

Well-known member
That article is suffering from some serious schizophrenia. I'm not even sure what the point is...? Anyway, as usual I think parents are responsible for their daughters becoming sluts. And for not knowing to keep their legs together if they're going to go commando.

Also, I don't think having sex early or out of wedlock constitutes slutty behavior. I'm really unclear on what the author is trying to promote here...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lemurian
That article is suffering from some serious schizophrenia. I'm not even sure what the point is...? Anyway, as usual I think parents are responsible for their daughters becoming sluts. And for not knowing to keep their legs together if they're going to go commando.

Also, I don't think having sex early or out of wedlock constitutes slutty behavior. I'm really unclear on what the author is trying to promote here...

I think the point of the article is that people are overreacting on the whole issue. And that most women turn out perfectly fine adults once they grow up, regardless of pop culture.


Well-known member
I think the reason why the author is so conflicted is b/c there's no real solution (that most people would like).


Well-known member
but when do people grow up?
At one point in time not so long ago, it was reasonable and generally accepted that at 21/22 years of age, one was a mature adult.
Now, it's extremely common to find people at 24-28 living with mom and dad claiming they're "still growing up, not mature yet..."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
but when do people grow up?
At one point in time not so long ago, it was reasonable and generally accepted that at 21/22 years of age, one was a mature adult.
Now, it's extremely common to find people at 24-28 living with mom and dad claiming they're "still growing up, not mature yet..."

Lol - my bf (26) still lives with his mom in the basement for 500/month b/c he wants to own a house instead of renting a small apartment for 900/month. He's saving up. His brother is my age (22), doesn't make enough money to pay the 500/month rent and is a loafer. His other brother (24) bought a house, then moved to WA - living with his dad and paying rent until he can save up enough for his own place.

I remember reading somewhere that our minds aren't fully "mature" until we've reached the 24/25 mark. I wish I could find the article.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
but when do people grow up?
At one point in time not so long ago, it was reasonable and generally accepted that at 21/22 years of age, one was a mature adult.
Now, it's extremely common to find people at 24-28 living with mom and dad claiming they're "still growing up, not mature yet..."

Yes and years before that, people in their teens were getting married and starting families too. It's really not that shocking to see that as the average lifespan of your typical adult increases (even 40-50 isn't that old any more), the length of time people are considered, "children" or "young adults" increases as well.

Besides, thats still an over generalization. For as many adults "living at home", there are just as many if not more, living on their own, working full time, and paying their way. I'm 25, and I STILL consider myself to be "growing up." Yes it work 40 hours a week, and pay all my own bills.


Well-known member
It's truly sad that young girls look up to Paris, Britney and Lindsay. They have done absolutely nothing for humanity.


Well-known member
RaeRae, I understand what you're saying. As an adult you are accountable for your actions, yourself, your financial and physical wellbeing.
I wasn't talking about you or people like you.
I'm not talking about people who live at home while they save up to move out and buy a house.
I'm not talking about people who live at home and pay a moderate rent to their parents.
I'm talking about the mooches, the leeches, and the ones who use the excuse "I'm only 24 man...I haven't grown up yet!!!" when faced with the harshness life has to offer.
Life isn't easy, life isn't a bed of roses and champagne glasses. Life is a bittersweet experience that more often than not lifts you up and pulls you down with amazing rapidity.
The fact that THOSE people (the mooches and leeches) have been mollycoddled into believing life owes them anything for the sheer fact that they exist boggles my brain.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jade
It's truly sad that young girls look up to Paris, Britney and Lindsay. They have done absolutely nothing for humanity.

Most people dont do anything for humanity though. Why should they be an different?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Most people dont do anything for humanity though. Why should they be an different?

But unfortunately these people are celebrities, and sadly, that's who young girls look up to. Doesn't mean you have to go out and make the world a better place and so on to admire someone, but these girls biggest achievements have been showing their vaginas.


Well-known member
I've a cousing who's over thirty, a professional, and still living at home, and not paying a dime. The parents are real working stiffs, too. I find it a bit repulsive personally. The Japanese have a name for it: Social Parasite.
I like the British term better, though: Kids In Parents' Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings aka KIPPERS.

Sadly, many parents tell their children that they're special, and do everything for them, and applaud them for the slightest hint of mediocracy. Is it any wonder they grow up with a false sense of entitlement? I think there's a growing group of people with parentally induced narcissistic personality disorder.

Sorry if I'm slightly off - this is a pet peeve of mine. (I guess it fits under the category of "Parents need to take some blame, too".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jade
But unfortunately these people are celebrities, and sadly, that's who young girls look up to. Doesn't mean you have to go out and make the world a better place and so on to admire someone, but these girls biggest achievements have been showing their vaginas.

Who's fault is that though? Other than the pervy media reporters...

I forgot who it was today, but I heard it on the morning sleeze on KIISFM, but she was caught showing it all! But it turns out she was on the beach wearing some little bord shorts, and happened to move her legs in a way that exposed her private parts. Is that really her fault? Or just privacy intrusive camera men pervs? I know i would be upset if i was laying out, and suddenly i saw picks of my private bits all over the net...

