regional slang


Well-known member
i think it's great that people from all over the world can come together on this forum and speak a common language... the language of makeup haha.
no but seriously, what are some of the slang terms in your region? or differences in phrasing, as well as an example of usage. dont forget to mention where you're from! =)
i'll start... i hail from southern california
"a grip" as in a lot. ie i have "a grip" of work to do
"rape" as in devastatingly defeated, and/or had your ass handed to you ie that biochem final just "raped" me a new one.
"weak or weak sauce" as in lame, can't hang ie come on, have another shot. no?? awwww "weak sauce"
"butter face" as in someone who has a hot body and ugly face, as in everything looked good BUT HER face ie she looked good from behind but when she turned around she was/had a butter face.
"yoke or swoe" as in buff ie i want a guy that's "swoe" or i want a guy thats "yoked"

i can't think of any more at the moment... but i'm sure there's tons... i haven't spoken much slang since getting out of school hahahahaha but it's amusing to reminisce


Well-known member
we say all of those hahah weak sauce and lamesauce i say all the time hahaha i am from edmonton

we don't say grip though that i know of


Well-known member
Butter face is hilarious but I want to know the male equivalent.

I guess I'll have to stick with "prawn" (keep the body, throw away the head). Do any of you non-Australians even know what a prawn is? Shrimp, right?

Oh dear - there's regional slang and then there's slang from other countries. I'll never forget an Irish colleague asking me about my crack - craic?!?!?!?!


Well-known member
From NY:

"Let's dip" means "Let's bounce" means "Let's leave."
"Sketchy" means what it really means, but people use it all the time.

I dunno. Slang is so incorporated into my speech that I can't really think of any more.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by docmaria
Do any of you non-Australians even know what a prawn is? Shrimp, right?

Yes. I'm English and they're called prawns, not shrimps, here too.

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
Southern girl here so pretty much all that southern slang is born into me.

Here in Austria girls say they have to "lu-lu" which mean tinkle or pee.


Well-known member
My boyfriends from FL and I'm from NY so we both always have different slang words we use.. the list would go on forever.


New member
I'm in central/northern cali

hmmm.... Hella = Hell of

I had a hella good time at the concert!

Squid = person who is getting on your nerves


Well-known member
Definitely don't say swoe/yoke, or grip. I say rape all the time. "I got raped by macroeconomics". My friend and I say "popozao" just because we love the word, although we really haven't given it any formal definition. "That's popozao""Hey popozao!" Heh, maybe it's just filler. And of course in Canada, everyone says "eh". My sociology teacher had the funniest way of explaining why Canadians say "eh" and Americans don't...:p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Turbokittykat
Yes. I'm English and they're called prawns, not shrimps, here too.

I second that. I'm on the West Coast of Canada and we have both. Shrimp are well, shrimpy little things the size of a quarter and prawns are the shrimps' big brothers. Yum.


Staff member
One I find amusing is how different areas call Soft Drinks different things. In my area we call it pop, my friend from Arkansas calls it Soda or everything is a coke regardless if it is Pepsi, 7up or whatever. Also noticed something similar with bathrooms... Last time I was down in Tennessee, I asked where the washrooms were, then I said restrooms? Toilets? I was ready to say where is the shitter?? I said to my friend, do I talk funny or something? What do you call it here????

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Holstrom4
Also noticed something similar with bathrooms... Last time I was down in Tennessee, I asked where the washrooms were, then I said restrooms? Toilets? I was ready to say where is the shitter?? I said to my friend, do I talk funny or something? What do you call it here????

Just ask where the bathroom is. That's what most southerner's call them. At least back in N.C. anyways.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Holstrom4
One I find amusing is how different areas call Soft Drinks different things. In my area we call it pop, my friend from Arkansas calls it Soda or everything is a coke regardless if it is Pepsi, 7up or whatever. Also noticed something similar with bathrooms... Last time I was down in Tennessee, I asked where the washrooms were, then I said restrooms? Toilets? I was ready to say where is the shitter?? I said to my friend, do I talk funny or something? What do you call it here????

Aye, Aye!! Being a Michigander, I'm a firm believer that soda is something you bake with, and 'pop' is something you drink


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ruby_soho
Definitely don't say swoe/yoke, or grip. I say rape all the time. "I got raped by macroeconomics". My friend and I say "popozao" just because we love the word, although we really haven't given it any formal definition. "That's popozao""Hey popozao!" Heh, maybe it's just filler. And of course in Canada, everyone says "eh". My sociology teacher had the funniest way of explaining why Canadians say "eh" and Americans don't...:p


LOL, I don't say that, but the guy on E!'s The Soup makes me crack up when he randomly says it...soooooo FUNNY!!

Have you heard the song? It's ridiculous...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Holstrom4
One I find amusing is how different areas call Soft Drinks different things. In my area we call it pop, my friend from Arkansas calls it Soda or everything is a coke regardless if it is Pepsi, 7up or whatever. Also noticed something similar with bathrooms... Last time I was down in Tennessee, I asked where the washrooms were, then I said restrooms? Toilets? I was ready to say where is the shitter?? I said to my friend, do I talk funny or something? What do you call it here????

I'm from alabama and we call everythings coke, we know the difference, we always ask what kind of coke do you want (that includes everythings sprite, mountain dew, even pepsi) hehe and we have alot of other things, don't feel like writing them all

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
I think that I am like the only Southerner to call Cola "Soda". My Austrian husband had no idea what I was talking about the first time that I said soda around him.


Well-known member
I am from Hawaii. And our whole way of speaking is just something different all together. The people from Hawaii on this board know what I'm talking about. I say stuff like, I have to go "shi shi" meaning I have to pee. I say "pau" which means finished. I say alot of different things. Hawaii slang is mixed up with all kinds of different languages and sayings. There are just to many. Being here in South Carolina I hear stuff I've never heard before. My bf said one time..."That girl is fool!" I'm like what does that mean? I guess they call crazy people "fool." Something new to me.

Oh, and my Grandma is orginally from Minnesota...and she calls soda... Pop.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ruby_soho
Definitely don't say swoe/yoke, or grip. I say rape all the time. "I got raped by macroeconomics". My friend and I say "popozao" just because we love the word, although we really haven't given it any formal definition. "That's popozao""Hey popozao!" Heh, maybe it's just filler. And of course in Canada, everyone says "eh". My sociology teacher had the funniest way of explaining why Canadians say "eh" and Americans don't...:p

you must share the explanation!! =)
i love the "eh" and "aboot (about)" hahaha

and about hawaiian slang... it took me like 2 weeks to even begin to understand some of the country ass folk. i mean the slang and accent is so thick on some of these people, it sounds like a completely different language!!! but i think pidgin (pigeon however you spell it) can sound really cute on the right person =) hehehe but to me i see it as island ebonics. "i like go cruise" i mean omg... thats one crazy way of saying you wanna go kick it haha.


Well-known member
^^^Ha ha...I like go cruise! LOL I like grind brah! Ho, you like go da kine. I could go on and on. Hawaii slang does sound funny to people who aren't from there. THis girl asked my friend one time..."I like one quarter." My freind was like what? You like a quarter, I like one too. LOL My family speak real bad pidgeon. I dont' always speak pidgeon, but it comes out every now and then. My bf be like what did you just say? LOL It's funny. But, people can tell I am not from here by the way I talk. I guess I have a slight accent.


Well-known member
I am a pop gal, but my husband says soda. I am from the west coast and he is from the east coast (from Jeeyseey).

He also says "wooder" instead of water.

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