Pregnant 'man', or just 'gay woman living as man and now pregnant'?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
You make sense but I don't agree. Genetically, hormonally, etc., that's a female. I can feel like a mushroom, and seek treatment to live and be like a mushroom, but I'm still not a mushroom, no matter how badly I want to be one.

Does that mean m to f TS are not completely female until they cut their penis off? Some of them don't do it because they can't afford it... (procedure I mean)
Btw. I completely agree there are worse things going on, I don't know why people keep making this such an issue.

Ask your husband if there was an option for him to carry a baby if you were unable to, would he do it?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Is there any reason why gender and sex can't be separated completely? Even when I was more active in the gay community and listening/reading things, I never received a solid answer why. I can't think of an analog at this hour, but I always wondered why they're so linked.

It's one of the weird things that's occasionally separated, now that I thought a little more. I went to a single sex college, where you could be admitted as a F-M transgendered person but not an M-F transgendered.

I don't feel that genitalia and hormones necessarily dictate how feminine or masculine you are, since there are a lot of women who are "butch" and would be insulted if you called them a man, even though they may be mistaken as men. I suppose this was always the crux of my confusion with the whole idea of transgenderism.

I've never been in a situation where I've questioned whether my gender aligns with my sex, though.


Well-known member
Gender and sex aren't the same thing. It'd be so much easier for people to understand if that was the case, but human beings are so much more complex than that.

I say congrats to him and his wife, and thank goodness they found a doctor willing to give him the medical care he deserves. It is only an unusual case if you consider gender and sex to be one in the same.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeautyPsycho
Does that mean m to f TS are not completely female until they cut their penis off? Some of them don't do it because they can't afford it... (procedure I mean)
Btw. I completely agree there are worse things going on, I don't know why people keep making this such an issue.

Ask your husband if there was an option for him to carry a baby if you were unable to, would he do it?

Not at all, this person lives and breaths as a man, yet is by all rights and definition a woman, as far as physically.

No, he wouldn't do it, nor would I ask him to.


Well-known member
I guess I'm very surprised by some of the answers in this thread although I can see where people are coming from.

I say good on them and good luck to them and I hope they have a wonderful family life. As far as I'm concerned, they're no different from anyone else int he world trying to start a family.


Active member
It's no big deal to me because he/she was not born a man.

But, good for them!


Well-known member
To the OP: transexual men (that's biological females who identify more with males) aren't the same as gay women.

It isn't a scientific breakthrough that a female body became pregnant. Even if the person living in that body doesn't identify with women, the fact is, he's biologically a woman.


Well-known member
i must admit, when i first saw him on a magazine cover i
was like "wth!?" but after reading this, seeing them on tv,
reading articles i totally support them and hate the fact
that i quickly judged "the book by its cover."
i read this in amazment of the open-mindedness, the support
the family brings everything. yay gooooo pregnant man !! :)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nymphetish
To the OP: transexual men (that's biological females who identify more with males) aren't the same as gay women.

It isn't a scientific breakthrough that a female body became pregnant. Even if the person living in that body doesn't identify with women, the fact is, he's biologically a woman.

All I can say is "You can put your boots in the oven but that don't make them biscuits."


Well-known member
Welll this story lives again....Since He...She is pregnant Again....I guess it's he because he does not want to be addressed as a she because he states he is a He....that just happens to have She reproductive parts. Hummmmm


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nymphetish
It isn't a scientific breakthrough that a female body became pregnant. Even if the person living in that body doesn't identify with women, the fact is, he's biologically a woman.

This is true. It is really strange, but he has a uterus and gave birth to a baby and is now pregnant again.