While I agree that sometimes the skirts are a bit short, and she prolly knew her vajayjay
would be seen, shouldn't we start expecting our media to have a little class? I mean c'mon. Some of the shots of Brit, you knew full well that someone put a camera under her skirt while she was walking. You could prolly see my private bits (not like a thong or g-string really covers all that much) if you put a camera under my mini skirts too... People get arrested for peeking up women's skirts and taking pictures, yet we dont even bat an eyelash when this happens?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Deirdre
I've a cousing who's over thirty, a professional, and still living at home, and not paying a dime. The parents are real working stiffs, too. I find it a bit repulsive personally. The Japanese have a name for it: Social Parasite.
I like the British term better, though: Kids In Parents' Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings aka KIPPERS.

Sadly, many parents tell their children that they're special, and do everything for them, and applaud them for the slightest hint of mediocracy. Is it any wonder they grow up with a false sense of entitlement? I think there's a growing group of people with parentally induced narcissistic personality disorder.

Sorry if I'm slightly off - this is a pet peeve of mine. (I guess it fits under the category of "Parents need to take some blame, too".

Some parents like having their kids living at home. It doesn't always have to do with being special or entitled, more likely it has to do with loneliness or even *gasp* love. I totally agree that parents who treat their kids as if they can do no wrong suck, but I don't think this is an example of that, honestly.

As for the working adults who LIKE to live at home.. I dunno, I think it's mostly a little bizarre. I think it would be a little awkward to date, in particular :p Then again most men I know living on their own are completely inept when it comes to keeping up a home -- paying bills, cooking, cleaning, etc. So I guess for them maybe it's just a matter of practicality.

I'm not sure what this has to do with kids admiring women who flash their nopubes in public, though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Who's fault is that though? Other than the pervy media reporters...

I forgot who it was today, but I heard it on the morning sleeze on KIISFM, but she was caught showing it all! But it turns out she was on the beach wearing some little bord shorts, and happened to move her legs in a way that exposed her private parts. Is that really her fault? Or just privacy intrusive camera men pervs? I know i would be upset if i was laying out, and suddenly i saw picks of my private bits all over the net...

While I agree that sometimes the skirts are a bit short, and she prolly knew her vajayjay
would be seen, shouldn't we start expecting our media to have a little class? I mean c'mon. Some of the shots of Brit, you knew full well that someone put a camera under her skirt while she was walking. You could prolly see my private bits (not like a thong or g-string really covers all that much) if you put a camera under my mini skirts too... People get arrested for peeking up women's skirts and taking pictures, yet we dont even bat an eyelash when this happens?

It's THEIR faults. They KNOW the paparazzi going to be there snapping away, they are the ones who don't wear underwear, spread their legs wide when they get out of their cars, they can see the photographers, yet they make no effort in getting out of the car with their legs closed. They LOVE the attention. And the pics of Brit? well she was exiting the car, no underwear, legs spread, smile on her face. She's not that stupid, she saw them there. She didn't even make an effort to pull her dress down when she stood up. Of course the paparazzi are going to take advantage of her stupidity. She didn't only do this once, she did it numerous times. So pretty obvious she was doing it for attention. Doesn't take a genius to see that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jade
It's THEIR faults. They KNOW the paparazzi going to be there snapping away, they are the ones who don't wear underwear, spread their legs wide when they get out of their cars, they can see the photographers, yet they make no effort in getting out of the car with their legs closed. They LOVE the attention. And the pics of Brit? well she was exiting the car, no underwear, legs spread, smile on her face. She's not that stupid, she saw them there. She didn't even make an effort to pull her dress down when she stood up. Of course the paparazzi are going to take advantage of her stupidity. She didn't only do this once, she did it numerous times. So pretty obvious she was doing it for attention. Doesn't take a genius to see that.

Doesn't escuse the fact that it's bad taiste on both sides.

Besides we dont really know if she tried to cover herself or not. When you have high-speed film snapping hundreds of photo's what might have only been a 1/8 of a second, can still be caught on film.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Doesn't escuse the fact that it's bad taiste on both sides.

Besides we dont really know if she tried to cover herself or not. When you have high-speed film snapping hundreds of photo's what might have only been a 1/8 of a second, can still be caught on film.

She didn't try to cover herself on 3 different occasions?:confused:


Well-known member
Not all of those photo's were of her getting out of the car. Plenty of them (there are prolly hundreds more shots, we just saw the couple of good ones) were done from the angle of a camera that was being angled from the floor up her skirt. Purposly peeking up her skirt. How is that not pervy?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Not all of those photo's were of her getting out of the car. Plenty of them (there are prolly hundreds more shots, we just saw the couple of good ones) were done from the angle of a camera that was being angled from the floor up her skirt. Purposly peeking up her skirt. How is that not pervy?

I agree that it is perverted. But those are the "money shots". She knows the paparazzi is always afetr the money shot, she's been in the biz long enough. So I think she knew that they were going to do that. God How I miss the old Britney

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
While I think celebrities can't complain too much about that stuff (they know they're going to be photographed at every possible angle), there are a lot of people to blame. The photographers, the editors of magazines or tv shows who buy the photos, the people who buy the magazines or watch the program.