Question for the North American ladies...


Well-known member
Yeah I've always wondered if American (as in the US, not North American) high schools really have a big American flag at the front of every classroom, major divisions between cheerleaders and jocks, "band geeks", stoners, etc. and cafeterias that serve stuff like meat loaf and tuna casserole and things that end in "surprize".


Well-known member
my high school was ok, it wasnt like in the movies and if people did something stupid to draw attention they were categorized as stupid, and of course there were cliques that accted as if they were in one of those movies, very dumb. The only thing that seemed movieish was that some of the smartest girls had double identities you know, cheaters, drunks, did some dumb things to get the good grades


Well-known member
My high school wasn't that bad. However, I was in high school when all of these "teen" movies like American Pie became popular. I think the problem with those movies is that some of the people at my school decided that they wanted to be like the people in those I think they inspired a lot of dumb people to get, well, dumber. Mean Girls, however, came out when I was almost out of college, so I can imagine how high school girls reacted to that. When I see those "super sweet 16" shows on mtv and see how some of these young girls act today, it's so sickening. I just want to shake them and show them how stupid they look. Oh, and tell them that it's their parents' money and not


Well-known member
I grew up in L.A. and I went to Many schools, due to constent moving. And yes people are bitchy. Ive got stories, but i also went to school with rich bro ho girls. the kind that live miles from the beach but swear by surfing.


Well-known member
I went to a high school that covered a broad range of socioeconomic levels - from the very rich to the very poor...and there were bitches in all the categories. I think it boils down to how you were raised. There were plenty of girls whose parents had all the money in the world, but they were still very down-to-earth and nice. And then there were the girls who didn't have much, but they were bitches to everyone who wasn't in their little social circle (jealous, I guess). There's bound to be bitches everywhere you go. For me, I was nice to everyone, unless they were mean to me. I've been told several times by people once they got to know me that I looked intimidating and like I'd be a bitch, but I never really understood that.