Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


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I almost feel like 3 is not enough. But you are right, If I try and just pass on everything I'll end up scrapping the low buy. A lot of the times I am pretty good at not getting a crap ton from each collection. (except extra demension stuff lol) But would just buy the things that I liked instead of being more selective. The suggestion about the lippies is genius! That way I'm giving all my lippies some love. Thanks so much for your thoughts! :heart:
Are you reconsidering because you find 3 isn't a challenging enough goal for you? Or is it too challenging? I think it's best to find a goal that will push you a little bit but not frustrate you so much that you end up scrapping the whole thing. I know that's pretty vague.. lol. But goals are really personal. I made a more strict goal but built in a few loopholes so that I'd be able to be flexible (birthday $, points for meeting other goals like weight loss, purchasing items once I've used some of the same category up, etc.). The main thing is examining your stash and buying habits and working toward a more healthy relationship with cosmetics. Makeup should be something you enjoy, not something you stress or get upset over! Same goes for goals.. make sure you pick a goal that you can be reasonably happy working with! I'm rotating through my stash for 2-3 weeks and then concentrating on using up a few specific items for 1-2 weeks. I think that's a good balance for me, since it lets me experiment and be creative but it also hopefully will let me finish some products this year! If you try to use all 6 at once you'll have more variety, but concentrating on one at a time (while mixing in others on the days you get bored) will let you use up one faster. Maybe that would motivate you to use the rest? Just some ideas, hope that helps! Maybe you could try a no-buy on lippies until Playland and reward yourself with just that one gold lippie? I don't know how many you got with Melt but I think he'd be much more understanding if you got just 1 after a couple months of not buying any. It would show that you understand his concerns and are really trying to cut back. It would also prevent you relapsing after going "cold turkey." Or you could try to sell some of the ones you're not wearing? Stay strong! Obviously in the end your relationship is much more important than any lipstick. I hope you work things out! :support:
Good to know you are doing the 3 item per collection as well. I think I'll stick with that. And for exactly the reasons you are. Don't want to have to miss out on collections. Think it will do more harm then good. I have a pile of products that I've never used cause I just never returned them. It always bums me out. Cause it's just a waste. But the only thing to really do is empty them and b2m. I just don't get out to the stores that often. And your right, I should just use what I love instead of wallowing in what I don't/can't use. Thanks for your help! :hug:
I agree on the lippie no buy until Playland and then buy just that one you have your eye on. By then, he will have forgotten this haul I'm sure. And he will be proud you're just grabbing 1! Be very careful w the feast or famine approach. It's those peaks and valleys that keep you from reaching your goals. In the meantime, maybe separate your Melt haul and only use 2 each month until Playland. That way, you will sort of satisfy your need for something "new" without spending more money. And you'll have something to look forward to each month adding "new" lippies to your stash. Just a thought... Good Luck girl! You already got some good advice... But I'll add that I am doing the 3 item thing. I'm hoping there may be some collections I can do less. But I know I like to partake in all the collections. So I know cold turkey would throw me off my goals. This lets me really fine tune my buys from each collection to things I'll really love. And I've had to pass on some stuff I wanted! But I had to really evaluate my purchase. Do I want x more than x?! It's more about retraining my brain for me. And hoping it gets easier as time goes on. Not having all the things all the time. But forcing myself to be selective! I do monthly makeup bags & rotate the products. I also have a separate little box on my counter that has things I need to use up. That way they are easily accessible. I peak in there to see if there is something that would suit my look before going into the bag. I don't force myself to use them, because makeup should be FUN! But I want that awareness that I need to make them a priority. And another thing, it's ok to let things go you're not loving anymore. Our tastes change. We like something, then we like something else... We can't always be that fickle in life, but we sure can w makeup!!! It's JUST makeup! If you're not feeling it, let it go. Who cares. Use stuff you love!!! You've said two key things "I need to stop" and "I didn't make any concrete rules or guideline." That means you realize you need to cut back but you don't believe in yourself enough to set a limit for yourself. You can do anything you set your mind to! Anything! The power of your mind over your impulses is alarming! You just aren't exercising that part of your brain. You're giving into every little "I want" thought... Then you're beating yourself up about it. There's no way you can feel good about how to achieve under those circumstances. You are setting yourself up for failure. I would recommend everything we have already talked about on here... inventory your stash, keep a tally of purchases, try to set a realistic goal, unsubscribe from emails... all of that. But most importantly... Just believe in yourself! That you CAN create a better game plan moving forward. That makeup doesn't equal happiness. I would recommend letting yourself get no more than 4 things in Vancouver. Use the time before to create a concrete list. Research what they have at that store that isn't easily accessible for you. Call and inquire about their inventory. Do whatever you have to do to pick just 4 (or whatever number you choose... It's not my goal, it's yours) items. Then go in the store and buy only those things. You can look around and see all the pretty things. But stick to your list. No matter what! This is more of a test for you than anything. A chance to set a goal, and accomplish it, and leave feeling like you have succeeded and not failed. It isn't even about the actual makeup. It's about realizing you can trust and believe in yourself to do it! THEN if you keep it up... It will get easier and easier. We want you to be a happy girl loving your makeup. Not a defeated person under veils of debt and shame. You are powerful and can do ANYTHING! Just go do it! And make yourself proud of the goal you reached!! Sorry for the tough love pep talk... I just know you want better for yourself and I believe you can do it! Let us know how it goes!!!


