Religion/Strict Parenting and Make Up?


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I am interested to hear your views on this,

There are a few religions that dont like for women to wear make up
But I saw on Dateline or 20/20 last night where there were women
in Iraq and the middle east who started taking an interest in beauty. There are now beauty shops opening etc. where before they had to wear burkas (sp?) and be completely covered.

I know for myself and the church I go to just recently (the past 15 -20 years or so) got comfortable with women wearing make up and piercing their ears, wearing pants outside of church etc.
Now its common place and I rarely go to church with no make up on.
My parents never really prohibited me from wearing it, every since I was a teen I would dabble with it here and there, my mom would buy Avon for me or something like that.

Has anyone else had similar experiences or have comments on this?

Not a debate on if it should be allowed or not, but did you grow up with strict rules with regards to make up?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I grew up in a non makeup wearing household. My mother didn't think I needed to wear makeup or rather, should (wearing makeup, as great as it is, isn't a necessity), but she bought an Almay compact for me. I was allowed that and those colored Lip Smacker things (it was like the edgy teenage brand; they don't sell them anymore.) That's it.

I snuck eyeshadow, but I'm sure they turned a blind eye on that one. I would wear these bright colors and knowing how bad my technique was, I find it terribly hard to believe they didn't notice.


Well-known member
I was one of the girls that snuck her makeup to school and put it on in the bathroom before class. In the 6th grade. My Dad was so strict about that and other random things, like getting my ears pierced. To be honest, I have NO idea why and don't plan on being like that with my kids.


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According to my Mom i was in her makeup at like age 3, and managed to not only get it on my face, but a lot of other things in the house =P


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I read something similar where many women in Afghanistan had always worn makeup under their burkas, even if it was lip color only, as a way to "rebel" against the restrictions they faced...interesting stuff.

I didn't get into makeup until I was about 15 or parents never really said anything either way about it. I did start with lipgloss, though...and I would get into my mom's makeup box...just like my stepdaughter does today (except MAC didn't exist back in the day!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ebonyannette
I am interested to hear your views on this,

There are a few religions that dont like for women to wear make up
But I saw on Dateline or 20/20 last night where there were women
in Iraq and the middle east who started taking an interest in beauty. There are now beauty shops opening etc. where before they had to wear burkas (sp?) and be completely covered.

i know it isn't a debate but women in the middle east have always been interested in beauty and cosmetics and many of the worlds well known makeup artist come from the middle east...aswell burqas are most well known in afghanistan not the middle east where normally a hijab and najib is common place

but i'm south american hahaha i was born wearing fuschia lipstick mom let us wear makeup becuse she loved it and enjoyed wearing we used to dance and what not so wearing heavy makeup was always necessary for those occasions

my parents never really cared because we never looked like mini hookers


Well-known member
I got my ears pierced when i was around 5 or 6 because one day I went up to my dad and said " I want to get my ears pierced" that evening we were at the mall getting it done.

I never really wore makeup, untill I turned maybe 13 or 14, Even today I do not wear makeup on a daily basis. Hardly Ever actually Unless im going out. For me I am just lazy. and makeup tends to make my face itch. . eyemakeup with is my FAVORITE ever tends to make my eyes itchy.. maybe its the mac.. but i love it oh so much!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pushpa
i know it isn't a debate but women in the middle east have always been interested in beauty and cosmetics and many of the worlds well known makeup artist come from the middle east...aswell burqas are most well known in afghanistan not the middle east where normally a hijab and najib is common place

but i'm south american hahaha i was born wearing fuschia lipstick mom let us wear makeup becuse she loved it and enjoyed wearing we used to dance and what not so wearing heavy makeup was always necessary for those occasions

my parents never really cared because we never looked like mini hookers

Thanks for the correction, I was falling asleep last night while watching it so I guess I didnt get the location straight.
But yes that is what I was referring to.
I know that the Egyptians used make up (from History class) ha ha.

But yes there were certain things in the "church" that you just didnt do like wear the color red to church, I guess it was a sign of being loose, ha ha the ladies at church told me that back in "their" day, if they wore red the altar workers would come put a sheet over them! ha ha

Also make up was frowned upon I guess it was considered as being too "worldly" the same with ear piercing and wearing excessive jewelery.
I would have DIED back then or just been condemned to hell because I cant live without my lipglass,chandelier earrings, and bangles!

My mom had my ears pierced when I was like 3 months so mine have always been pierced.


Well-known member
I was very fortunate as my parents didnt give me any stricked regulations and my church didn't either. However, I was always on the conservative side with makeup-its fun to do an art thing with its fun to do something silly every now and then but mostly I wear taupes and browns. I only got that from watching many of my care takers (if you will) like my mom, my aunt, my grandmother etc and was never encouraged to wear makeup or not encouraged. They just let me be.

And that's what I think is so amazing that I couldn't imagine ever living in a house or a country or in a religious sect where I was forced to never wear makeup (when in fact I would if thats the case because I'm the one who always has to fight against the grain), or live in a household where i was forced to wear makeup (never leave the house without your lipstick on - that was a friends rule) because then I would never wear it.

I just one day decided heh. OK I'll wear it when I damn well please and its been very good for me.

I guess I was just insanely fortunate.


Well-known member
I didn't really grow up in a religious household before (Thank God!). Let me explain. I think that if I would have, I would have kept those mindsets about not wearing makeup, pants, etc. The church I go to now is so caught up with modern times (not modern beliefs that conflict with the bible, though) that it's not an issue. My ears were pierced since the age of one so that was already done. As far as makeup, I didn't really want to wear it until I got in my older teen/early twenties. I was somewhat of a tomboy who didn't want to grow up. Plus I didn't want alot of attention from guys (being painfully shy). Now I wear it every other day (trying to make it an everyday thing).


