I grew up in a household where my mom was active in the church (a very liberal-leaning Lutheran church) and my dad was not in any church although he was baptized young. As far as makeup goes, my mum was originally fairly conservative about it. When I got into her old Elizabeth Arden stuff (she used to work the counters), she took away all my makeup for a month-but then after it came makeup crime after makeup crime. Blue Hello Kitty lipbalm, silvery-brown lipgloss, silver lipstick, gold lipstick, crappily-applied Wet & Wild eyeliner, bronzer AS foundation, dark purple lipstick...
Anywhoo, her original rule was that I could wear natural-looking eyeshadow in 7th grade, then mascara and colours the next year. Well, I was wearing all sorts of things but never highlighter as eyeshadow. Nowadays she thinks I go bright but she does understand that it is like my art. If she knew the money I spent on makeup, she would flip! I can say though that I still do attend church, and I do try and keep the makeup more toned down-respectful and professional-but I wear what I want.
And on the ear-piercing thing, when I was young my mum originally said absolutely not before I turned 13. I ended up getting them done when I was 12 because earlier that year I had dealt with a lot of dark emotional issues, and it was one of those things to make me feel better. I was actually one of the last girls in the area to get their ears pierced. Only one of my friends did not have them pierced when I did...many girls had at least two. My mom had 2 on one ear and 6 on the other.