Well-known member
Glad to see that most of you have done well on your Low Buy goals, and that some of us are reassessing our goals to suit our needs. My low buy is going well I had makeup in carts at least 5 different stores and empty all the carts this weekend. Trying to stick to a no buy this month and trying to finish several products before I purchase anything else. Still doing the rotating make up bag and pulling a random item out my storage bin every other day

A detailed list is always an aid for not shopping too much as well trying to keep an inventory of what you already own. I found quite a few items in the storage bins this weekend which I had forgotten about and this prompted me to stick to my no buy this month. Make saving goals , and always save towards something, I think the abstract of saving for a rainy day doesn't always seem real but if you save for a trip, a coveted item that you always wanted but couldn't afford, extra savings for the kids college fund or simply a little stash to have in case in the future you want something a little out of you price range.

As for why buy a Tom Ford when you could get three MAC's for the same price it's about preference but that discounts the fact the same amount of money is being spent just on more lipstick,and this is why some of us are on this journey in this thread. Chanel boy is one of my most favorite lipsticks and it is one that a travel with constantly. Yes it is pricey but I get my money's worth , so if Tom Ford has my perfect pink lipstick wouldn't be more prudent to buy that lipstick , pricey as it may be, rather than be on that constant struggle to find a color similar from a less expensive brand that I won't use as much. Don't get me wrong I love my bargains as well , my current favorite purplish pink is from the Maybelline color vivids which I adore.

In the end makeup should be fun not stressful and it shouldn't have any of us maxing out credit cards just to get the latest LE item.


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I feel very proud because yesterday I went to the MAC stand with my 6 packages for Back2Mac and I only got the lippie in exchange for the empties. I wanted to try the huggables but they were a sold out except for Cherry Glaze. The girl at the stand tried it on me and I liked it but about 15 minutes later it had bled SOOO horrifically on me!! I'm happy that I didn't get it on the spot as I might have in the past and now I know I saved on that!!


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by Calla88

As for why buy a Tom Ford when you could get three MAC's for the same price it's about preference but that discounts the fact the same amount of money is being spent just on more lipstick,and this is why some of us are on this journey in this thread. Chanel boy is one of my most favorite lipsticks and it is one that a travel with constantly. Yes it is pricey but I get my money's worth , so if Tom Ford has my perfect pink lipstick wouldn't be more prudent to buy that lipstick , pricey as it may be, rather than be on that constant struggle to find a color similar from a less expensive brand that I won't use as much. Don't get me wrong I love my bargains as well , my current favorite purplish pink is from the Maybelline color vivids which I adore.

In the end makeup should be fun not stressful and it shouldn't have any of us maxing out credit cards just to get the latest LE item.

I have to agree. And honestly, the higher end lipsticks I have like Armani and Chanel are so much better quality than MAC that I almost don't use my MAC lipsticks anymore. For me, I'd rather use a higher quality product and not have to worry about lipstick settling in lip lines or bleeding. Plus, my quantity-over-quality approach is what led me to have maybe 60 MAC lipsticks, which is a habit that gets out of hand rather quickly. I haven't tried any Tom Ford lipsticks, but I have one of their eyeshadow trios from Fall, and it is simply amazing. Despite the high price, I would happily buy a lipstick in the future if it had the unique shade I was looking for.


