Religion/Strict Parenting and Make Up?


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ooo girl in the middle east they tear it up with make-up lol. they have a few mac stores/counters in arab countries actually. it depends on the person, like i know women who wear hijab and don't ever wear make-up. but at the sametime my mother doesn't wear hijab and she doesn't wear make-up besides khol. i know hijabis that cake it on as well haha. i have to find my pictures of when i went to my uncle's wedding in Jordan and the make-up they put on me.

It pretty much varies from person to person. but personally i just feel it's disrespectful to wear make-up when you're going to a masjid or you're praying.


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I didn't start wearing makeup until i was in my early twenties. Not only were my parents against it when i was growing up but i was also in a strict catholic school were we were not allowed makeup or nail polish. By the time, I went to college and left my parents house i didn't have to much interest in it. By the way, i am from a muslim family but i don't think the didn't want me wearing makeup because of the religion ( my mom wears makeup) i think they were just trying to make me understand that i was beautiful on my own, au naturel. That i didn't need makeup to be an attractive person. Even though, i didn't like it at the time, now i am glad that i am not so dependent on makeup. I enjoy it but i am also fine with hanging out without any makeup.


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I was allowed makeup from an early age. I had my own makeup when I was like 8, I had heaps of e/s, lipsticks, lipglosses, lip pencils and everything. But that was because it was something i showed a real interest in so my parents thought to encourage it (yet I wasn't allowed to wear it to school, which was fair enough) But it all got taken away from me coz My stupid 2 year old brother got into it all and drew all over the windows :'( I've always had makeup...


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My parents just think that its a waste of money to spend the little I have on makeup (poor student me
) So my dad says stuff about how stupid it is and whatever. And my mother will compliment me when I do my makeup all out there but then (when I had bright green fading to turquoise) she says 'it's kinda loud...I would never wear it" My mum doesnt wear makeup...but whatever..

My grandparents however....haha..My grandma on my mum's side dyes her hair and does her makeup still (I dont know how old she is but she's at least 80), and my Grandpa on my dad's side is pretty much the opposite. He thinks women shouldnt wear makeup, or dye their hair, and they should have long hair. He saw my grad pic (where I think I look awesome) and I am wearing rather bright makeup and he was like "That's disgusting" or something like that...and he saw my grad dinner picture (where I am wearing natural makeup...but I am wearing more than at grad) and he's like "Thats much better..." I tried to point out that I am wearing more there but my dad was like "shhh, let him have his fun" haha

My church doesnt really care about makeup...unless I came in like full on stereotypical goth drab or something...I would get some looks from the old ppl, but my pastor would probably just smile and say hello.


I went to my church with bleached hair and hot pink/red streaks and one of the guys there was like "You dyed your hair my favourite colour"...and a while ago I went to my friends church with completely hot pink hair and I got the feeling that they though she was trying to witness to me or because I had pink hair I mustve not been a believer....

I havent gone to church with my blue hair yet....but so far all Ive got was compliments


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My mom grew up in a turbo Protestant household in a midwest Lutheran community (part of the Swedish community), and to this day will not spend $$ on m/u, or wear it except for very, very special occasions, like if she has to speak at one of her meetings. I think her outlook on m/u based on her religous upbringing is not that its bad or shameful, but that its a wasteful extravegance. As for how it affected me, to this day I cannot spend $$ to get my nails done, because it makes me feel really guilty and self-induglent.


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I was never allowed to wear makeup. My Mom would get super pissed because my best friend had a mirror with a light, and a huge thing of makeup, and we used to play with it all the time. And my Mom would get so mad when I came home with makeup on.. "Little girls your age shouldn't be allowed to wear makeup, you don't need it!"

Even for my dance performances, she wouldn't let me wear makeup. I guess being raised like that is why I feel sick when the four and five year olds show up at our performances wearing an entire pan of blush (or so it looks like). :eek2:

I ended up getting into makeup when I was 14, when I started reading Seventeen magazine
By that time, my Mom was cool with it.. and I was buying it all myself anyways, with babysitting money
It's funny though, because now she comes to me for makeup help. And, now she wants to quit her job and sell Mary Kay, so I'm dragging her to some mu application workshops
But she loves to come to MAC with me cos I always ask her opinion, and she loves looking at the e/s colours

And, all through this, my dad never really cared if I wore makeup or not!


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I modeled in my late teens and early twenties,,,,mostly for local ads. Only for jobs was I allowed to wear makeup,definitley not for school. Same thing with being in a dance troupe. Only for stage work,not for "real life". My parents considered makeup a grownup thing.


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My parents never really had a problem with me wearing makeup. I used to get into my mom's makeup when I was little. She would let me play with her stuff. And for a long time i was my older sister's doll LOL. She would put make up on me and do my hair then take pictures lol. I didn't really start wearing makeup until I was about 13 or 14 years old but even then it was only some covergirl powder, blush, and lip smackers lips stick. The one thing she was a little weary about was letting me shave my legs. I got so self concious though by the time I was 11 I begged her to let me shave. So she shaved my legs for me the first time.


