Product Specialist Ideas...?


New member
Does anyone have some really great event ideas? Something that specifically generated more business or was generally fantastic? I need something to boost morale and lagging limited collection sell-thru...Everything I'm coming up with seems stale...

Thank you!


Well-known member
So you are trying to move old LE product?

What about something like ghosts of collections past? Have everyone create a look using only past LE colors. They could do whatever they want, as long as it follows MAC standards. I know at my old counter we would kind of get tired of always doing something somebody else wanted. Maybe the taste of freedom would liven things up. Maybe they could do facecharts showing their ideas.

Or you could do a Girls Next Door theme using past collections! If you have a guy at the counter, maybe he could be HH!


Well-known member
The best way to move old collections is to put them on the people. Maybe offer up some kind of contest... whoever gets the most LE out the door in the next month gets a paid day off or something along those lines.
Are you in a store or a counter? Because if you can control your own space (i.e. store..) you could do an "ask the expert" night... like mac in mode... $40 ticket, redeemable in product - and each artist presents their "favourite quick trick", favourite product and favourite tool. Then everyone gets their makeup done - but gets to ask their artist "how do I do (whatever)" and the artist shows them how.
The morale thing is tougher. The cause usually has something to do with the internal workings. Does your staff feel they're not listened to? That management plays favourites? It has to be addressed at its root cause.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by maxcat
....The morale thing is tougher. The cause usually has something to do with the internal workings. Does your staff feel they're not listened to? That management plays favourites? It has to be addressed at its root cause.

Agreed. As far as moving the LE stuff/events, you could ask each staff member to design a theme day. That may help them to feel more involved and boost the team's spirit. I would give everyone's theme a go. If you all voted for the best one, only one team member would be acknowledged and it might cause feelings of seperation which isn't good for lagging morale. And, if you use everyone's theme day, you could have a month or two of theme days (Saturdays). That would get the customers curious as to what you are going to do next.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I like the theme days idea. Make sure it's obvious somehow to customers. I think incentives can help sell things.

I think all you can do to sell items is to put them on people's faces, chat them up, and hope for the best.

For morale, make sure to praise as much as possible and put positive spins on the negatives. Like if you're under what you should be, tell people that what they've done is fantastic and that you know that they can reach whatever the goal is, because it isn't that much more. Don't talk down to them, but be supportive.

If you're looking for group morale, why not do some after work bonding or try to get to know each other during meetings, if you have those? Nothing too cheesy in terms of "ice breakers" but allowing each other to talk and have some sort of communication, even if it's just about raising sales.


New member
Thank you for the ideas! I was feeling stuck in a rut and a friend directed me to this site (I just joined today!) and it's paid off... I read through some past forums and now I feel a bit more energized about my job!


Well-known member
Theme days are always great - being able to stretch your chops a little usually brings more enthusiasm, and more enthusiasm means more sales. Sometimes we get a little slack about promoting certain items because they slip to the back of your mind, but we worked out the best way to avoid this was to start writing a little combo sheet that listed our strong items and what value-added weaker item we could suggest with it, and whether or not the customer followed our lead.

Encouragement in the form of rewards are also great, be they big or little. We all busted our arses recently to move through a stupidly high number of a certain unit because the reward was a group lunch at the Lindt Chocolate Cafe - heavenly!


Well-known member
We usually have a "limited life" theme day every few weeks or so where we wear limited makeup and try to use it as much as possible that day. I agree that sometimes there needs to be some sort of reward to really get people motivated.


Well-known member
As a customer I just have to say the best way to push the product is to let people know you have it. This weekend I went MAC crazy and visited every MAC counter downtown. When I went to the Nordstroms counter the MA saw me eyeing the Danse collection and asked if I wanted to check anything out. I told her I already bought the entire collection and I was just looking it over again. She realized I was actually into MAC and not just a passer so she told me that they had a ton of LE stuff still left over from past collections. I winded up getting a ton of stuff. BUT I wouldn't have known that unless she told me.

Make sure your MAs tell every customer and show ever customer.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
As a customer I just have to say the best way to push the product is to let people know you have it. This weekend I went MAC crazy and visited every MAC counter downtown. When I went to the Nordstroms counter the MA saw me eyeing the Danse collection and asked if I wanted to check anything out. I told her I already bought the entire collection and I was just looking it over again. She realized I was actually into MAC and not just a passer so she told me that they had a ton of LE stuff still left over from past collections. I winded up getting a ton of stuff. BUT I wouldn't have known that unless she told me.

Make sure your MAs tell every customer and show ever customer.