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I am a non denominational splurger.. if it makes me look and feel great I cough it up.

I have and love TF -- as well as Chanel, and have not ever regretted spending the money for them.. whereas with some MAC, I have spent a 1/3+ and it's still represents money not spent wisely. I get more use from the HE lines sometimes.


Well-known member
I am a non denominational splurger.. if it makes me look and feel great I cough it up.

I have and love TF -- as well as Chanel, and have not ever regretted spending the money for them.. whereas with some MAC, I have spent a 1/3+ and it's still represents money not spent wisely. I get more use from the HE lines sometimes.
Agreed. I've only ever bought one item from Chanel - Boy lipstick - but it is my baby.. If I forget it when we're headed out, I run back saying "I forgot Chanel!!" It's my date night/interview/just feel like classing it up lipstick. The formula is much better than any of my MAC ones. My only complaint is that the smell is a touch too fragrant for me personally. I also tried on some of their blushes and they didn't seem to have much pigmentation at all.. I did try on the lightest shades though and maybe they're meant to be more subtle? I also tried their Vitalumiere Aqua at the counter and hated it..Glad I dodged the YouTube hype on that one! I did fall for it with YSL lippies and the one I bought I ended up tossing because I hated that too.. lol. At least now I know to never buy anything that everyone raves about on YouTube. It's hit or miss for me with HE products, but I think that goes the same for everything.


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Today's look: Dollymix, MUFE 19L eyeliner, Paradisco eyeshadow, Plumful lipstick.

I really needed to bust out my MAC blush palette! I have: Blushbaby, Tenderling, Pink Swoon, Peachykeen, Melba, Dollymix. I love all of these blushes but I tend to reach for my singles since they were on top. My goal is to use all of them this week!

I also am terrible at using my eyeshadows.. I tend to wear color mostly on cheeks and lips I guess. But I've used 9/27 of them this month and I'd also like to use all of them at least once!


Well-known member
I am a non denominational splurger.. if it makes me look and feel great I cough it up.   I have and love TF -- as well as Chanel, and have not ever regretted spending the money for them.. whereas with some MAC, I have spent a 1/3+ and it's still represents money not spent wisely.  I get more use from the HE lines sometimes.
That's fine, but if someone is trying to get their spending under control, I don't think it's a good time to start getting into a Tom Ford price point. That can certainly wait until credit card debts are paid off, especially if one already has been buying a lot of makeup, most of which is probably perfectly nice, too. Certainly, if you only buy a couple of items in a year, a $50 lipstick is affordable in the grand scheme of things, but NOT a good idea for people who are struggling with reigning in impulse purchases. They won't be buying one Tom Ford instead of 3 Mac; they will be buying Tom Ford on top of too much Mac ( or whatever). It is too easy to use quality to rationalize buying something you can't afford. If I buy this one TF blush, it's such good quality that I won't buy anymore blush for the rest of the year. No. It won't happen. Most Specktra people who love makeup are going to want to have some variety and buying two super-HE things a year just is not going to cut it. I'm not criticizing you, YourGreyness, because I know you are not on a low-buy and seem to have a good handle on finances, but it's important for people struggling with the low-buy to know themselves and really get control of the spending. I won't read TF reviews because I don't want to want anything that expensive, and I don't crave what I don't have any information about. If I have an extra $50 (who knows what it will cost in Canada) to spend, it would be better used on a hobby or activity that I care about. I could spend $50 on an expensive watercolour brush, and I could use it for the rest of my life. A TF lipstick, not so much.


Well-known member
I'm not criticizing you, YourGreyness, because I know you are not on a low-buy and seem to have a good handle on finances, but it's important for people struggling with the low-buy to know themselves and really get control of the spending. I won't read TF reviews because I don't want to want anything that expensive, and I don't crave what I don't have any information about. If I have an extra $50 (who knows what it will cost in Canada) to spend, it would be better used on a hobby or activity that I care about. I could spend $50 on an expensive watercolour brush, and I could use it for the rest of my life. A TF lipstick, not so much.
That's a good point. For me, the only way to avoid buying makeup entirely is to stay away from beauty blogs, LE threads, and Nordstrom and Sephora. It's all about knowing yourself, your limits, and your goals.


