Post your tattoo's I know you got em!!


Well-known member
I already posted on the other thread, but anyway...




Well-known member
My rose for my Tia Carmen who passed away a few years ago.

And my clover/heart/star which reminds me of lucky charms, haha



Well-known member

Right after they were done.: )

They're not finished yet..I need $165 to get them finished and have the wishbone added.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tomodachi_usagi
This is the only tattoo i have right now, says my name in korean..

Ahhh, your name is Danielle! Nice tattoo!


New member
fintia - I remember that episode, it was one of my favourite tattoos i've seen on the show. Chris Garver does amazing stuff.
Here's a pic of mine, i got it about a year ago and i love it more than anything. Its on my left shoulder.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fintia
I have 3 but I only have pictures of my last one and my favorite. I got it done 3 years ago at Miami Ink with Chris Garver

Originally Posted by buffy22281
fintia - I remember that episode, it was one of my favourite tattoos i've seen on the show. Chris Garver does amazing stuff.

i remember that one too! didn't he say that he hated doing fairies, but he liked that one cuz each bubble had a special meaning? i'm right, right, or am i just making shit up?


Well-known member
"Dwell not on lust, for it is fleeting. Find your strength in love, it is everlasting and infinite."

Most of the time if anyone asks I tell them it's the Pei Wei menu.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
"Dwell not on lust, for it is fleeting. Find your strength in love, it is everlasting and infinite."

Most of the time if anyone asks I tell them it's the Pei Wei menu.

I love that saying! And the Pei Wei menu explanation is hilarious!

Here's mine when it was fresh right after I got it. Its not red like this anymore but healed up beautifully. It's on my lower back:


Well-known member

I remember this episode!
Wasn't he bitching about he hates doing fairies? But then he shut up once you came back and explained the meaning?
I thought he was being such an ass, I was like that poor girl is gonna have to watch you saying all these things.

But his bitching aside, he's a great artist and I'd love to have his work on my body. Or Ami's.. but I'd love the part where he has to touch my body more that the tat itself. lol. I gotta start watching that show again...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
i remember that one too! didn't he say that he hated doing fairies, but he liked that one cuz each bubble had a special meaning? i'm right, right, or am i just making shit up?

Haha.. yeah.. He told me later that he did not hated it.. He threw that fit just for the show.. you know.. drama sells on TV..

In order to be on the show the artist needs to like the design


Well-known member
There are so many beautiful tats! You gals wear them well!!
I thought I would take this opportunity to share mine too.
I have 3 thus far...


#1 The first...and the worst. Nah, it could be worse actually
I was 16 when I opted to get this, and by someone that wasn't so skilled with the art. I'm glad I stopped at the outline though so it is ideal for a cover up. So I have been in search of the right artist to help me with a cover-up design since is it slightly off placement. One day...expensive!$!$ eek...I'm in no rush!


Lower back area

#2 This is my sign, Leo. My sister also got her sign, Virgo.
It was a nice bonding moment.


Back of neck

#3 My Lucky Cat. I love the design, unfortunately not the execution. Poo. It was an interesting experience all together getting this tat, not exactlly in a good way, but I won't get into that much back history. Might One day I will get this a bit revamped too, but I really do love it. It still has a lot of potential with the right touch.


Back of right calf