Question about what you really think when shopping at MAC


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Paramnesia
I personally find MA's to patronise me a little, I'm not sure why, maybe because I don't wear MU when shopping for MU (especially since I'm in the market for a foundation). Maybe it's just MA's in my city lol... everybody on here is lovely.
I think just be yourself, give the customer space but make sure if they need help you're there.

I'll agree with this statement.. funny how we're both in Melbourne too. Ha!


Well-known member
I think MAC (and all cosmetic companies for that matter) need to chill on the sales/productivity goals. I understand having a plan, but when you make your employees feel like they are going to get fired if they don't make every single customer spend $$$$ or 3+ items, it affects customer service big time, IMO.
I really love MAC. No questions asked. I think they put out an amazing product, I think they are talented and edgy and awesome. I don't mind the loud music they play. Chances are I've just gotten out of my car and I listen to crazy loud punk or metal or rock (or hell, even Miley Cyrus because I have an inner eleven year old who likes to sing at the top of her lungs to Hannah Montana), so the MAC music doesn't bug me at all.

I only have one real complaint. First of all, I don't have a counter in my city, which is probably a good thing. I'd be there all the time. So I have a few options. There are three counters (2 Macy's, 1 Nordstrom) all about 30 minutes away from me in different directions. There is a freestanding store about an hour and 10 minutes away, and then 30 minutes past THAT, there's the San Francisco Pro store.

Don't get me wrong, I love going to the f/s and pro stores, but they're a bit of a trek and Bay Area traffic is NOT a joke. Sometimes if I go later in the afternoon it can take me over three hours to get home. I'd much rather go to a counter (I'm getting to the complaint, I promise), especially if I'm out of a staple.

The problem is that of the three counters, two are staffed with horrible, mean, totally bitchy artists. I get it. You work for MAC, I don't. I'm not some beautiful wood nymph creature, but I'm good looking and it's clear I wear makeup and KNOW what I'm doing with it, and I KNOW you know who I am because I'm around allllll the time, so don't be so mean. The third counter is sadly in a mall I hate shopping at, so most of the time I go to that counter to see the artists that actually treat me like a human being, not a piece of crap. I'm happier to help them make their numbers than give any of my money to the other two counters.

Of course, if I can justify it at all, I'd rather drive into San Francisco and see my favorite MAC girl, Candi! She's amazing.


Well-known member
so how did your interview go (if you don't mind me asking)

BTW my thoughts...

The best experience i had with MAC was when i went to the freestanding store in Georgetown, DC. EVERYONE in there was helpful, even if they were not the main person on my face and i loved that!!

Worst experiences...I think sometimes that MUA's take the "teamwork" theory too over the top...i don't like personal conversations when someone is on my face...also another issue, i think the least that an MUA can do is know about the recent or ongoing products that are in the company at the time...if you dont know every name, don't make up for instance i kinda told this story before but when i didn't know DressCamp was just at select places, i called my counter to ask them about DressCamp and she was like, "Yeah with Heatherette??" Heatherette has been out for a minute and from what i can tell (as a customer) the sales aren't too bad, so if this is the most recent collection, wouldnt you know if DressCamp is with the most recent product or not? i wasnt really pleased with this conversation, seeing this also was the Manager of the store.
Lastly, i think that even though that the goal is also to sell, that the customers that do come in and buy the products, that they should be a little more appreciated, and sometimes i get treated like i never been there before and it's to a point where i have decided to drive to the next city to buy products...i mean yes treat everyone the same but don't be an ass to customers because you're having a bad day....
one more thing...when a customer returns something, why do they get so upset? if it does not work it does not work..and if the MUA is not willing to show the product before the person buys it not seeing where you can be upset? I saw a MUA get PISSED because someone returned something...that's about it...regardless of the things im not really feeling, im still going to buy


Active member
Hope they accept you!

Like everyone else most of the MA at the nearest freestanding store are completely stuck up snotty bitches.
When Parrot was re-released I went down to the MAC store and asked the MA for it and she told me that Parrot was a limited edition shade that was discontinued a long time ago. And then when I said (politely, I may add) that I thought it had been re-released she told me that "no, limited edition shades are never re-released once they've been discontinued"
And then she tried to sell me some other random crap.


Well-known member
Alright, I have to get my two cents here!

I have the luxury of visiting one of about 6 counters close by, but I tend to frequent 2 the most. I have to say that the SA's are either super helpful, or super snotty. There are a few that are so unfriendly, I might not even approach the counter when they're there. But the specific things I dislike are these:

Sometimes I have a hard time deciding on a product, so if the SA wants to me to hurry up on my decision, she'll suggest that I can always return it if I don't like it. Well, when I do return something, I almost always get serious attitude. One SA went as far as to lecture me on trying out products before i purchase them. If she doesn't like the policy, she should take it up with the powers that be.

My other beef is when an SA shows me a product, and if I mention it's just not my thing, she'll then add something to the effect that 'it's really popular' or a certain celebrity uses it. Seriously? Is that supposed to make me change my mind?! So please to all MA's, SA's, that approach is quite condescending to say the least!

