'professional makeup artist?'


Well-known member
That sounds horrible. To be honest it wouldn't be fair but without a contract there probably wouldn't be much you could do (especially if you haven't been there long).

You should start looking for something else as soon as you can. They seem so unprofessional.
all i have to say is eww thats gross. i would have stopped her i had that happend to me once and i said oh no sister you better spray those brushes with alcohol before you touch my face lol im very anal about that type of stuff


Well-known member
i wish id done my makeup myself that day but the manager of the bridal shop wouldnt let me. i wonder if this makeup artist has got many bookings for the summer? anyway at least ive left that horrid job now!


Well-known member
That's icky. You were too nice... If that was me and I knew they were doing a wrong job I would've made comments, like "oh, aren't you going to sanitize this/that?" etc lol


Well-known member
That is disgusting. When I do makeup I always use disposables, I never blow on brushes, product or lash glue. grrrrrrrr this so irritates me. I wash all my brushes after I use them (EVERY TIME, NO EXCEPTIONS).

This woman is going to spread disease. I hope she has insurance as an independent MUA, b/c she will be sued eventually.

Sweetie, you are not over reacting @ all. I would have said something. She is not a pro @ all.

I just did a bridal party yesterday & I used all disposables, clean sponges, clean brushes, hand sanitizer, should I go on??? LOL.
You are not over reacting @ all.


Well-known member
i don't know about how labour laws are in the uk, but i know in the us that your place of work is required to give you a paid thirty minute lunch and two ten minute breaks for a nine hour day.

i would contact the labour board (i imagine they have one in the uk) and tell them what's happening. there is no way you should have to be dealing with that kind of treatment at work.

as far as the original topic, that chick is nasty. you should print out some information on all those things captodometer posted and leave them on your bosses desk with a note that says "still think i'm just being a snob?" well, don't do that...it will probably get you in trouble. but it's nice to think about at least.