Relationship Dealbreakers


Well-known member
Cheating, of course.

Also, being totally unmotivated to achieve more in life. My boyfriend and I broke up breifly this past summer, and it was one of my stipulations that if we get back together, he MUST go to college. Being 25 and stuck at a dead end, low paying job just isn't acceptable to me, especially when I'm busting my chops in school. Luckily, he oblidged...and he likes school!

Substance dependence, especially on alcohol.

Being totally cold, cruel, and insensitive. There's a reason why all the boys in my past my past.


Well-known member
well let me explain my ex boyfriends.

No cheaters!
No hitting,forcing anything upon me.
No Calling me names.
No putting me down in ANYWAY
No calling my dad a Redneck because he restores old cars. (f-U dude! my dad can kick your ass anyday!!(and ill let him).. dickface)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
well let me explain my ex boyfriends.

No cheaters!
No hitting,forcing anything upon me.
No Calling me names.
No putting me down in ANYWAY
No calling my dad a Redneck because he restores old cars. (f-U dude! my dad can kick your ass anyday!!(and ill let him).. dickface)

How does restoring old cars make you a redneck? Thats pretty cool, some of them are really pretty.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Restoring cars is wicked hard, from what I understand. You have to know so much, like the history of the car model, hope the part is available, and then have the money for the part.

I think people think of cars, think NASCAR, and then think redneck, even though plenty of people are into cars who aren't rednecks.


Well-known member
I had the most ridiculous ex boyfriend. He drove a very typical car which is fine but I think he had a little bit of jealousy towards me and my father for having a close Father daughter relationship, and I was interested in what my dad was doing .He hated the fact my dad let me drive his cars, and people look when your in something out of the ordinary. He would give me shit for how loud some of the cars were. and how "stupid it was to have a car like that..your a redneck just like your dad" that was that.
i said "auf Wiedersehen" and we were done.


Well-known member
Well any kind of mental or physical abuse, obviously.
Cheating, of course.
Lying a lot...I mean a little white lie I can overlook, but not if it happens all the time and if it's about something serious.
Bad grooming, smelly, dirty clothes, etc.
Really overweight.
No ambition in life, doesn't have any goals besides partying or something.
Severe substance abuse.


Well-known member
Bad priorities (I don't have to be #1 every single minute, but overall I better be the most important thing)
Disrespect in general, be it to me, my loved ones, or things that I do respect.
Abuse in general, see above.

That's not to say that I'll only break up with someone who has these issues, but anything else would have to be cumulative. These are the immediate deal breakers.


Well-known member
Cheating, not being kind to others(animals included)/racist, dishonest, and not having a positive outlook on life and all situations good or bad.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ..kels*
abuse, cigarettes, & a lack of understanding my MAC addiction.

Amen to the last one!!!


Well-known member
Cheating, abuse, excluding me from important decisions that affect us BOTH.
Another one for me would be alcohol or drug abuse. And I can bend a little here, by that I mean, if it happens to get to a point where there's an addictive habit forming or a full on addiction to something and it becomes repetitive and he refuses to get help, then i'm out. I'm not gonna stick around trying to help someone who doesn't want it.
Someone who won't let me be myself, or someone who is non-supportive
Possessiveness, driving my close friends and family away
If we have children and he can't be an active father, then I'll find someone who can. If two people decide to have babies, then two people should raise them together.

I'm a pretty laid back girlfriend and I think I'd make a pretty chill wife, but I know what I want and if someone can't give me that or try, then whats the point?


Well-known member
as a lot have said, cheating, abuse and really bad dishonesty.

i also would like to add substance abuse to the list. if he relies on illegal drugs or alcohol to get him through each day then he can eff off.

possessiveness is also there. i want to be able to call my mother or friends whenever i want, and i want to be able to hang out with them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Bad priorities (I don't have to be #1 every single minute, but overall I better be the most important thing)

"But baby, I know it is our anniversary but Jeff just got the new *fill in name of some idiot video game* and we are all getting together to play. You know, buds before broads. You can come."



Well-known member
I forgot to mention a very huge dealbreaker for me... If he shows signs of being even slightly homophobic, or is politically conservative? He's gone.

I have plenty of conservative friends (NO homophobes, though!), but no way am I gonna have sex with a Republican.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenii
I forgot to mention a very huge dealbreaker for me... If he shows signs of being even slightly homophobic, or is politically conservative? He's gone.

I have plenty of conservative friends (NO homophobes, though!), but no way am I gonna have sex with a Republican.

I don't judge people like that. Political affiliation is low on my list (must be open minded least entertain other ideas.) just because I am so independent that I would never find anyone.


Well-known member
I cant deal with

-Spouse Beaters
-Abuse of ANY kinds towards ANYone!

I actually like that my husband is a mamas boy..
but his mom doesnt control his life at all.
He has a very good relationship w his mom. Its not like they call EVERYDAY but every now and then, and after we discuss decisions we like to consult w his parents cus their very wise.

I think its true, the way a guy treats his mom is the way he treats his lady.. in my case I was blessed w/ very good.