What I do like are the one's that treat me well because they know I'm a repeat customer. They even say hi when I'm just passing by to go into the mall!
All the sales people at the MACs that I've been too have been super nice and helpful when needed. I sometimes like to browse on my own and usually know exactly what I am looking for so they usually give me enough space to do that in peace but then are there when I have made my decisions or have a question. This is in Kitchener and Toronto.

Now the things that I don't like are that pigments aren't a regular item at the Bay counters. They only get LE and these aren't usually on display once the LE display is over. I've grabbed pigments to buy from the drawers before. The other thing that I don't like is when the LE are selling out and the display goes down then they put in the display items that aren't part of the collection.

Generally they need to make everything accessible to view and even though they may have proper cleaning and sanitizing techniques anything that you are putting on my face should be only previously handled by make up artists. I would rather not put on my face stuff that the general public was touching previously.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
One of the last times I was in the MAC store I felt like my skin was going to melt off. It was soooooooooo hot!

Sometimes the MAs act really snooty, like they are too good to help you, and you're a dumbass if you have to ask a question about a product. This has only happened to me a few times though.

I've had mostly positive experiences. Some of the MAs would really take their time with me [slow traffic] and help me find products that really suited me. Once I even called the store with a list and asked if anyone could look to see if they had what I wanted. The man that answered did just that, and I told him that I was going to be there in an hour and when I got there he was there and all my stuff was waiting.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bittersweet-bea
Haha.. weeelllll.. I love MAC lip products, and the few cool people at the pro store. But aside from that.. most of the MUAs are so snotty. I get dirty looks whenever I walk in there cause I'm not gorgeous and wearing ten tons of makeup. If I just need some basic refills, I skip the drama and just go to a counter where it's quieter and while the MUAs are a bit more ignorant (meh, I know what I'm getting when I go in anyway), they're a lot friendlier and give me awesome sample pots of pigments. (not just a teensy scoop, but a half filled sample jar)
I find though that a big drawback is that they don't consider being a trained MUA to be an essential to get hired, and so the employees often learn to pride themselves on being able to BS their way through a sale (ie: of COURSE you don't look orange! or No no, Studio FIX is designed for every day use!)


Seriously, I have another thread on here looking for a new compact foundation because I'm sick of Studio Fix. So I was pretty sure I was ready to settle on NARS, but went in to Sephora to test out some different things. The MA there was super nice and I told him my problems/issues, at which time he replied with something like, "Well, a large part of the reason you're "breaking up" by 11:30 every day is because Studio Fix is exactly that...a "studio" foundation, made for photo shoots, films, stuff like that...things that only need your makeup to hold up for a few hours. It wasn't made to be worn every day or for an extended period of time."

He went on to tell me that he'd worked for MAC for a long time and they parted "on good terms," but blah blah blah. And then he sold me on the NARS.

Anywho, is this true? Have I been using the wrong foundation for YEARS?!?!? And why, Jesus, why hasn't a single MA bothered to mention this to me at any time prior to now? And have they been laughing at me like the ass I am everytime I walk out of there with a new Studio Fix compact?

Sorry...I'm very frustrated about this. Very frustrated indeed. Hmmmph.


Well-known member
Well I happen to be lucky enough to have an awesome store nearby. It really is how all the stores should be. Everyone is very helpful and approach you. You don't get lost amongst the crowds, they definitely offer everyone help. If I am looking at swatches on my hand they leave me alone, but as soon as I look up for someone I am approached (they might be magic I don't know). I go in there a lot and I have yet to run into a bad MA. They offer suggestions, but I have never felt any pressure or like they had a sales goal. I even had to return something once and they were really good about it. I was nervous because of people saying how they were treated during returns, but my store was great.

A store being too hot is a BIG problem because who wants to be sweaty when they are trying to find somethin to make them look gorgeous? Also if you are getting an application and are feeling warm, yuck!

I became even more appreciative of my store after a recent trip to the london pro store. There was only one other customer and I think the staff wouldn't have noticed me even if I took my top off and started singing.

One thing I don't like about the stores are the displays for fluidlines/paintpots. It can be hard to see the colors the ways they are and I have to take out each pot and flip it over to see it, sometimes there are 3 different pots of the same colour and that gets frustrating, maybe if the rack could hang them in sideways so the bottom was showing and you could see the colour and name better?


Originally Posted by kobri
I became even more appreciative of my store after a recent trip to the london pro store. There was only one other customer and I think the staff wouldn't have noticed me even if I took my top off and started singing.

Haha! I'm new on here but I have to agree with that and give my 2 pence.

The MAC pro store in London is my local store and the first time I went in there the service was awful! I was quite nervous anyways because I heard the MA's are notouriously bitchy!

I had to actually approach an MA (who had garish dark purple lipstick and neon green eyeshadow on) to come and help me and she just rolled her eyes and walked away!

Then when someone *did* offer assistance they walked away in the middle of speaking to me to go talk to some guy they knew! ( fair enough he was a celebrity but I was there*first*!!)

Then I saw the "bitchy" side for myself: the girl that was helping me turned to the eye-rolling one and said "What's that on your face love? You look like a clown!" ...Wow to your own colleage...!

