

Well-known member
Originally Posted by enigmaticpheo
I would be Tatyana from "Yevgeny Onegin" by Pushkin. But only for really the last scene. Not because it's happy or sad, but because of the absolute passion contained in that last interaction between her and Onegin. Kills me every time.

If someone you didn't know at all came up to you in a restaurant and said, "Take a mini vacation with me this weekend." Would you?

LOL no.
I would honestly consider it though, if they were sincere, or at least I would consider it for 2.8 seconds.

When do you feel sexy?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
LOL no.
I would honestly consider it though, if they were sincere, or at least I would consider it for 2.8 seconds.

When do you feel sexy?

Haha same though, I would actually consider it, but not do it. :p

That is a good question. When do I feel sexy? Hmm...I think when I feel like ME, not putting on my mask for work or other occasions. Although in my work I do feel very sexy sometimes, but it's always in the context of playing/portraying someone else, so it isn't really ME. So usually at home, when I can let it all out.

What does your bed look like?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by enigmaticpheo
What does your bed look like?

Let's see . . . our bed is queen sized, no actual bed frame, mattress and box springs sit directly on the floor. Still using the same bookcase headboard that I had as a child. I never "make the bed" but I do change the sheets once a week. We each have our own comforter, so right now, if you were to peek in our bedroom, you'd see pale green sheets on the bed, a navy blue comforter on one side, and a dark burgundy comforter on the other side . . . and a whole mess of pillows in various pillow cases. We don't care what it looks like, as long as we're comfortable. And since we each have our own comforter, there's no "fighting for the blanket" in the middle of the night.

So . . . a question for the next person. Do you talk about and complain about your job when you are off work? Or do you "leave your work at the door" when you head home for the day/evening/night?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I love my job, so I never really complain about it.

Are you drunk texting right now?

Lol, nope. I don't drink, but I am notorious for random text messages.

What is your favorite sport/team to watch and why?


Well-known member
The Dallas Cowboys or the Texas Rangers because they're in my hometown and I love football and baseball.

If I can't pass a field sobriety test why can I still type?????


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
The Dallas Cowboys or the Texas Rangers because they're in my hometown and I love football and baseball.

If I can't pass a field sobriety test why can I still type?????

LOL Because God's entertainment is removing the ability to function normally but still allowing everyone to text and call people. Or in my experience, text my exes about how "mmom nevr lked u god thought bstardly!!!" I love how I called my ex an adjective. Fantastic.

What are your plans for today?


Well-known member
^ shower. Do some home work. Eat dinner. Possibly hint at my friend that she's being a bit of a C yoU Next Tuesday at the moment. Laundry. Snuggling my kitty cat.

What has been you're most serious injury to date? This includes self inflicted, accidents or surgeries.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
^ shower. Do some home work. Eat dinner. Possibly hint at my friend that she's being a bit of a C yoU Next Tuesday at the moment. Laundry. Snuggling my kitty cat.

What has been you're most serious injury to date? This includes self inflicted, accidents or surgeries.

Humm. Good question. Never been in surgery, but have had a lot of injuries:
-Sprained both ankles about 4 times each
-Dislocated both shoulders at least three times
-Fractured fifth metatarsal
-Broke right arm
-Pulled about every muscle in my body
-Bruised toenails
-Iliotibial band syndrome from straining
-Stress fracture right tibia
-Misaligned my back/rib cage

Nothing too serious though, thank goodness!

Do you wear socks around the house?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kariii
sometimes but never sleep in them.

Would you be able to give up coffee for 30 dayS?

Yeah, because i don't drink coffee.

Are you more booksmart or Street smart?


Well-known member
^Street smart. I'd much rather discuss things than take a test on them. Real intelligence isn't getting good grades, IMO.

Do you read any magazines regularly?


Well-known member
I read magazines all the time...Cosmo, Glamour, Allure, Weight watchers

Do you want any plastic surgery?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
I read magazines all the time...Cosmo, Glamour, Allure, Weight watchers

Do you want any plastic surgery?

If there was a procedure to remove stretch marks I would do it. If I could get my breasts, lifted or augmented or something I would do it.

Ever done any illicit drugs?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
If there was a procedure to remove stretch marks I would do it. If I could get my breasts, lifted or augmented or something I would do it.

Ever done any illicit drugs?


Ever been on TV?


Well-known member
yea- a few times. I met Ruth Handler in Chicago for Barbie's 35th anniversary when I was like 9. And I dressed up like a Barbie and got on TV.

What has been your favorite age?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
Had some good times being 9 years old. GOOD times. :/

ever gotten into a physical fight?

Not really. My words are enough to knock people unconscious. D:

Favorite weather?


Well-known member
Well, my favorite seasons are spring and fall, so for fall, cool, crisp and somewhat sunny. Light jacket weather. The kind that just gets your cheeks burning.
Spring; i love those bright sunny days when the air is kinda cool, the sun is beaming down and you can hear the snow trickling away.

What's the most trouble you've ever been in?
ie; at school, at work, with your parents, with the law etc.

btw turns out my friend wasnt being nuts. Facebook just failed us all. I swear, facebook will be the end of society as we know it


Well-known member
Here is a doozy. I am a notorious prank caller. Well I randomly called some chick i didnt know and was saying I was going to kick her ass blah blah blah (i was 18 at the time). A few days later, my friend (who used three way on her phone to do the call) received a call from a police detective asking us about the call. Apparently, this chick's grandma was murdered and their trailor was blown up in Indiana (where I was going to school).
Yea...fortunately, my mom was dating a cop so I got out of it. But it was SCARY. I got grounded at the age of 18.

Do you ever get jealous of your best friend?

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