This is the same argument that's been had...over and over and over again.
It's hard, really really hard, to walk the line between what is right and what is fun. It really is.
I choose to dress in a sexy manner sometimes, and my daughter does see it.
When she comments and says "Whoa.Mom you look..whoa." I tell her, I'm an adult. I'm going into an adult situation with other adults. When you are an adult, you will be able to make the decision, or not, to do the same thing.
It's my job to cover her butt, not decorate it. It's my job to raise her with a healthy perspective on all things adult, mature, and matters sexual and nonsexual.
At ten years of age, there is NO NEED for her to wear thong underwear. There is no NEED for her to wear skimpy shorts or tops.
What's more is, at ten years of age, she can't handle or process the type of attention that wearing those types of things generates. Even more importantly, she shouldn't have to. My daughter, and yours, and yours, and anyone else's, shouldn't HAVE to worry about "Is my strap slipping down and about to show my boob?" because she's a child. She's not an adult. She isn't ready or able to handle herself in adult situations.
There are studies (and, were I not immersed in ripping out door frames I would find them) that indicate that the teenaged brain is insufficiently developed to allow for proper decision making. That's quite obvious, I think we can all remember being teenagers and look back at decisions and say "Why did I DO that???"
Point is, our kids shouldn't have to worry about someone peeking down their shirts, or pedophiles being invited to indulge their whims, or being pressured to become sexually active at a time before they're ready or able to handle the consequences because we as parents have the responsibility to protect them from those situations. Until you've had a child, and held that child in your arms, and realized the full import of what being a parent is, until you've looked into a pair of eyes staring back at you with nothing but trust and love, until you've come to the cold hard realization that this world will chew you up and spit you out and never once bat an eye, and it'll do the same to your progeny...until you've reached, met, understood, and embraced those conclusions, your opinion, while valid because it IS your opinion, is wholly unrealistic, because quite frankly, you just don't know.