Well-known member
i enjoyed reading this thread and i really love emma_frosts comments.
i am not baptized, which makes me not only an atheist but firstly a heathen. my parents (father baptized, dropped out of church with 14, mother never baptized, never in a church) raised me according to the humanistic ideals, which may seem a lot like the christian moral standards (dont steal, dont kill, etc., except the part concernign god) which is not only because they evolved in the same cultural space but also because they are, in my opinion, common sense (they havent been at all times i know)
i was raised and taught by my parents why to be good, how to act good and ethical and they also taught me that I am responsible for anything that i do, i cannot blame anybody else if i do not live up to the moral standards that i believe in. they are my belief, and i dont follow them because somebody wrote them down sometime ago in a language i cannot speak before it was translated several times in languages i also cannot speak until finally somebody made it understandable for me and somebody else explained me how i have to udnerstand it. there are tons of translating mistakes in the bible. the bible itself has been censored, changed etc. over the centuries, i dont know why this should be the truth, especially in its todays editions.
i dont like it when somebody wants to "convince" me that their belief is better than mine. its not a single dot more worth than mine, its equal. i dont want you to change youre belief, let me live mine. i have friend that are christian, my boyfriend is probably the most important of those, and i like the way they are christian. yes they do believe in god, but they don´t use it as an excuse for what they are doing. my boyfriend has had an equally humanistic education like i had and is open to everything. he likes to study the nature (that is why hes studying natural sciences) and human relationships. he has not only a good knowledge of the bible, but has also read the koran and several books about buddhism and hinduism to see how this is, and this open view of the world is a major part why were together. antoher is that in the three years were together he did not once try to convert me.
sorry for long post, but this is something i feel strongly about
i am not baptized, which makes me not only an atheist but firstly a heathen. my parents (father baptized, dropped out of church with 14, mother never baptized, never in a church) raised me according to the humanistic ideals, which may seem a lot like the christian moral standards (dont steal, dont kill, etc., except the part concernign god) which is not only because they evolved in the same cultural space but also because they are, in my opinion, common sense (they havent been at all times i know)
i was raised and taught by my parents why to be good, how to act good and ethical and they also taught me that I am responsible for anything that i do, i cannot blame anybody else if i do not live up to the moral standards that i believe in. they are my belief, and i dont follow them because somebody wrote them down sometime ago in a language i cannot speak before it was translated several times in languages i also cannot speak until finally somebody made it understandable for me and somebody else explained me how i have to udnerstand it. there are tons of translating mistakes in the bible. the bible itself has been censored, changed etc. over the centuries, i dont know why this should be the truth, especially in its todays editions.
i dont like it when somebody wants to "convince" me that their belief is better than mine. its not a single dot more worth than mine, its equal. i dont want you to change youre belief, let me live mine. i have friend that are christian, my boyfriend is probably the most important of those, and i like the way they are christian. yes they do believe in god, but they don´t use it as an excuse for what they are doing. my boyfriend has had an equally humanistic education like i had and is open to everything. he likes to study the nature (that is why hes studying natural sciences) and human relationships. he has not only a good knowledge of the bible, but has also read the koran and several books about buddhism and hinduism to see how this is, and this open view of the world is a major part why were together. antoher is that in the three years were together he did not once try to convert me.
sorry for long post, but this is something i feel strongly about