Relationship Dealbreakers


Well-known member
All the sensible ones bout cheating/dishonesty/violent natures that people have already said....

.... but the one big dealbreaker for me that I feel guilty about sometimes is I know it's over and non-negotiable for me if I realise the person *really isn't that bright* or is *unrelentingly dull*....... at the end of the day *cringe*..... I just can't be doing with himboes, even if they're pretty/ a nice person/ genuinely care/the physical attraction is strong, etc, they've got to have something interesting and/or funny to say or I just *can't* do the distance, I get this sick feeling in the bottom of my stomach... that's when I break out the old little white lies along the lines of "it's not you, it's me" etc and REALLY have to just walk away....

"Dumb" or "dull" gotta be a dealbreaker, sorry....

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I forgot to mention a very huge dealbreaker for me... If he shows signs of being even slightly homophobic, or is politically conservative? He's gone.

I have plenty of conservative friends (NO homophobes, though!), but no way am I gonna have sex with a Republican.

Politically conservative I can do (pun intended) if it's more of a belief in low spending of the government/small national government. Homophobia and other stuff like that, hell no, and I don't care what party that person falls under.

Not being able to mentally stimulate me is a definite breaker.

I think I'm a little more forgiving than most of you. With the exceptions of some serious things (like abuse or committing a crime like rape or cold-blooded murder), I would be willing to try to forgive someone if they're sincerely remorseful. Like if someone would be cheat on me once, like a one-night stand, I would be willing to take them back, if only because we all mess up once. However, a long period of cheating? No, never.


Well-known member
kick him to the curb if he is a cheater, lies, dont work or want to work, mentally or physically abusive, abuses alcohol or drugs, and if he doesnt have or show feelings to you, and most of all is trust - if you cant trust someone- you dont belong together


Well-known member
Definitely cheating, also if he displays disinterest for a prolonged amount of time. If a man were to ever raise his hand to me.....but then that would mean the end of a relationship AND a life....


Well-known member
I agree with everyone on the universal deal breakers and I've added some MAJOR turn-offs:

Emotionally unstable
Overly pessimistic
Overly possessive, controlling and jealous
dirty (as in bad hygiene)
excessive and unwarranted cheapness
