait l/g

Vino l/l and Docile l/g (from Fab Felines)

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