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I almost feel like 3 is not enough. But you are right, If I try and just pass on everything I'll end up scrapping the low buy. A lot of the times I am pretty good at not getting a crap ton from each collection. (except extra demension stuff lol) But would just buy the things that I liked instead of being more selective. The suggestion about the lippies is genius! That way I'm giving all my lippies some love. Thanks so much for your thoughts!

Good to know you are doing the 3 item per collection as well. I think I'll stick with that. And for exactly the reasons you are. Don't want to have to miss out on collections. Think it will do more harm then good. I have a pile of products that I've never used cause I just never returned them. It always bums me out. Cause it's just a waste. But the only thing to really do is empty them and b2m. I just don't get out to the stores that often. And your right, I should just use what I love instead of wallowing in what I don't/can't use. Thanks for your help! :hug:Are you reconsidering because you find 3 isn't a challenging enough goal for you? Or is it too challenging? I think it's best to find a goal that will push you a little bit but not frustrate you so much that you end up scrapping the whole thing. I know that's pretty vague.. lol. But goals are really personal. I made a more strict goal but built in a few loopholes so that I'd be able to be flexible (birthday $, points for meeting other goals like weight loss, purchasing items once I've used some of the same category up, etc.). The main thing is examining your stash and buying habits and working toward a more healthy relationship with cosmetics. Makeup should be something you enjoy, not something you stress or get upset over! Same goes for goals.. make sure you pick a goal that you can be reasonably happy working with! I'm rotating through my stash for 2-3 weeks and then concentrating on using up a few specific items for 1-2 weeks. I think that's a good balance for me, since it lets me experiment and be creative but it also hopefully will let me finish some products this year! If you try to use all 6 at once you'll have more variety, but concentrating on one at a time (while mixing in others on the days you get bored) will let you use up one faster. Maybe that would motivate you to use the rest? Just some ideas, hope that helps! Maybe you could try a no-buy on lippies until Playland and reward yourself with just that one gold lippie? I don't know how many you got with Melt but I think he'd be much more understanding if you got just 1 after a couple months of not buying any. It would show that you understand his concerns and are really trying to cut back. It would also prevent you relapsing after going "cold turkey." Or you could try to sell some of the ones you're not wearing? Stay strong! Obviously in the end your relationship is much more important than any lipstick. I hope you work things out! :support:
I agree on the lippie no buy until Playland and then buy just that one you have your eye on. By then, he will have forgotten this haul I'm sure. And he will be proud you're just grabbing 1! Be very careful w the feast or famine approach. It's those peaks and valleys that keep you from reaching your goals. In the meantime, maybe separate your Melt haul and only use 2 each month until Playland. That way, you will sort of satisfy your need for something "new" without spending more money. And you'll have something to look forward to each month adding "new" lippies to your stash. Just a thought... Good Luck girl! You already got some good advice... But I'll add that I am doing the 3 item thing. I'm hoping there may be some collections I can do less. But I know I like to partake in all the collections. So I know cold turkey would throw me off my goals. This lets me really fine tune my buys from each collection to things I'll really love. And I've had to pass on some stuff I wanted! But I had to really evaluate my purchase. Do I want x more than x?! It's more about retraining my brain for me. And hoping it gets easier as time goes on. Not having all the things all the time. But forcing myself to be selective! I do monthly makeup bags & rotate the products. I also have a separate little box on my counter that has things I need to use up. That way they are easily accessible. I peak in there to see if there is something that would suit my look before going into the bag. I don't force myself to use them, because makeup should be FUN! But I want that awareness that I need to make them a priority. And another thing, it's ok to let things go you're not loving anymore. Our tastes change. We like something, then we like something else... We can't always be that fickle in life, but we sure can w makeup!!! It's JUST makeup! If you're not feeling it, let it go. Who cares. Use stuff you love!!! You've said two key things "I need to stop" and "I didn't make any concrete rules or guideline." That means you realize you need to cut back but you don't believe in yourself enough to set a limit for yourself. You can do anything you set your mind to! Anything! The power of your mind over your impulses is alarming! You just aren't exercising that part of your brain. You're giving into every little "I want" thought... Then you're beating yourself up about it. There's no way you can feel good about how to achieve under those circumstances. You are setting yourself up for failure. I would recommend everything we have already talked about on here... inventory your stash, keep a tally of purchases, try to set a realistic goal, unsubscribe from emails... all of that. But most importantly... Just believe in yourself! That you CAN create a better game plan moving forward. That makeup doesn't equal happiness. I would recommend letting yourself get no more than 4 things in Vancouver. Use the time before to create a concrete list. Research what they have at that store that isn't easily accessible for you. Call and inquire about their inventory. Do whatever you have to do to pick just 4 (or whatever number you choose... It's not my goal, it's yours) items. Then go in the store and buy only those things. You can look around and see all the pretty things. But stick to your list. No matter what! This is more of a test for you than anything. A chance to set a goal, and accomplish it, and leave feeling like you have succeeded and not failed. It isn't even about the actual makeup. It's about realizing you can trust and believe in yourself to do it! THEN if you keep it up... It will get easier and easier. We want you to be a happy girl loving your makeup. Not a defeated person under veils of debt and shame. You are powerful and can do ANYTHING! Just go do it! And make yourself proud of the goal you reached!! Sorry for the tough love pep talk... I just know you want better for yourself and I believe you can do it! Let us know how it goes!!!