Really gross..


Well-known member
I have a mouse, maybe two. And the peppermint oil trick doesn't seem to be driving Mickey away!!

I hate when I go to sit my ass down on the toliet for my middle of the night pee and he comes dashing out. And I can't leave until I am done, WTF

Also I think one was in the bed with me the other night.

F*cking Gross!


Well-known member
beer, peanut butter, dr. pepper, chili, or anything that will make it need to burp (and they can't) will eradicate them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
OMG!! I would die!! Call an exterminator!!!

exactly how i reacted!


Well-known member
Make sure you clean very well, especially anywhere where food is kept. Get a garbage that has a lid so they can't get in. Clean everwhere in the kitchen. Keep your food in storage boxes with a tight lid in the cupboards. Then, set up mouse traps or mouse poison.


Well-known member
Girl, I can't even tell you how many we caught on sticky traps in the garage. I thought we were living in their house! Then one was in the house and I caught it on a sticky trap that I placed too close to the wall, so it was struggling to get off at 1 in the morning and I had to dispose of it.....That was a sight to see!


Well-known member
I would freak!!


Well-known member
awwwwww mousies!

i used to get mice all the time in a house i lived in (the cats used to bring them in to "play" with)

i always used to rescue them from wherever they were cornered - get the mouse into a bucket, put a container over the top so it can't jump out and take it to the local park and let it go.

my suggestion is to get one of those humane traps - you bait it with some food, and when the mouse runs in to eat the food it traps it in a container. you can then take it away and release it somewhere. no yucky mouse bodies to clean up.


Well-known member
I know for sure that there's mouses at my job, they stay in the walls and during the day I always hear noises

The janitor even told us not to put our purse on the floor


Well-known member
wow...that's gross....i personally wouldn't be able to sleep until that little bastard was gone. Call an exterminator or set traps. Those little things are disease ridden and they will leave feces and other crap around your house.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
I know for sure that there's mouses at my job, they stay in the walls and during the day I always hear noises

The janitor even told us not to put our purse on the floor

I used to work at a grocery store and for some dumb ass reason, the bakery associates would put items in the ceiling as storage. The damn mice would scurry all the time in our ceiling over the cash office.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
I used to work at a grocery store and for some dumb ass reason, the bakery associates would put items in the ceiling as storage. The damn mice would scurry all the time in our ceiling over the cash office.

That can be scary when people don't like mices...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sandyyyy <3
eewww!! I hate mice! go get some of those sticky glue traps!

Ewwww, we used that at first and they suffer on them, and one got off minus some hairy skin. *puke*

Well, we already caught 3!! WTF, a whole family??!
Hope they are all gone now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by redambition
awwwwww mousies!

i used to get mice all the time in a house i lived in (the cats used to bring them in to "play" with)

i always used to rescue them from wherever they were cornered - get the mouse into a bucket, put a container over the top so it can't jump out and take it to the local park and let it go.

my suggestion is to get one of those humane traps - you bait it with some food, and when the mouse runs in to eat the food it traps it in a container. you can then take it away and release it somewhere. no yucky mouse bodies to clean up.

While that's a great thought, I'll pass. I just don't want that kind of relationship with them. But, you do remind me of my coworker.....I asked her if she sent them out in a little jacket with a cup of soup, too.


Well-known member
Well, if you want them dead, snap traps are the most humane way, since that kills them instantly.

If not, you can always get some of these:

Traps them so you can go let them out elsewhere. You never have to touch the mouse, either.

In that case, I'd suggest taking it to some hills or a place where there aren't many houses nearby. Sure, it's not terribly convenient, but at least then you don't have to handle a dead mouse! Even with gloves, it'd gross me the hell out.