Pressing pigments


Well-known member
I use 70%, and mine are fine to


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I use surgical spirit. 96% iopropyl alcohol, 4% castor oil.

It's identical to the binding liquid that's used in an industrial powder press.


Well-known member
Re: Pigment Pressing- Which alcohol is better??

Sorry for bumping!! But I really wanted to ask if ethanol would be a suitable alcohol to use for pressing pigments :confused:
I asked my dad where our surgical spirits were.. and he had no idea- then he said that he had some for cleaning purposes and took me down to the garage where he has a 20L tin of 96% pure ethanol

I'm hesitant to use it though, since I'm not sure what the remaining 4% consists of. I'm thinking about phoning up the company to ask though. It's from 'Recochem'...
As far as I know, ethanol is significantly less toxic than isopropyl alcohol... is there any particular reason for everyone using isopropyl instead of ethanol?


Well-known member
Re: here's the scoop

Originally Posted by marykelancey
Apparently the phrasing 6 different palettes is meaning the color palettes, not palette the way all of us mac junkies think. I was told by the store in FL that it is a repromote of pigments that have been discontinued. The ones she names were golden lemon, steel blue, and rose to name a few. She said they have tons. There is also some perfumes but nothing is in holiday sizes... it is all repromotes of the originals. And also, when you click on the nordies link that one of the users above provided, there are some stores that just got the line this weekend. So you can still get the colors you are out of!!! They ARE still available!

:confused: is this in the right place?


Well-known member
Re: Pigment Pressing- Which alcohol is better??

Originally Posted by ~Crystal~
Sorry for bumping!! But I really wanted to ask if ethanol would be a suitable alcohol to use for pressing pigments :confused:
I asked my dad where our surgical spirits were.. and he had no idea- then he said that he had some for cleaning purposes and took me down to the garage where he has a 20L tin of 96% pure ethanol

I'm hesitant to use it though, since I'm not sure what the remaining 4% consists of. I'm thinking about phoning up the company to ask though. It's from 'Recochem'...
As far as I know, ethanol is significantly less toxic than isopropyl alcohol... is there any particular reason for everyone using isopropyl instead of ethanol?

I wondered about this too. A friend of mine works in a cosmetics lab, shes on a cruise for the next few weeks, but when she gets back I will ask her about it


Well-known member
Re: Pigment Pressing- Which alcohol is better??

I've used 70% and 99%, both work just as well for me.


Well-known member
Re: Pigment Pressing- Which alcohol is better??

Ok I emailed the company, and got a reply this afternoon:

Dear Mary Jane,

No Problem.

The formulation for methylated spirits is given by the ATO to prevent
the ethanol in the methylated spirits being sold as illicit liquer. The
formulation is 96% ethanol and 4% water. However to prevent the sale of
the product as liquer and to also prevent accidental poisoning this
ethanol/water mixture then has other chemicals added to it. These are
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (gives the methylated spirits a slight "gluey
odour"), denatonium benzoate - this is the bitterest substance know to
humans and is present at 6.6ppm to prevent accidental poisonings, and a
the dye fluorescien which fluoresces under UV light for identification

I hope this helps

Best Regards

Dr. Paul Capper-Duffin
Technical Manager

Hmm.. ketones, denatonium benzoate AND a fluorescent dye... I think i'll be staying away from this particular lot of ethanol lol.


Well-known member
Re: Pigment Pressing- Which alcohol is better??

Ethyl alcohol is not the same as isopropyl alcohol. The 4% may be water, vile stuff added to stop people drinking it or at worst, benzene - eek.

Any advice on a forum about a product that you're going to breathe in or put on your skin, that's never been tested, should come with a HUGE DISCLAIMER.

Edited to add - just read your e-mail reply, so it was the second option. Not very appealing but nice thought dad!


Well-known member
Re: Pigment Pressing- Which alcohol is better??

Hehe yeah I think I'll be going out to look for some more surgical alcohol if I can't find the bottle we have at home.
Say we were dealing with ethyl alcohol though- or ethanol, same thing from what I remember in chem, right?
if the 4% had simply been water, then ethanol SHOULD be a better solvent than isopropyl alcohol in this case, shouldn't it?

Of course, no one would sell pure ethanol like that
too many people would try to drink it!


Well-known member
IMHO Fix+ is better

Before pressing all my pigments, I experimented with 70% isopropyl alcohol on 2 pigments and Fix+ on 2 pigments. Alcohol - Entremauve pigment is stiff and does not swipe as easily; Kitschmas swipes and applies easily. Fix+ - Chocolate Brown and Melon pigments swipes and applies easily.

So, I used Fix+ for the remainder of my pigment pressing (25 pigments so far). They may take an hour or two longer to set than alcohol, but I don't want any other pigments to turn out stiff and hard to apply.

In addition, I did not try to press copper sparkle or rose pigments because I thought I read somewhere here that they are harder to press. And I haven't tried to press any matte pigments (genuine orange, french violet, or deep brown). I don't think they'll be a problem, I just wanted to press the others first.

Also, I've successfully pressed some fyrinnae pigments ( Although I noted the fyrinnae pigments set and dry faster than the MAC pigments. Maybe because they are less dense than MAC's.

AND I used Fix+ to repair 5 broken eye shadows (sea myth, lavender sky, shimmermoss, bronze and sable). They broke when my traincase hit the floor; the good thing is all the containers were closed when the shadows broke and so none spilled out onto the floor. They swipe and apply just as before.


Well-known member
Re: Pigment Pressing- Which alcohol is better??

i just pressed my first ever pigment using isopropyl alcohol (isocol to be exact) and it turned out fine. the pigment i pressed was Pastorale





Well-known member
Re: Pigment Pressing- Which alcohol is better??

Ooohh isocol! Is that the green bottle with the little green crocodile on it? I saw it today, but I was like.. hmm.. it only contains 64% isopropyl alcohol...


Well-known member
Re: Pigment Pressing- Which alcohol is better??

Originally Posted by makeupnewbie
wow nice! how did u press it so evenly

im in australia and our $1 coin fits the pan perfectly. i used material from a crappy organza gift bag (you know the ones that have a draw string at the top?) because it's really rough and gives great hatchmarks. i left hte pigment until it was almost dry and put the material on, and then squished it down with the coin. it isnt as even as i would like due to the images that are printed onto the coin

Originally Posted by ~Crystal~
Ooohh isocol! Is that the green bottle with the little green crocodile on it? I saw it today, but I was like.. hmm.. it only contains 64% isopropyl alcohol...

yup thats the one i use! id love to use surgical spirit like lara but im too lazy to leave the house and ive heard of many people using isocol with great results. the pigment has pressed fine and hasnt dissolved back into powder yet... i think a higher alcohol content just means it'll evaporate out of the product easier

Sonya Adams

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Re: Pigment Pressing- Which alcohol is better??

I use 91% Isopropyl Alcohol... seems to work great and is solid and without alcohol odor in a few hours, too!


New member
How do you make pressed pigments??

I know I've seen this on another board on how to press mac pigments. Has anyone here ever done it? My question is where to get those empty metal pans?


Well-known member
Re: How do you make pressed pigments??

i've done it before & it worked pretty well. i used the tut that labwom just posted. i've heard that wet & wild eyeshadows are inexpensive. scrape out the eyeshadow & just use the pan.

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