Well-known member
I'm not criticizing you, YourGreyness, because I know you are not on a low-buy and seem to have a good handle on finances, but it's important for people struggling with the low-buy to know themselves and really get control of the spending. I won't read TF reviews because I don't want to want anything that expensive, and I don't crave what I don't have any information about. If I have an extra $50 (who knows what it will cost in Canada) to spend, it would be better used on a hobby or activity that I care about. I could spend $50 on an expensive watercolour brush, and I could use it for the rest of my life. A TF lipstick, not so much.
I think it depends more on personal situations.. If you take 1 quality blush that you would use all the time vs 2 that you wouldn't use very much, I think it's worth it to splurge. Especially since a lot of us buy drugstore products to try and satisfy the need of a HE item we've been wanting and then just buy the HE one anyway while the dupes we tried instead just sit there.. Of course it doesn't make sense to buy the 1 HE and then the 2 others on top of that.. And definitely if your finances are not in a good place, you probably shouldn't be buying many products at all.. There's obviously way bigger issues at play there that need to be addressed using an outlet other than makeup and perhaps professional help if it's at that point. But I think all that @HerGreyness was getting at is that it's better to have a smaller, well-edited stash for the same price as a cluttered mess of things you only half-like.


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Reading through the pages, and I am very glad to see I am in good company.
I know I spend too much money on makeup and fragrances...and have too much that is not getting worn or loved.


Well-known member
I'm not criticizing you, YourGreyness, because I know you are not on a low-buy and seem to have a good handle on finances, but it's important for people struggling with the low-buy to know themselves and really get control of the spending. I won't read TF reviews because I don't want to want anything that expensive, and I don't crave what I don't have any information about. If I have an extra $50 (who knows what it will cost in Canada) to spend, it would be better used on a hobby or activity that I care about. I could spend $50 on an expensive watercolour brush, and I could use it for the rest of my life. A TF lipstick, not so much.
Rainbunny, thank you for your observations. They are appreciated. And primarily I got into this thread because of ladies like you who do not yet have a handle on finances or have spent too much on makeup in the past.

I grew up in a time when makeup was a wonderful treat and not a must have ... every three months. I hold double degrees in finance and marketing -- so I have learned a lot during my life and the course of my work which has been for a large part in the beauty industry.

I agree about rationalization.. but then the flip side is that a person who is emotionally in trouble, or financially in trouble, will jump and buy either a MAC, or a DS product more than 2x a year. And it all adds up. One must learn to count the pennies, and then ease into the dollars. And control of self comes from within.

I am openly stating that I have bought many TF lipsticks, and will continue to do so. But at this point in my life, my finances can handle it. My weakness is not in my finances but in my emotional feelings and attachments to an "item" which fills the gaps in my heart or soul.

And, I think many in the low buy threads are dealing with similar problems.

best of luck to you,


Well-known member
Actually, if one does a deep review of the habits of women, one blush might be all that we need for every 18 months or so... One lipstick a year. 3 tubes of mascara. 1 Bottle of foundation if we chose to use it, one powder per annum.

again, we get into the conundrum of needs - what do we need? very little in cosmetics. What do we want and why do we want it?... that is the critical difference.

it's not the price of an item -- it can be pennies or hundreds -- it's what motivates our spending patterns which must be controlled.


Well-known member
I think it depends more on personal situations.. If you take 1 quality blush that you would use all the time vs 2 that you wouldn't use very much, I think it's worth it to splurge. Especially since a lot of us buy drugstore products to try and satisfy the need of a HE item we've been wanting and then just buy the HE one anyway while the dupes we tried instead just sit there.. Of course it doesn't make sense to buy the 1 HE and then the 2 others on top of that.. And definitely if your finances are not in a good place, you probably shouldn't be buying many products at all.. There's obviously way bigger issues at play there that need to be addressed using an outlet other than makeup and perhaps professional help if it's at that point. But I think all that @HerGreyness was getting at is that it's better to have a smaller, well-edited stash for the same price as a cluttered mess of things you only half-like.
Yes, I wasn't trying to attack HerGreyness and I understand her point. I am just saying that it's not a good idea to get into such HE stuff now if you're on a low-buy, which is where TF came up in the first place. Someone wanted help to stay away from TF, and had out of control CC debt. I am worried about inadvertent enabling based on arguments about quality because it's very easy to justify a splurge then. If one already has a small, well-edited stash and no financial problems, fine.


