Pressing pigments


Well-known member
that's super weird!!! I'm not a pro on pressing pigments, but I have never seen this!
I allways use 96% alcohol, to make sure that I have the least amount other stuff in my pressed pigment. Rubbing alcohol has some sort of poison through it to stop the die-hard drunks from drinking it, so I want the highest % of alcohol for cosmetic use.


Well-known member
Lovely Lily looks really gross. It makes my skin crawl. The other ones look absolutely gorgeous, absolutely perfect. You did a great job.


Well-known member
thanks gals! im not sure what happened to lovely lily.. i cleaned everything with alcohol before use.. its super werid.. prior to pressing lovely lily i only used it once.. so i know i didnt get oil in the pigment.. unless i just got a bad jar from mac.. that could be the problem..

the silver e/s pans are the mac pans.. just empty ones that i used up and the leftovers i just scraped out and cleaned with alcohol.


Well-known member
heh heh I press mine in silver pans too... I scraped out the milani and cover girl e/s pans that people send as extras in my swaps and then pressed my pigments into the clean pans.

I cant handle having an unmovable e/s in my palette.


Well-known member
I was wondering, what is the point of pressing pigments? Is it because most people don't like the loose powder, or are they bolder or anything like that? Or is it just fun!!?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by talk2mesun
I was wondering, what is the point of pressing pigments? Is it because most people don't like the loose powder, or are they bolder or anything like that? Or is it just fun!!?

its just easier to use the pigment in a cake form, like eyeshadow. plus it just very convenience than loose powder. it just saves so much time and less worry about spilling the pigments. the color output is the same.. you dont lose anything from pressing pigments. i hope this helps =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by talk2mesun
I was wondering, what is the point of pressing pigments? Is it because most people don't like the loose powder, or are they bolder or anything like that? Or is it just fun!!?

also to add on to the person above me... it travels better


Well-known member
SeReNe512 holliday pallette looks sick!!!

But I wonder if she used all whats inside or scraped it?


Well-known member
ok, someone has to be able to track down empty shadow pans in bulk. there is money to be made..after all


Well-known member
Claire's pans for pressing pigments?

I just came from Claire's and wanted to make sure that I got the right thing. I got the palette that holds 21 shadows. I saw the one that has 15 but I didn't get that one. I do believe thought that they are the same size.

If someone could just clarify for me that this is right, I would appreciate it.



Well-known member
Pigment Pressing- Which alcohol is better??

So i'm FINALLY going to try pressing some of my pigments because all week i've been looking at old threads here and falling in love with the pictures! I just have one quick question about which kind of alcohol i use. I know that it has to be Isopropyl alcohol but some people said buy the one with 70% and someone else posted that you should use the 92% one or something like that! I was at the drugstore the other day and saw one that was 99%. Or maybe i'm wrong & confused it with soemthing else
!!! I'm not sure which is the best to buy so i'd love to get some advice from you guys out there!!!! Thanks!!!!


Well-known member
I use 70% and they seem to be fine. the only one that has broken for me is Night Light and that's because I was careless and dropped it haha.


Active member
here's the scoop

Apparently the phrasing 6 different palettes is meaning the color palettes, not palette the way all of us mac junkies think. I was told by the store in FL that it is a repromote of pigments that have been discontinued. The ones she names were golden lemon, steel blue, and rose to name a few. She said they have tons. There is also some perfumes but nothing is in holiday sizes... it is all repromotes of the originals. And also, when you click on the nordies link that one of the users above provided, there are some stores that just got the line this weekend. So you can still get the colors you are out of!!! They ARE still available!

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