As far as doctors refusing treatment because of their beliefs? I think that is within their rights. The only law I know of about that (at least in Washington) is that it is illegal to refuse treatment at an emergency room because of inability to pay. If the doctor they saw felt that administering whatever treatment it was would do more harm than good, then he/she can NOT do it, morally. The Hippocratic oath. I may be wrong on this, but I think that is the right idea, at least.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Simply Elegant
They were on Oprah today. I really don't get the big fuss over this. So many people have kids and as long as it's safe and their doctor said it was fine, then I don't think people should care that much about it. It's not really any of their business anyway.

but they are the ones making a big deal out of it. thats what rubs me the wrong way about it. "first pregnant man" = attention whore?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spacegirl2007
but they are the ones making a big deal out of it. thats what rubs me the wrong way about it. "first pregnant man" = attention whore?

Yeah uhm...... I think the whole thing is for attention. Even in the barbara walters special she was like- WHY are you guys doing this? The responce was less than appealing. They even said they didnt get ANY support from most gay/lesbian support groups... but then again the wife claims that shes not gay- just that she falls in love with "people" and not "gender".... the whole thing is so confusing. And according to the BW special, there were "men" doing this 30+ years ago.

But I agree- This is a woman- not a man.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeautyPsycho
Does that mean m to f TS are not completely female until they cut their penis off? Some of them don't do it because they can't afford it... (procedure I mean)
Btw. I completely agree there are worse things going on, I don't know why people keep making this such an issue.

Ask your husband if there was an option for him to carry a baby if you were unable to, would he do it?

Legally, a M->F transsexual cannot get their gender changed on their birth certificate until they have gender re-assignment surgery - no.

That a F->M can (seemingly) get their gender changed on their birth certificate without having similar surgery done seems somewhat at odds to me, and is probably the crux of what I find confounding in this situation.



Well-known member
He identifies as a man, so he is a man. Either way I think the situation is stupid and he's an attention whore.
go get your penis now, you've had kids. ._.


Well-known member
I can't stand this couple.
The woman wants to be a man, and is in a relationship with a woman - yet chooses to have the children his/herself?
Because you want kids? or because you want to be in the news and on oprah and get a shitload of cash.
Morally corrupt much?
There's more to being a man than cutting your hair short and growing a beard. You either want to be one in every territory, or you do not. It seems dangerous when people start chopping/changing/playing god like that. Yes, by all means have a sex change operation. But that should be definite and complete.


Well-known member
the more I think about this whole subject the more it annoys me because all I can picture is that poor little girl (susan I believe) who is going to grow up and get ridiculed and harassed non-stop. It annoys me that they claim to me the "first" pregnant "man.".... if she identifys as a man and wants to call herself one then great- have fun. I dont care... but dont bring poor little innocent children into the first by decideing to do this and then attention whoreing your way through it. There was NO REASON for them to go totally public about this... there are so many more people who have done this before and have chosen to stay private about it for the sake of their CHILDREN. This is a ploy for media attention and by feeding into them we as a nation or doing nothing but exploiting this poor little girl even more. I'm sure they love both of these babies but damn- how selfish. My prayers are will their children.


Well-known member
Interesting to read this ABC article and learn that these two began their relationship as lesbian women and that Nancy has two children from a previous marriage. I do not have a hard time accepting that a person with a uterus is pregnant. No biggie. Surprising, though, that he still has facial hair even after being off testosterone for so long. Another random comment (and I do know that this does happen and is not unheard of) - does anyone else find that the fact that Nancy started lactating just adds an additional level of 'odd' to this story? And that they bought sperm of the internet?? So strange.

oh- and I totally don't buy the "we're not doing it for money". Selling pictures, tv interviews and specials, writing a book, etc...


Well-known member
To the Original Topic....

I watched because I thought "NOT possible" with todies technology, in the movie "Jr" okay, but in real life? not yet...

Then I found out that He was born with a uterus, an XX in genetics, and was like "And the big deal is?....."

No offense to the couple, great for them that in vitro worked, I feel for my friends who have their fertility issues but that's a personal thing not really some awesome scientific discovery...

Now if an XY male is surgeically altered to carry a child then I'd feel it deserved that kind of press.

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