I got vice 1 n 2...I know dmn well I aint touch V2 since I've had it when it came out, V1 maaaybe twice and I love collecting UD palettes but im in noooo rush for NP3. im good on palettes/shadows. im gonna make sure I check in this thread when I have any urges becuz it'll be hard but to know I got thousands of dollars in makeup I dnt even phkn USE...
im getting mad just thinkin bout **logging AWF**
Just look at it this way (in regards to your palette purchases) anytime you feel tempted to buy another you probably don;t need... pull out one of these! That way you resist buying another one that will make you feel defeated and the unloved ones will get some much-needed "face" time!! (pun intended!)
Use those goodies and resist the new temptations... that's what this is all about!
Quote: Originally Posted by
I hear you on the palette thing, KiKi. There's a new NARS eyeshadow palette coming out in the near future that's seriously tempting me, even though I have loads of similar colours in other palettes, and even though ready-made palettes are one thing I'm swearing off for this low-buy.
Let's keep our resolve strong, yeah?