

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
At one time I could fall asleep anytime and anywhere. Of course, I was in the Army then, and sleep was a valuable commodity.

Would you rather shower or bathe?

Oh, that's tough. Really tough. Hm. After a long rehearsal or ANY day in the summer (when I have class from 8 AM till 4 PM followed by rehearsal till 10 PM, so a 14 hour day) I always take a bath. That way I dump a buttload (haha, because taken internally it's a laxative) of epsom salt into the tub (to soothe muscle pain.) For normal days I just shower though.

Do you keep a journal of any kind?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by enigmaticpheo
Oh, that's tough. Really tough. Hm. After a long rehearsal or ANY day in the summer (when I have class from 8 AM till 4 PM followed by rehearsal till 10 PM, so a 14 hour day) I always take a bath. That way I dump a buttload (haha, because taken internally it's a laxative) of epsom salt into the tub (to soothe muscle pain.) For normal days I just shower though.

Do you keep a journal of any kind?

nothing of substance. I won't write anything I expect to be kept private.

What did you eat today?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
nothing of substance. I won't write anything I expect to be kept private.

What did you eat today?

I had a piece of baked chicken and salad

What color are your tootsies painted right now


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
nothing of substance. I won't write anything I expect to be kept private.

What did you eat today?

Uh ohs...:
Breakfast: Coffee (French roast, dark) and a Chocolate Croissant
Lunch: Weird I know but I had a craving...Chocolate cream of wheat.
Dinner: Hot french bread with a bit of butter, an enormous salad and roasted thin cut pork chops I cooked.
...Followed by the coffee I am drinking.

Favorite dessert?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by enigmaticpheo
Uh ohs...:
Breakfast: Coffee (French roast, dark) and a Chocolate Croissant
Lunch: Weird I know but I had a craving...Chocolate cream of wheat.
Dinner: Hot french bread with a bit of butter, an enormous salad and roasted thin cut pork chops I cooked.
...Followed by the coffee I am drinking.

Favorite dessert?

cupcakes. But I almost never indulge.

guilty pleasure?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
italian probably.

Are you a good singer? Good enough to make it past auditions on American Idol?

I don't want to brag but I sang for a living back in my country.. Now here in the states I sing but at my church
, I play the guitar and i'm songwriter too.. I dunno what I would do without music

Favorite smell?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Or taking dirty pictures

Favorite time of the day?

Evening + night. I don't like afternoons. Mornings are okay if I'm not forced to wake up early!

Dressed to the nines or dressed down?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fintia
I don't want to brag but I sang for a living back in my country.. Now here in the states I sing but at my church
, I play the guitar and i'm songwriter too.. I dunno what I would do without music

Favorite smell?

Lemon and cane sugar with a little bit of athlete thrown in. Yum.

Originally Posted by enigmaticpheo
Evening + night. I don't like afternoons. Mornings are okay if I'm not forced to wake up early!

Dressed to the nines or dressed down?

Most of my life is dressed down, and even when I'm dressed up, I look dressed down but more expensive.

Long mermaid waves or short funky hair?

Originally Posted by TISH1127
I had a piece of baked chicken and salad

What color are your tootsies painted right now

For Audrey.

Why is insomnia such a whore?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer

Long mermaid waves or short funky hair?

Why is insomnia such a whore?

I have long mermaid waves, but I want short funky hair! I like both. Never had it short though.

Insomnia is a whore because it runs around messing with everyone it can. D:<

Do you have a song stuck in your head right now?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by enigmaticpheo
I have long mermaid waves, but I want short funky hair! I like both. Never had it short though.

Insomnia is a whore because it runs around messing with everyone it can. D:<

Do you have a song stuck in your head right now?

Out of Hand. - Gary Stewart, and Atmosphere - Shoulda Known.

big dogs or small ones?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Out of Hand. - Gary Stewart, and Atmosphere - Shoulda Known.

big dogs or small ones?

Big! I love great danes, they're amazing dogs. or huskies.

do your makeup in front of your window or inside the bathroom?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by enigmaticpheo
do your makeup in front of your window or inside the bathroom?

For the moment, I'm mostly in the bathroom, but after I move ( next month, yipee!) I'm getting an extra room that will serve as my craft and vanity room. I'm gonna get a nice vanity or suitable desk and plop it right by a window... can't wait!

What has been the best thing you've gotten in a really good sale?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu
For the moment, I'm mostly in the bathroom, but after I move ( next month, yipee!) I'm getting an extra room that will serve as my craft and vanity room. I'm gonna get a nice vanity or suitable desk and plop it right by a window... can't wait!

What has been the best thing you've gotten in a really good sale?

i bought a dress that was originally 200 bucks for $20. And I get lots of compliments on the dress too.

How tall are you?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
i bought a dress that was originally 200 bucks for $20. And I get lots of compliments on the dress too.

How tall are you?

I'm 1.77 m, I think that's 5 feet 8 inches?

What's your dream job?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
....big dogs or small ones?

It depends. I tend to like hounds, but there are a few exceptions. Here's my faves:

Rhodesian Ridgebacks
Great Danes
Scottish and Irish Deer Hounds
Whippets (If I ever got a Whippet, you know I would name it Devo)
Thai Ridgebacks
Pharoah Hounds (They bark in hieroglyphics)
Ibizian Hounds

I love dogs with blue coats.

Q: Name one bad thing that the area you live in is known for.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
It depends. I tend to like hounds, but there are a few exceptions. Here's my faves:

Rhodesian Ridgebacks
Great Danes
Scottish and Irish Deer Hounds
Whippets (If I ever got a Whippet, you know I would name it Devo)
Thai Ridgebacks
Pharoah Hounds (They bark in hieroglyphics)
Ibizian Hounds

I love dogs with blue coats.

Q: Name one bad thing that the area you live in is known for.

it smells like horse poo.

who do you personally think has the best makeup skills on Specktra


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
it smells like horse poo.

who do you personally think has the best makeup skills on Specktra

Omg, I know where you live, right near me--I drive by your town every Tues/Thurs/Sat for ballet class haha!

Hmm....Snowkei has AMAZING skillz. But then...so does Shimmer. And you. And Krasevayadancer...and...you know what, I think everyone has damn awesome skills.

When was the last time you honest to goodness screamed, out of frustration or fear?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by enigmaticpheo
Omg, I know where you live, right near me--I drive by your town every Tues/Thurs/Sat for ballet class haha!

Hmm....Snowkei has AMAZING skillz. But then...so does Shimmer. And you. And Krasevayadancer...and...you know what, I think everyone has damn awesome skills.

When was the last time you honest to goodness screamed, out of frustration or fear?

Probably a few weeks ago. I bottle stuff in and something of mines was missing cause someone in my house had moved it.

Weird question but...does anyone else besides myself not generally like eating cheese?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
Probably a few weeks ago. I bottle stuff in and something of mines was missing cause someone in my house had moved it.

Weird question but...does anyone else besides myself not generally like eating cheese?

I'm not a cheese fan at all too.. I do eat it, but practically never ever just cheese by itself as my friends do.

Your "best friends" here at specktra? Or just people you like and find nice?

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