Quick Q: When y'all r getting ready What gets done 1st, Makeup or Hair?


Well-known member
Hair then makeup, but I have dreads so doing my hair isn't that much work, usually I just have a silk scarf to pull it back


Active member
i do my hair first then make-up...i get hot while i do my hair, so after i'm done with that i can wash my face and go for the good stuff.


Well-known member
Makeup ALWAYS first


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
^^You straighten your hair while you drive???

Originally Posted by TISH1127
Makeup 1st....

Putting on Makeup and Straightening Hair while driving sounds very dangeorus

i think when she said "mascara and letting it heat up" or whatever her words were .. she meant she puts on mascara while letting her car heat up.


Well-known member
I always do hair first . First of all because if I get hot I will sweat and mess up my foundation/powder and second because I once did my makeup first and after I used my hairdrier I looked in the miror and I had blown my makeup off the sides of my face!
My eyeshadow was intact it was just slanted and smooshed from the outside corners of my eyes all the way to my temples.

Miss Virtue

Well-known member
I do the bulk of my desired hair style first, then do my makeup, once I'm finished with that, I'll touch up my hair!

Forever MAC

New member
Originally Posted by Holly
I do my hair right away, give my skin time to absorb the moisturizer I put on it (my skin is ridiculously dry) and I do my hair as fast as possible, cuz I suck at it, and I want to get it done right away so I can take my time and enjoy doing my makeup

Same here! I like to get my hair done 1st as it takes a little longer than the makeup
& enjoy applying makeup at the end.


Well-known member
Ok... well it makes more sense for me to do my hair first, but i do makeup first then do something to my hair then go back to my makeup

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