Release dates for Germany


Well-known member
Hi Sussanne, I leave for Berlin today and was wondering where do you B2M? Mac PRO store or elsewhere?

The PRO store would be your best bet. The area around it is also nice for shopping and hanging out at cafes, so it's a win win :). Enjoy Berlin!


Well-known member
Today I had an invitation for the preview event in FFM in my mail!

MAC's really funny though - I'm zero interested in Wonder Woman, but I get an invitation, but for all really anticipated collections like TT or VV? Nope. I've been registered for so long, but nothing. This is the first time, actually!


Well-known member
Anneri, maybe they actually know you have zero interest, hence the temptation card
. Btw, when will WW be released in Germany? 1st of March? I need to get whatever items I want from Peacocky before then :p


Well-known member
Sounds quite right to me, Astrid! Elegant did *nearly* enable me to get Spitfire - we'll see! *g*

Nevertheless, I quite like those events - I find them funny. My invitation is for the 24th, I think the official release date is again the 1st?

My hauling from Peacocky is now over - I guess!!!


Well-known member
WW, Cremeblends, Gaga, Jeanius and... I am misssing something.....there are five march collections.... they will all be reliesed in Skandinavia on marhc 8th. Isn't it about the same in Germany usually?


Well-known member
Well then, have fun at the event Anneri
.... and let us know your haul(s)
Btw, what do you think about P-S? Playing with Taj Mahal the other day tempted me real bad (as you see in the Peacocky thread).

@Katjamo: wow 5 collections?
Then again Gaga is a small one... But still... MAC is really pushing it with their LEs.

@Susanne: Loving your new profile pic!! You look very pretty :)


Well-known member
Sounds quite right to me, Astrid! Elegant did *nearly* enable me to get Spitfire - we'll see! *g*

Nevertheless, I quite like those events - I find them funny. My invitation is for the 24th, I think the official release date is again the 1st?

My hauling from Peacocky is now over - I guess!!!
That's great. I've been registered for a while now too but never got an invitation so far :( Have fun there.
Oh, and in munich there will be the event for ww starting 21st of february....I don't know about the official releasedate though...


Well-known member
Well, I finally saw Peacocky and believe it or not, I was still wowed. The shadows apply buttersweet and make my other eyeshadows go on like chalk. And the lipcolours are great :love: I thought for WW the release date was the 1/3? I think I will cave and get Spitfire. Enjoy your events :) Anneri, I think they know you are not tempted by WW and want to make sure you rethink that ;) Are you feeling better?


Well-known member
OMG, MAC is enabling me! lol

No, I'm not better. :-(

Tomorrow I'll be seeing a specialist - a gastroenterologist. We'll see. In the meantime, I'm really concerned about my job - they don't appreciate long absences very much. And of course, I'm also concerned about my health - no normal stomach bug lasts that long!

Thank you for asking!

And of course, I'm happy to see you like Peacocky. It really is fabulous!


Well-known member
Oh no, Anneri, I'm sending you more healing thoughts
. How long have you been absent from work? Then again, what can you do if you're ill... your health is more important!

Bis, did you get anything from Peacocky?

Darling hubs was so nice today, he treated me to Papparaz-she and Spectacle of Yourself
. I think now I'm totally done with this collection :D


Well-known member
Anneri, I hope you feel better soon! I agree with cutemiauw, your health is more important (although a job is important as well, what with the economy).

Wow ladies, everyone got so many things from Peacocky! Enjoy your hauls!! I'm fine with the 3 shadows I got. No Peacocky lemming for me. And thankfully no want-want feeling for WW, Gaga II and Jeanius. :) I'm more interested in my stash of neutral perms at the moment.



Well-known member
Anneri, take care of yourself, getting better is the most important thing and the better you take care of yourself, the sooner you can go back to work. Yes, I did get some things from Peacocky: Dandizette (amazingly smooth blue), Prance, Unflappable and Mating Call. From the lipcolours I got Woo Me, Scandelicious :love: and Flaunting It :love: I might get some more of the lip colours, but I wanted to try them out first. Like Chester said, the eyeshadows are not super special, but they are sooo smooth, I swear since I have them my other eyeshadows have no payoff any more ;) Astrid, do you like Paparazz-she and SoY?


Well-known member
Chester, I never got this feeling with other collections... This is my first (and probably last) big haul for MAC. I didn't have that much stuff yet, just starting this hobby 1.5 years ago :). So I find everything is great since I don't have this or that color yet! Maybe I'll think differently if I have dupes in my collection :D.

Bis, I adore Paparrazz-she
. It's the perfect orange on my lids. SoY was nice, I didn't have any similar color, so it's great... but I have a feeling it's not that unique. Also, SoY and P-S are the perfect combination for me. Very easy to work with my skintone. Kinda instantly pretty

I'm loving all my hauls so far. I find the Kissable lipcolors a little bit drying though. Eh, I mean it doesn't hold moisture as good as lipglosses. But anyhow I find my skin got very dry lately (damn winter, please be spring soon!)


Well-known member
Yes, they are so incredibly smooth it's a dream to apply them. That's why I don't regret to shell out 60 Euro for them. Just don't remind me how many regulars this money could have bought me LOL

I know this feelng, trust me. Fabulous Felines and Spring Color Forecast were the worst for me. But right now my focus is slightly blurred by the blingy bling of nail polish, all that OPI Texas and Pirates of the Caribbean goodness, and BB Couture Wild West and Essie French Affair and China Glaze Rodeo and Retro and and and... :D I'm more than content with small MAC hauls and lippie here and there.

How are you? Getting better?



Well-known member
Chester: have fun with your nail polishes!! I'm not much into n/p since I'm very careless with my fingernails

I think I'm also done with eyeshadows for a while. Between my Naked Palette and Peacocky haul, I have a long way to go until I ran out of something
. Also I don't think any of the next collections interest me at all... maybe a lippie or eyeliner would still creep up to my shopping basket.

Btw, I'm suspecting I have allergic reaction to the Pearlglide liners. Seemed like my eyes got a little red everytime I wear them


Well-known member
@Chester :lol: I won't remind you if you will not remind me ;) @cutemiauw, Paparazzi-she is really smooth, but not really my colour. Glad you like it :) @Anneri, are you feeling better?


Well-known member
It was my first day back at the office today. I'm better, but still not well. But the gastroenterologist said that it really way a virus - albeit a very strong one.

Chester, I'm with you on the OPI collections! Pirates! Wooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111
I just ordered some CG from the recent collection and one OPI Burlesque n/p (and the Formidable dupe from Orly). Looking forward to it!


Well-known member
OPI has Pirates? How did I miss that? Is that the summer collection? Anneri, great to hear you are feeling better, hope you are yourself again real soon.


Well-known member
Thanks for the link, Anneri. I like the collection a lot, too bad OPIs are not really that great on me, they chip superfast. But I might get the moudly green anyways, I love the movies :D

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