Release dates for Germany


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@hyazinth You look great in your profile pic :) How would you say is the pigmentation of Mighty Aphrodite? I heard some people find that it swatches poorly.
I wanted to get that blush, but now I'm really unsure, and I have to order online ,as always. My list was: Pink Powder, Mighty Aphrodite, Marquise D' and the blue nail polish, but I might end up ordering just PP and Marquise D'. I kinda lost interest in this collection a little bit. With all the great collections coming out in the next months, I'll rather save up for those.

Does anyone know the price for the Sheen Supreme l/s yet? I read they will be 23 Euro each, but that sounds quite expensive.


Well-known member
Sounds like you had a great time, hyazinth. I love your new profile picture :). Even prettier than before
. Thanks a lot for your review :). Hope you enjoyed your haul :).

Good to know there's not so much madness with this collection. I remember during VV, some people already waited outside!


Well-known member
Thanks for the compliments, ladys.

@ Naynadine: Mighty Aprodite is not heavy pigmented that's right. And swatches will be rather light because of that. But for me that is not negative because I rather aply a 2nd time than getting to much on my cheeks and go trough the trouble of having to get that off again. For me it's easier to use that way. If that's okay for you as well I'd still recommend it if you don't have any similar shades yet. Hope that helps.

I don't know prices for the sheen supreme l/s sorry. I agree with you 23€ sounds too much...

@cutemiauw: Yes not much of a hype to be seen for now
. Although the MA said that they have a lot of preordes. Waiting outside for store opening, people really do that for make up? Amazing...


Well-known member
hyazinth, love your avatar picture! The great really suits you and I love your new hair. You were really strong to leave the eyeshadows there. I love Tealo liner, but I would have never used it with greens like the one in the quad. Great to hear MA is sheer, I hate to be careful at 6am to apply blush, so I only use the safe ones. How did you like the new mascara? Thanks for the hint about the glosses, I heard it before but never thought the stuff could end up on me. Well, really a forward thinker, me ;) cutemiauw, I am going this week, but once in a while I make it back there, so if you are patient, we can find a way. Naynadine, no idea about the price for the new lipsticks, but I would say 23Euros is a bit steep. Normal lipsticks are 18 and the Pro Longwear 20, so 23 for somethings more sheer? Hope not.


Well-known member
Hyazinth, you look lovely in your new pic. Your smile is really radiant!

I'm at the event in FFM tomorrow evening and don't still know what to get yet.
I'm pretty clueless, even moreso because I already own Marquise d', which I really like and would have gotten. Additionally I've to take my massive Peacocky haul into account and, well, I got a new Furla bag last Saturday. Its price was reduced and I'm weak when it comes to Furla!

This could be an event where I walk away empty-handed... *gasp*. Spitfire which attracted me is quite close to Petals & Peacocks which doesn't suit me that well and requires some work, and even though the international girls rave about the blushes, I've more blushes than I'll ever need, they are expansive and own Band of Roses... Decisions, decisions!

@hyazinth, if you have any specific London questions, ask me - I'm normally there once or twice a year. :)


Well-known member
^^ Enjoy your event Anneri. I know what you mean about the collection. I might get Emancipation as it looks like Sugar Trance and it really worked well on me as a nude, although ST was sticky as hell, and Spitfire (what can I do, it's a satin). If you are not feeling the collection, walk away. Hope you can do it, I always get suckered into buying something as those events. There will be other collections that I will like more. At least that's what I am telling myself. How do you lipe Marquise d'? Is it a good nude?


Well-known member
@ bis: Thanks for your compliments
I decided to get the new hair cut on a whim. I need that from time to time...
I really liked the look the MA did with the green quad but it still wasn't enough to make me buy it, luckily. Me too, I would not have combined Tealo, rather Tarnish, that way, I was really surprised, it works. Maybe it is worth a try for you too and see if you like it?
The mascaras did have nice colors, expecially the blue one was nice. My MA applied it on the under lashes as highlight and it looked nice. I already own new hue, which is kind of a aubergine otherwise I would have gotten the purple. The texture is definitely better than the texture of the zoom lash new hue which really disappointed me.
Oh, btw. I got the transparent lip liner you recommended, one from Arteco, and it works very well with the peacocky lipcolors.

@cutemiauw: I will also be at south terminal at gatwick. But I hope there will be more items when I arrive. I am not particulary looking for anything. But you got me thinking about getting brushes in London as well. I always wanted the foundation brush (don't remember the nr at the moment).
But I am still not sure if it is really "duty free"?! I thought that only applies for internattional flights? Or am I wrong?

@ Anneri: Thanks for the compliments
Enjoy the Event and let us know how you liked it. *lol* I can't imagine the way the MA there will look if you really don't get anything. But I'd also say iy there is nothing you really like safe the money for the upcoming collections.
Right, Furla bags are great. I always wanted one of those. What kind did you get?
Thanks for letting me ask about London :) Do you have a Oyster card for the puplic transports? If so what do I need to get it and where can I get it?
And back to cosmetics: Do you know a place where I can find the Ben Nye empty palette? I found a address: Have you been there?
I won't buy anymore cosmetics here in germany until after my trip to London. I am curious, what I can find there...


Well-known member
I LOVE Marquise d'! For, me, it's not a real nude, but a very light peach.