I don't know if it's because I'm young or because when shopping for MU I chose not to wear any MU so maybe I looked inexperienced or something!
Does anyone else have this experience in the London pro store? Is the counter in Selfridges any better?


Well-known member
I don't like how some of the MA's act like they are better than you if you have a question... I don't know how many stores have people that do that, but a couple of the ones I have been to here do and it drives me crazy!

Stephie Baby

Well-known member
I don't really have any complaints about most of the counters and stores. My best experiences are at the PRO store. As far as my worst, its always the same MAC counter in Macy's. Most of the MA's act really stuck up. They look at you like you're stupid when you ask a question. It causes me not to go to that counter as much. Thank god for the PRO store. WAY better service!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kobri
One thing I don't like about the stores are the displays for fluidlines/paintpots. It can be hard to see the colors the ways they are and I have to take out each pot and flip it over to see it, sometimes there are 3 different pots of the same colour and that gets frustrating, maybe if the rack could hang them in sideways so the bottom was showing and you could see the colour and name better?

That drives me crazy! I was just there the other day looking at paintpots, knowing full well that I wanted to see/try Artifact. I had to pull almost all of them out and never did find Artifact (an MA was using it for a makeover). And the first 3 paintpots I pulled out of the display were all Delft.


Active member
i personally cant STAND when they are pushing a sale to the extent that it is completely obvious. I know they have some intense goals to meet, but it reaches a point where its just pushy and overbearing and i can tell that they care less about helping me get the products that are right for me, and more about making that IPT goal. Its just flat out irritating and insulting to me when, for example, an MA is pushing a too-dark foundation on me that we both know is ORANGE [i'm extremely fair and lighter than nc15], insisting that it looks great as i stare at an obvious line of demarcation and oompa loompa skin. I'll trust the MA who admits that perhaps MAC doesnt currently have a foundation light enough for me, and come back to them again and again to buy other things, because i know they actually care about helping me out rather than throwing any item they can at me. And in the long run, I'll buy 10 times more from them. I may be a customer, but I'm not friggin blind or ignorant about my makeup. I can't stand being patronized and lied to as if I won't notice.


Well-known member
-even if they are busy i'm greeted and told to hang on an ma will be with you shortly.
-cleanliness and sterilization are a major plus
-product organization is esthetically pleasing
-most of the recommendations given are good ones.
-they always give me a moist towellete to wipe off the makeup from my hands.
-The ma's are usually enthusiastic about their job and it makes me more comfortable being there.

-the music can be a few decibals too loud
-sometimes the ma's have no idea what you are talking about pertaining to a product.
-some ma's treat my little sister who is 20 and wears little makeup like a street rat and they lose both our business or we find a different MA.
-older items still in stock are kind of hard to get to and hidden behind other products. Sometimes i don't know if I should touch them or if they are just for the ma's.
-MA's don't pull items that are out of stock or gone and its really disappointing!
-they need a bigger demographic of employees, and of different ages to draw all potential customers in. the music makes older people shy away from the brand because they feel they are too old.


Well-known member

-MA's recognize you after coming in a few times.
-New products are in a larger area instead of shoved between displays.
-MA's (most) are not pushy about buying items, they can take "no thanks" for an answer.

-MA's/SA's who tell you that you don't know what you're talking about. Had this happen when I was asking about the Boudoir Hues Quad, i didn't know at that time, it was a Federated Stores Only product.
-Items from past collections in little containers, but not available to purchase
-MA's with an attitude.
- I know being an MA is a hard job, retail sucks, but I'm not a bad customer and I don't want MA's/SA's taking out the last bad customer on ME.

My BIGGEST PET PEEVE ABOUT MAC--here it comes!..
MA's giving me snotty attitude or talking down to me, like I'm stupid UNTIL I hand over my PPID, THEN they turn on the "nice". I don't wave my PPID card around, because i'm not like that. But i want to be treated the same way I treat them, with respect, with or WITHOUT a PPID!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Paramnesia
I personally find MA's to patronise me a little, I'm not sure why, maybe because I don't wear MU when shopping for MU (especially since I'm in the market for a foundation). Maybe it's just MA's in my city lol... everybody on here is lovely.
I think just be yourself, give the customer space but make sure if they need help you're there.

I get patronized because I don't wear a full face to shop as well, but it really depends on which store I go to as far as helpfulness/attitude. It's really hit or miss with me and the MAC counters here (ATL), so I tend to shop online more or go in to just do B2M or swatch things quickly and stealthily.

I appreciate the MA's more when they can give me good recommendations and space, but not treat me like I'm wasting their time even coming in.

Good luck with your interview, though. If you get the job, hope it's great to you!


New member
one of my biggest pet peeves is when I walk into a mac counter and ask for advice on what product to buy, but they offer something way out of the range( i suppose you could say) i was looking for.
ie. i wanted a heavy moisturizer( i have dry skin) and the MA suggested I use fix + i mean come on?!

I was also looking into getting an intership/job at MAC let me know how it goes/ how you went about applying, and what sort of cridentials they look for if thats not too much to ask for=$