Quick Q: When y'all r getting ready What gets done 1st, Makeup or Hair?


Well-known member
I blowdry my hair first until I look like Mufassa..lol...seriously I have some wild hair. Then, I clip back the bangs & do my makeup while my straightner/curling iron heats up. Next to last is straightening/curling my hair & Then I put my mascara on when I'm letting my car heat up.......I actually keep my mascara in my car (except for the summer when it gets hot).

LOL.....I don't put on makeup while driving.....nor do I straighten my hair, I don't think its possible.


Well-known member
hair then makeup because i wouldn't want to ruin my makeup if im using heat like a straighting iron or get hairspray on my face.


Well-known member
Hair first: Sometimes I get sweaty, and plus it takes an hour. If necessary, I can do makeup in the car or someones bathroom. But I cant do my hair in the car or someones bathroom lol.


Well-known member
i do my hair first and last my makeup. the only reason is because i get over heated alot when i do my hair so i tend to get a little warm and sweaty. so i do my makeup last.


Well-known member
hair then makeup
or makeup then hair
both works for me


Well-known member
Makeup then hair
I have 2 strand twists most of the time or a twist out so I don't really need to do anything to my hair in the mornings besides accessorize. I don't put heat anywhere near my hair either so I don't need to worry about melting off my makeup.


Well-known member
I don't really do much to my hair during the week, I either put it up or wear it down. However, my hair is always pulled away from my face until I do makeup ( *IF* I do makeup), then decide whether I should wear it up, down, parted, etc, then go for it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nubianremedy5
i do my make up first cause i dont want my hair to get in the way....

Same for me!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spectrolite
Makeup then hair
I have 2 strand twists most of the time or a twist out so I don't really need to do anything to my hair in the mornings besides accessorize. I don't put heat anywhere near my hair either so I don't need to worry about melting off my makeup.

I wear the same hair styles too so styling really isn't an issue, but I do hair first.


Well-known member
I do my makeup first. I am so siked about doing my makeup i cant wait...lol...but i love to have my face done and then do my hair...once the hair starts to come into place i start to see how great i look and i get all excited about finishing my look....using heat does make it a little hot in the bathroom but i rather makeup first then hair.
I mix it up..sometimes I do my hair first then makeup...other times I do my makeup then my hair. I tend perspire so, during the warmer months I do my hair first (blow dryer, etc).
haha.. i guess i do mine differently especially when it comes to hot rollers.. I put the rollers in and as I wait for them to cool; I do my makeup.. that's such time saver! Plus hair takes the most time and energy depending on the style in my opinion.

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