Well-known member
Yes, I wasn't trying to attack HerGreyness and I understand her point. I am just saying that it's not a good idea to get into such HE stuff now if you're on a low-buy, which is where TF came up in the first place. Someone wanted help to stay away from TF, and had out of control CC debt. I am worried about inadvertent enabling based on arguments about quality because it's very easy to justify a splurge then. If one already has a small, well-edited stash and no financial problems, fine.
Agreed. My only point is that on the flip side it's also easy to justify multiple low-end purchases by saying "well, it's only 1/3 of the price of this HE item I wanted." Then those 3 low-end items you got for the same price just sit there because the quality wasn't there.. It's so important to remember to take an honest look at your personal situation and your goals before listening to any advice you receive from anyone else.


Well-known member
Actually, if one does a deep review of the habits of women, one blush might be all that we need for every 18 months or so... One lipstick a year.  3 tubes of mascara. 1 Bottle of foundation if we chose to use it, one powder per annum. again, we get into the conundrum of needs - what do we need?  very little in cosmetics.  What do we want and why do we want it?... that is the critical difference. it's not the price of an item -- it can be pennies or hundreds -- it's what motivates our spending patterns which must be controlled.
I appreciate your comments as well, and you are absolutely correct about the emotional motivations underpinning spending habits. Apologies that my comments are a bit disjointed--I am writing a comment while others are coming in that I haven't yet read. I only wanted to point out the quality justification trap, but obviously, that rationale can be used for a variety of price points as well. For myself, when I add up the cost, there are just other things that I would rather be spending that much money on instead, which is why I'm trying to be more conscious of my habits.


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Just thought I would swing by and confess to purchasing a Burberry lip cover. 02 Cameo. It is a great color, I have nothing like it, and burberry has one of my top three favorite lipstick formulas. I've also been staring at it for a couple of months now and decided I really do want it. To end on a positive note - holding off on purchases has helped me pass on Chanel's spring collection, the narsissist palette, and a foundation. So all in all not a total fail. I'm improving, I promise.


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I'm hoping I can keep the momentum going. I only bought two lippies from FoF even though I want more I restrained myself. Playland is another story lol. I mean, I have my bright mattes, but its the Amplified finish I'm wanting them for. Is that a good enough reason to want them? I feel they will be much more wearable than mattes. Even after exfoliating and PnP I still I have to constantly check to see if its still looking right. It can get annoying sometimes.


Well-known member
I'm hoping I can keep the momentum going. I only bought two lippies from FoF even though I want more I restrained myself. Playland is another story lol. I mean, I have my bright mattes, but its the Amplified finish I'm wanting them for. Is that a good enough reason to want them? I feel they will be much more wearable than mattes. Even after exfoliating and PnP I still I have to constantly check to see if its still looking right. It can get annoying sometimes.
Thumbs up for restraint!! I only bought 1 from FoF even though I originally wanted like 4. I'm very glad that I didn't though.. I tried the other 3 on in store after and they weren't cute on me at all. Maybe try using up/swapping some of your ones in other formulas that you think will be similar colors to the Amps? That way you will make room in your stash and they won't be neglected once you get new things that you like.

I'll be fine for the next few months but I have a feeling after that will be tough for me. I'm going to try to focus on exercising and eating healthier to get that "beauty from the inside out" thing going on.. rather than attempting to cover up my poor lifestyle choices with makeup lol.


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I mentioned the whole Tom Ford situation, A) I can afford to splurge on a Tom Ford lipstick without breaking the bank and I have a couple and B) people are in the low buy thread for different reasons. My reason has little to do with finances more to do with excessive amount of makeup that I possibly can't use up before it expires or in my lifetime. I'm on a quality over quantity journey and I want products that give me bang for my buck. So I don't think anyone was encouraging anyone to go outside the budget and buy more expensive makeup but pointing out that collecting makeup just because it's cheaper doesn't crib the urge to over spend.

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