Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst


Well-known member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst

All of mine are women jokes...

Why don't women need a watch?

There's a clock near the stove.
Want to hear a joke?

Women's rights.
What is six inches long, has a bald head, and drives women crazy?

A hundred dollar bill


Well-known member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst

I have an anti french one:

During one of the battles way way long ago when France and England always faught - there came a day when the French army got a hold of a British Officer. This was a time where the french wore blue jackets and white pants and the British wore the red jackets. The French guy snears at the British officer and says- " Monsiour-why do you always where those ridiculous red jackets."

The British officer says, " Sir, we wear them just in case we get shot-and we start to bleed our men will not get scared and run away"

The war ended the officer was let go and then another war broke out. The two officers met again, except this time the British caught the French officer. The British Officer says- Hey I noticed you changed your uniform! Tell me why do all the officers wear brown pants now?

The French man looked at the British man and said, " You gave us the idea, so our men wouldn't run away when they saw we were scared"


Well-known member
I have two...the second is my utterly favourite joke ever!

this one quite vile but my grandad told my cousin it the other day...

A man is walking down the street and he sees a shop with two signs in the window. One sign says "Pies sold here" and the other sign says "we also do hand jobs" So the man goes into the shops and says to the pretty young lady behind the counter "Love, is it you that gives the hand jobs?" and she replies shyly "why, yes..." so the man says "well go and wash your hands, cos I want a pie!"

and joke number two, not many people appreciate this joke, so i apologise in advance if you think its incredibly un-funny but it tickles me so...

A man goes into a bar and he's got an orange for a head. The barman looks at him and says "excuse me sir? I don't mean to be rude, but I have to ask, why is your head an orange?"

The man sits down and says "well its a long story, but it started when I was tidying my attic a few months ago, and I found a lamp. It was a bit grubby so I polished it up and a genie popped out. The genie said to me since I had released him from his prison, he would grant me three wishes.

Well, I thought about what I'd like for quite a long time and the genie was hurrying me along and eventually I say "OK OK! I would like to be really really rich! A house full of fifty pound notes!" So the genie clicks his fingers and voila - my house was full of money!

Well now wish one is out the way the pressure is on to decide on wish two. I thought about it for days and days! Eventually I decided, so I went to the genie and said, "Ok, for wish two I would like world peace." So, genie snaps his fingers and there is world peace. The genie sighs and says "master it's time for wish three" and I said "Oh no, I know what I want! An orange for a head!"

Oh I do love bad jokes
I know so many!


Well-known member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst


OK I have the worst joke ever right here:


Cee: what'a it called when a snake becomes paralyzed and immobile?

Bee: i dunno

Cee: a reptile dysfunction! HAHAHAHAHA!


Well-known member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst

Originally Posted by Hawkeye

OK I have the worst joke ever right here:


Cee: what'a it called when a snake becomes paralyzed and immobile?

Bee: i dunno

Cee: a reptile dysfunction! HAHAHAHAHA!



Well-known member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst

O_O Man I love Scrubs...

What's the difference between dating a black girl and white girl?

When a black girl asks you "does my ass look big?" you say "hell yeah!".


Well-known member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst

-Doctor, I can't stop singing the green green grass of home.
-That sounds like you have Tom Jones syndrome.
-Is it common??
-It's not unusual!