Well-known member
i think this is relative in any religion and like Pushpa said, most parents are fine unless they attempt walking out of the house looking like mini hookers. this goes for clothing too.

Im raised muslim and if im going to Mosque then in respect on teh environment there, anything i wear will be toned down whereas outside in the wider world its whatever goes as long as you dont embarass the family name in a rainbow eyeshadow ensemble

oh and p.s- when i was in saudi last year, i saw some of the most fantastically made up up and stunning women ever and they still wore the Hijab (head covering) :holysheep:


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I dont go to church although i still am a religious person.
In my family theirs never really been an issue about anything that ive decided to do for myself.

Just to make a long story short my parents are what youd call "hippies" and i usually dont like to use that term beacuse alot of people use it negitively but im not in any was. Ever since i have been an infant ive been vegan but my parents always gave me the choice once i was older to make my own decisions about that. And back then people didnt know what vegan was and my parents got heavy scrutiny for it from other parents not that they cared. My mom didnt want me to get my ears pierced when i was 6 and asked her but she did take me to a piercer when i was 8 beacuse i still wanted to get my ears pierced and i started crying once i saw the needle so we decided not to do it hahahaha
when i was around 10 i started wanting to wear makeup my mom didnt want me wearing anything that would hurt my skin since i had sensitive skin so she got me some kiddie makeup lol

My dad actually got me my first piece of makeup when we were living in san franscisco i think it was from macys when i was 11 the makeup artist put some lip stuff on me and some sparkely shadow and i was like ooooooohhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh you know how little kids are amazed by the smallest things so my dad got me all the stuff she used! i was soo happy.

And yeah now im addicted!

But on the issue of wearing dresses i wore dresses by choice all the time when i was younger now i barely ever wear dresses at all even though i still love them ive never been pushed either way with my family.

EDIT: O i forgot to say i dont wear makeup everyday either like most people when im just around the house going to target and stuff i really find no reason for it. id say out of the 7 days of the week i probably wear it 3 days


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pushpa
but i'm south american hahaha i was born wearing fuschia lipstick

Pushpa, I thought you were Arab/Desi? I wonder how I came to that conclusion if I wasn't told that. Hahaha quite the imagination I suppose. Maybe I got you confused with someone else.

Anyways. I don't think makeup and religion matter as much as makeup and culture--there are more strict sects of all religions that it is just not ok to do that in. And in followers of the same religion you'll find such a wide spectrum of what people do, depending on where in the world they are.

As for me, I am Muslim and dress fairly conservatively but I don't follow hijab in a "oh, I'll cover my head and still wear tons of makeup" way, I'm of the belief that modesty is more than just a scarf on your head and that wearing makeup does not equal being scandalous.

My parents are pretty conservative in some respects but they have never told me I couldn't wear makeup. I first got into it at age 13, not too old and not too young. My mom was never against it, though at times I wish she would have told me that I looked like a fool in my purple sparkly lipstick. In fact my mom would buy me more if I asked for it and still does. Granted, I tend to wear very neutral stuff, but that's personal taste.


Well-known member
Just about every Middle Eastern Muslim I've ran into are actually pretty natural with their makeup or none at all because of prayer times.

I grew up Catholic and my Catholic school (K-8th) didn't allow any type of makeup or nail polish for girls. Though, growing up, I was into a lot of dance competitions and recitels so I was constantly wearing stage makeup, so obviously my mom didn't mind at all.


Well-known member
Yeah, I grew up dancing, so I wore it/still wear it for that...and I was notorious for getting into my moms stuff all the time. I got into it once and walked away with a mouth covered in Grape by Clinique. ITS PURPLEPURPLE. whoa. My mom asked me what I had done and I gave her a goofy smile, said 'nothing' and walked off non-chalantley to go play ... I stay away from purple lipstick now. haha

But they never really minded. When I was in 7th-8th grade I was totally into WHITE wet-n-wild eyeliner. I thought it was the hottest thing ever. weired. Then starkly changed over to black. I was the queen of black eyeliner. and I didnt make it thin. It was bold.
But I loved it.

I've since moved on, obviously...but I still have my days where I only reach for my foundation/powder and blacktrack fluidline, which by the way, is the best best best thing ever. haha...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Katura

When I was in 7th-8th grade I was totally into WHITE wet-n-wild eyeliner. I thought it was the hottest thing ever.

Hell yeah I had the white eyeliner too. I thought it was pretty hot.. haha


Well-known member
I would always watch my mom put on her makeup when I was little, and she'd put blush on me sometimes just cuz. I hated when she would put makeup on me when I had ice skating competitions and performances. I mean she would just cake the stuff on me and had to line my lids and my underliners. I still have memories of twitching and she accidentally poking me in the eye!

I was anti makeup for a long time after that. The only thing I would do was stage makeup when I turned 16. It evolved after that.

When you mentioned church, it got me to think about mine. I never realized that I am practically the only one in there that wears something "different". Nothing magazine ads are made of are in there, they're on me instead! But everyone's still nice and accepting!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by faifai
Pushpa, I thought you were Arab/Desi? I wonder how I came to that conclusion if I wasn't told that. Hahaha quite the imagination I suppose. Maybe I got you confused with someone else.

no i am west indian not east indian i am from south america/caribbean born and raised

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