The event was quite fun. Very packed, as always, BUT: I didn't buy anything! At least not from WW... Spitfire is nice, but I'm sure it can be duped. Petals & Peacocks is very similar, but brighter. The colours of everything are not really unique, and the prices are ridiculous. I liked the green quad, but again - it can be duped.
The funny thing was that a lot of people were standing around the Peacocky display, and a girl in the queue before me bought about half a dozen shades. And I - well, because I liked the green pallette, I bought Ego and scored the last one! Thought about Exxibitionist, but that's really close to the Cyndis, so I passed again.

The event was quite similar to the American ones - even the same cocktails! They also had a model (blonde!) dressed as Wonder Woman who snapped people's pics that were turned into a comic strip. Pretty cool, but I didn't feel like being photogrphed - I came to the store after an 11-hour-workday, so I felt (and looked) quite dead...

I hope to vacation at San Francisco in autumn, and maybe I'll see some things at a CCO - then I's get a gloss, Spitfire and maybe one or two of the mascaras and back up Marquise. I didn't like the blushes and MSF very much, and the bags and brush sets look tacky - imho!

I'm rambling... off to bed...

Edit: @Hyazinth: things you buy at the airport in the UK are still *with* taxes, not really 'duty free'. I don't know the shop in Notting Hill you found, but NH is fun anyway - I'd say have a try! I always buy Urban Decay when I'm in London, and Boots or Superdrug (dm-Äquivalent) are also fun. Go to Covent Garden, love it there - there's a Lush as well there. Harrods is also fun for a first time visitor, the MAC counter is impressive. I also love the huge bookstores, Waterstones for example, hate Topshop with a passion but love Monsoon, Accessorize, fish & chips, the supermarkets (tea! Winegums! salt & vinegar crisps). Pret a manger is excellent when you want a quick snack, and it's virtually everywhere. Also: take a walk along the Thames: start at the Tower (but on the other riverside) and walk along until you reach the London Eye. Which is fun to ride, too! Especially when the sun sets. Also, take a walk in St. James Park, from Buckingham Palace to the horse guards.
Now I'm rambling about London... and now REALLY off to bed! (PN me if you have any aditional questions!)
For the Oyster card, have a look here:


Well-known member
@cutemiauw: I will also be at south terminal at gatwick. But I hope there will be more items when I arrive. I am not particulary looking for anything. But you got me thinking about getting brushes in London as well. I always wanted the foundation brush (don't remember the nr at the moment).
But I am still not sure if it is really "duty free"?! I thought that only applies for internattional flights? Or am I wrong?
I won't buy anymore cosmetics here in germany until after my trip to London. I am curious, what I can find there...
Probably not, but it's still cheaper than the shops outside the airport. (I checked the perfumes). Definitely check for the brushes! They are so much more expensive here

And Anneri, congrats on the Furla bag


Well-known member
hyazinth, I do this spontaneous hair changes also, quite a lot actually :lol: Great to hear the transparent lipliner is working. I was at the Heathrow duty free and did not buy a thing. Nada. They only had some Peacocky shadows and lipcolours left, but nothing grabbed me from the shadows. I tried SoY and Sexpectations and could not get them. From the lipcolours they only had the unspectacular colours left. Money saved I guess ;) You can get an Oyster card at every Underground station and you can give it back there as well. Just not at the airport, that's why I still have mine ;) Anneri, thanks for the tips for London.


Well-known member
Does anyone know the exact date for the new Cremeblend blushes? On the first page it just says March. TIA JJ, did you like the new VGG shades?


Well-known member
to be honest i was so put off by the color that i didn't even try it out. i was hoping for a nude lipstick with a hint of pink but this looked straight up brown, like fresh brew from hello kitty.
i will try it out sometime next week though, just to be sure it's not for me ;)
but i think i'm too pale for it. maybe the lipgloss? we'll see :)


Well-known member
I asked an MA yesterday, and she said April too for VG Gaga. She also said they only have a very limited stock for WW


Well-known member
@Anneri: Thank you for the many tipps and the link to the oyster card info. I will definitely try some of those :)

@bis: Also thanks for the info about the card :)

@cutemiauw: I will definitely try to get the brush 190 and 168. It is around 10€ difference per brush.

About the limited stock for WW. I suppose they have to say no matter how much they really have. At least sometimes it feels like it because when they open the dravwers there is pretty much of everything.


Well-known member
[quote name="*JJ*" url="/forum/thread/108370/release-dates-for-germany/1470#post_2089529"] to be honest i was so put off by the color that i didn't even try it out. i was hoping for a nude lipstick with a hint of pink but this looked straight up brown, like fresh brew from hello kitty.
i will try it out sometime next week though, just to be sure it's not for me ;)
but i think i'm too pale for it. maybe the lipgloss? we'll see :)
[/quote] Yes, for me it was the same, way too brown and I am not generally good with nudes that do not have pink in them. Let me know what you think if you try it :)


Well-known member
i was at the WW preview event today although i had already bought the stuff i wanted earlier this week. they had tons of WW items, not as limited as all the other collections. the other store in vienna still had all the items in stock although they have been selling the collection for a week now.
i tried VG gaga but i decided to skip it and bought hue instead. its a much more flattering color although gaga didn't look so bad. it kinda reminded me of tom ford's blush nude and since i already have that one i decided to buy hue.
i'm going to give my wallet a rest now and wait for pink cult blush :)


Well-known member is already selling WW, sheen supreme and cremeblend blushes.
i thought sheen supreme was set to be released in april?

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