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My family is Catholic (and Arab (Bahraini) on my mother's side and European (Italian) on my father's). I've lived in Bahrain for most of my life, other than boarding schools in the UK and US.

My parents have never said anything about me wearing black or any other dark eye makeup, foundation, etc.. . but I'm not allowed to wear red lipstick. My mother still has this old mindset that it looks "whorish". (note: I have like seven different colors of it anyways)

My Nona (father's mother) has eyelash extensions, permanent make-up (eyeliner, lipstick, and eyebrows), and has never said anything to me about not wearing mu to church. She took me to Clinique for the first time when I was younger

My grandmother (mother's mother) used to use rubbing alcohol to wipe my face off if I wore make-up. She's more used to what I wear now minus red lipstick and bright e/s.

I've always gone to a religious school (Islamic <note: it was a public school>, Catholic, and Moravian). Only the Islamic and Catholic schools did not allow make-up, you were suspended at the Islamic school and the Catholic school would search your room and confiscate your cosmetics (it was boarding).


Well-known member
my mother always begged me 'just a little mascara and lipgloss! please?'
and i was always like 'ew gross.'
i did not start wearing makeup until i was almost eighteen, this year.
now, look at me: obsessed.

my aunt[moms sister] is a completely different story. she is the no makeup, dress wearing, long hair, 'amen' screamin' pentecostal. i always feel awkward when i am around them....but sometimes i put on a shit ton of makeup just to see their reactions...



Well-known member
Haha... reading this thread makes me want to go buy some white fluidliner lol... Seems like yesterday!


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my mom used to get sort of mad when i started wearing eyeliner but now shes cool with it.
both my parents hate it though when i do really dark stuff(basically everything i really like lol)


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Growing up in my church, the women did not wear makeup except for foundation. (No jewelry either, to do this day my ears are not pierced.) If a lady had on mascara or eyeliner, some older person would almost have stroke. I never wore makeup growing up except for lipstick. Now, I wear make-up to church every week. The only color I do not wear is my Teal pigment, but I will wear all other colors and I get a lot of compliments.

One of my friends got married and didn't even wear l/g, I was taken aback to say the least. Now, if you go to the same church in the Caribbean or other more conservative places, you will not see any make-up or jewelry. If they saw you wearing that, they would assume you were not a member.


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Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
Hell yeah I had the white eyeliner too. I thought it was pretty hot.. haha

OMG!!! ha ha ha I did that back in 7th grade!

My mom didnt allow me to wear makeup, she said not until I was in HS,but I would wear makeup at school and then take it off during 7th period!
I cant believe I did the white eyeliner thing! and to top it off I did the Chola lipliner as well


Well-known member
makeup= self expression
religion = can be supression...i doesn't matter what religion.
i personally feel that it's a personal choice and parents should worry more about g-strings than makeup and about teaching sex-ed, not abstinence ( as this really works well just look at all those pregnant teens in the staates , lol)


Well-known member
My mother was a makeup artist when I was younger and when I was 12 she started buying me concealer (Ew acne!) and tinted moisturizers and such. Gradually I started experimenting more and more. By the time I was thirteen my daily make up was: concealer, foundation, lipgloss, eyeliner, mascara and maybe a lil eyeshadow.

Heh, I was raised in a Pagan/Atheist household so was raised very liberally and I never really had many restrictions when it came to things like that. I had 8 hoops in my ears by the time I was 14 and my mom had like bajillion more. =]


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Originally Posted by Evey
^ HAHHAA Chola lipliner....At least you didn't have the sharpie eyebrows.

How about highlighter for eyeshadow


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dmenchi
( as this really works well just look at all those pregnant teens in the staates , lol)

teen pregnancy rates are actually the lowest they have been in years. Teens aren't getting pregnant more now than they were 50 years ago, we just talk about it more.


Well-known member
Let me just say that I have always been a makeup whore.

My parents weren't really strict about it, but when we would be at family parties/events my aunts would be like no, too much makeup on you, no good...and then my parents would play along and say the same thing. They hate when I wear bold/colorful eyeshadows, like the blueish/silvery and they say I look like a hooker or pole dancer. I have to admit, back then I really didnt know how to or what blendind was, I just used to slap everything on LOL.

I am indian, but we are pretty modernized. I def have grown with my makeup, and instead of making it look trashy, I def make it known I have makeup on, but in a more sophisticated, arty way. So I think my parents appreciate my love and talent for it now. My mom asks me to do her makeup for her sometimes and always compliments me when I am all dolled up.

But, I am sure my aunts and other indian family members would still have a problem with it. They think that being natural gives you a innocent look, and with makeup and all dolled up you give off the vibe of being a party girl or soemthing, whateva. But I dont care, I love makeup and always will.

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