I've noticed this a lot at my counter too. We have several drawers that are filled with releases as far back as Sweetie Cake...I've made a mental note of what past things we still have in stock & try to wear those colors pretty often (well, not recently as I've been obsessed with Pastorale, but you get the idea). It's like, once they are taken off display, no one really thinks about them anymore.

The best way to boost morale is to get people to care about what's going on around them. Our new Product Specialists have been really good at that...they've taken time out to work with everyone on facecharts & re-introduced/enforced the 1-2 charts a week requirement. Seeing that they care (that coupled with the fact that we are totally trying to support our new manager) has really helped to at least boost the team work within the counter. Making everyone feel like they are contributing and are appreciated will do wonders to help boost spirits even though the customers are not walking through the doors and almost no one is making goals, no one is feeling creative or passionate, or any other of those things that tend to get us down.

Be a cheerleader for your location and the other employees will soon catch your ethusiasm.


Well-known member
I am "only" a customer at the moment, but applying to MAC. Had no idea that the counters held on to past LE stuff. I figured that it all got sent back... Gonna go snooping around to see what I can dig up at the local counters. Thanks for the info!

PS: I love the MAC look, but themes (especially with outfits that aren't the typical MAC "uniform") always pique my interest as a customer. "Why aren't they in all-black?" I wonder, or "hmmm... they all have the same color green on their eyes, but it's different on all of them. What's up with that? I need that color!"


Well-known member
Hullo. Resurrecting this old thread.

Anyone have any creative ideas for upcoming launches OR for random theme days???


Well-known member
Originally Posted by claresauntie
Hullo. Resurrecting this old thread.

Anyone have any creative ideas for upcoming launches OR for random theme days???

this was the first theme day in 6 months for us. for holiday 2006, our KHK cards weren't moving out the door very fast, so to promote them, we dressed up as little kids. in our pajamas (tasteful pjs, that is). we wore flannel pjs, put our hair is pigtails
did #7s on top and bottom with nude eye makeup, and used darker studio stick foundation to add freckles. we wore flipflops or sneakers. we would have done slippers, but since we have to go up and down escalators it wasn't safe. but they would work if you're on one level all day long.

people would ask us what was up with the pjs, and we said we were kids trying to promote our KHK cards.

the sales of the KHK cards increased a little, but it was fun (and cozy :sleep
to come to work in our pjs!


Well-known member
I'm bring this thread back as well - I am really loving the idea of dressing as lil kids to promote the khk cards. let's keep the ideas rolling to help each other out


Well-known member
On December 1st, the MD region (I think VA as well -- not sure) is dressing up as little kids to help promote the KHK cards.

I am actually really excited. And I am definitely going to be taking as many pictures as I can.


Well-known member
OMG I love the kids idea, I'm going to mention it to our Product Specialist but knowing my counter nobody will want to do it. :-(


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
this was the first theme day in 6 months for us. for holiday 2006, our KHK cards weren't moving out the door very fast, so to promote them, we dressed up as little kids. in our pajamas (tasteful pjs, that is). we wore flannel pjs, put our hair is pigtails
did #7s on top and bottom with nude eye makeup, and used darker studio stick foundation to add freckles. we wore flipflops or sneakers. we would have done slippers, but since we have to go up and down escalators it wasn't safe. but they would work if you're on one level all day long.

people would ask us what was up with the pjs, and we said we were kids trying to promote our KHK cards.

the sales of the KHK cards increased a little, but it was fun (and cozy :sleep
to come to work in our pjs!

That's so cute! I'd be in heaven b/c of the comfort. I was thinking if some managers were iffy about the PJs, you could have the girls wear babydoll dresses, maryjane shoes, bows in the hair. Guys could wear suspenders or bowties, ball caps, etc...


Well-known member girls are not selling KHK at all....and my manager/MRO has taken away all theme days for the forseeable future to "concentrate on the Holiday sets." Kinda makes my time as a PS pretty boring.

So since I'm not using them, here are a couple of our themes that aren't happening now....

Metal X
*completely silver attire & accessories, dark eyes (using those cream things), blue/silver lips & very cool toned/cold feeling contouring & highlighting
*Punk Rock-colorful graphic tees (people would purchase blank tees & I'd get the same image screenprinted on them)...or we were going to look for all the same shirt at H&M or one of those stores....jean skirts & metal X on the face...

And of course...our traditional Santa's Helpers theme the weekend before Christmas.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
corporate said no to pjs this year

Aw, for your area? That sucks. We're still doing it over in my region. At least to my knowledge. I hope we get to do it.