Well-known member
thanks, the problem is that what i really need is a part time job
my full time job doesn't pay too great but it's really stable and i do not want to leave it unless i go back to college. but it does not pay the bills, and when i had a part time job, it really helped me. things were not perfect and it sucked working so much but i was much less stressed because i even had money to put aside..
i agree, temp agencies are the way to go. i have gotten part time work with them before actually but it is hard to get one through them when looking for nights and weekends
my full time job doesn't pay too great but it's really stable and i do not want to leave it unless i go back to college. but it does not pay the bills, and when i had a part time job, it really helped me. things were not perfect and it sucked working so much but i was much less stressed because i even had money to put aside..
i agree, temp agencies are the way to go. i have gotten part time work with them before actually but it is hard to get one through them when looking for nights and weekends