question for anyone with tatoos


Well-known member

I'm in love with this tat...anyone have an estimate how much this would cost to have done? Cuz I need to start saving! lol TIA

*tattoo not tatoo ahhh typing late at night is almost bad as bein drunk

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Does it go all the way around to the back?

It's going to be over $300 (plus tip) at any reputable place, I can tell you that much. Very large, very detailed, and it's going to have to be custom-designed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Does it go all the way around to the back?

It's going to be over $300 (plus tip) at any reputable place, I can tell you that much. Very large, very detailed, and it's going to have to be custom-designed.

2nd. I have a small lightning bolt on my ankle (in color) that was $55 plus tip, and a circular tat on my lower back about the circumference of the bottom of a coffee mug, and that almost $200. It looks like that one may take more than one session too.
Its such a pretty tattoo!


Well-known member
the my opinion looks like infected skin.

Its probably gonna cost upwards of 400 dollars. as someone said before its large and has a lot of details


Well-known member
Hrmmm. I have a black and white phoenix tat on my back, a little larger than the size of my hand, and it was $150, but I knew the artist so I got a nice discount. I also have tribal gargoyles on my hips, they're only about 2 inches across or less, and it was $100 for both. Just for reference!

For that one, I'd guess $400 to $600. It's gorgeous!

Also, just something to ink is really quite tricky to maintain. I've known a number of people who had their red ink fade out completely,and quickly. White ink is another that doesn't always stick for some people. Be prepared to have touch ups done on a regular basis!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
the my opinion looks like infected skin.

Its probably gonna cost upwards of 400 dollars. as someone said before its large and has a lot of details

LOL the more I look at it does, but I wasn't really intending on getting red if I had done..It'd look better in blues/purples


Well-known member
It could range from 300$ - 800$ depending on where you go who does it, and how far you want it to go up and around. Your best bet would be to go to a shop and tell them what you want. Every reputible shop does custom works.

Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
the my opinion looks like infected skin.

Its probably gonna cost upwards of 400 dollars. as someone said before its large and has a lot of details

I love red ink it's my favourite. lol.


Well-known member
If it's done in more than one session its going to cost a lot more than if its done in one session only because then you have to pay for 2+ setup fees and sterilization fees and stuff.

I am guess it will be quite expensive, but then any decent sized tat is going to be an investment (should be nothing less cuz its a permanent art fixture on your body).

Some places charge by the hour and some charge by size of tattoo so it can also depend on that. But since that design is both large and complicated I dunno which would be best to find.

Best advice is to find a bunch of reputable shops (make sure YOU feel good in dont wanna be uncomfortable) and then take your ideas to them all and get quotes and then pick based on both your liking of the shop and the price they quoted.



Well-known member
It will probably be close to a grand if you go to a good place. If it's a full wrap around (same on the back as the front, size-wise, then it'll be even pricier.) You probably won't be able to get it all in one sitting either.

You'll probably have to have them design it and then tattoo the outline (the black), wait for it to heal and go in for coloring and shading. All in all (depending on how long you have at each sitting and how much shading you can take at one time) you may have to go back anywhere from 2 to 5 times. That includes the touchups for overhealing (have way so much experience with that)


New member
I actually have one very similar to that on my back! It goes from just about my tailbone up and over my shoulder.

Most of the cost is going to depend on how long you can go in one sitting. I know for me, I can do about 3 hours before I get punchy. So far I've gone in 3 times, and I've probably got 2 more to go, and it's at least 200 each time I go in. It's been more expensive than I originally thought it would be, so take that into consideration. I'd say it will end up upwards of 750, and take quite a few trips to complete. Good luck, it's a gorgeous piece!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by knoxydoll

I love red ink it's my favourite. lol.

Dont get me wrong , red is an awesome color . it does fade fast. I was just talking about how the flowers red mixed with some orange and yellow, look a little icky like infected skin

LOL the more I look at it does, but I wasn't really intending on getting red if I had done..It'd look better in blues/purples

THAT would look amazing with blues and purples instead of the Reds!


Well-known member
It's beautiful, but yes I'd see it being about a grand.
Honestly rates will vary by the shop and the skill level of the artist.
Definitely don't skimp, and see it as an investment.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I was really lucky with my tattoos, because the shop did touchups at the month mark for free.

only one can hope to get that lucky!

Originally Posted by bottleblack
It's beautiful, but yes I'd see it being about a grand.
Honestly rates will vary by the shop and the skill level of the artist.
Definitely don't skimp, and see it as an investment.

Yeah,I'd rather pay for quality than quantity cuz its somethin thats gonna be with me forever after I get it cuz once its on I'm not lasering it off. Definitely goin to shop around for artists, its gotta be perfect if its goin on my body. Don't want any 'ol smoe tattooing me.