Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
I fell off the budget wagon a bit yesterday with Playland. I bought 4 things when Nordies released it and that should have been it. But I looked at the thread in the morning when it went for sale on MAC's site, and I saw "free next day shipping". Then I thought "ooh, I should get SOMETHING." I didn't get too much (3 lippies), and I did talk myself out of getting the yellow Playland lippie which I never would have used. But I realize that this is the kind of behavior and thinking that I need to stop. Why did I feel like I needed to get something just because it was free overnight shipping?
You are definitely not alone, companies use that free shipping to their advantage, they KNOW people will buy something when they make offers like that. Don't feel too bad, just pick yourself up and get back on the budget train, lol, I'm right there with you.


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Staff member
I think I need an intervention!! I really was doing OK not amazing, but not bad and then the Sephora sale came....and then I just went downhill. This month has been super emotional as well and I am completely an emotional shopper, it just happens, even when I don't intend it. Two weeks ago I had a biopsy and last week found out it was cancerous, so I had to have surgery this week to remove it. Cancer is unfortunately a co-morbidity of my genetic disorder, I started getting it 4 years ago, and I so far have kept on top of it so it hasn't spread deep into my body. I came to grips with my reality a while ago, but it's still hard, so sometimes I fall into a small hole and buy stuff. It's not the best way to deal with it, I know that, but it happens. My family is also struggling getting custody of my 3 year old niece, who is very dear to me, and my entire world(I can't have children), she lives in another state and we only get to see her when we can afford to go see her or bring her to us, the family member she lives with does not take very good care of her, and we are going through court after court hearing trying to get her. It's all a bit overwhelming. And add boredom to the list(doctors, surgeries, recovery, etc lead to lots of sitting around and looking at stuff which expands my list of wants, but not needs).

After all of that I think I need makeup anonymous, hah. I only made one order during the Chic week sale and then, I made a second, really wanted those KVD lipsticks...I thought I did OK since most of the stuff I ordered I needed(face wash, face pads, only bought a lip tar and the electric palette(which I was planning) then all of a sudden 3 more kvd lipsticks, another lip tar and 2 skin items, my skin gets red and blotchy and is dry so I decided to try the FAB anti-redness cream and moisture elixir. Then all of a sudden the ULTA sale came and I got an eyeliner, 2 revlon matte balms and the LORAC afterglo palette(totally did NOT need) Then MAC Playland came and I got the three items I was planning(Orange Chromagraphic, TA and Live it up and then I got Dreaming Dahlia because Nordstrom still had it and I really regretted not getting it) and tried really hard to avoid the others I was about to buy. Basically I'm just buying everything I want! And I know I don't need it. I haven't put myself in debt, in fact I have saved more in the past 3 months than I have in a while but I know better than to just buy things because I want them. Sigh. Oh and of course I got makeup from a gift exchange, I didn't buy it, but still, it's makeup. I know I need to go through and get rid of stuff before I buy anything else.

Sorry for that long post, but I think I needed to get that out.
So sorry to hear this. Sending you strength and lots of hugs!
Don't feel bad for hauling more than planned. I know it has happend to most of us when we're feeling down. The good thing is you were still able to save money in the last months!


Well-known member
I will pray for you and your situation so that you have the strength to deal with it. Thank you. :)
Quote: Originally Posted by Naynadine So sorry to hear this. Sending you strength and lots of hugs!
Don't feel bad for hauling more than planned. I know it has happend to most of us when we're feeling down. The good thing is you were still able to save money in the last months!
Thank you. Yes I know it happens, so I am not going to beat myself up too much, but I know it's probably about time to reign it in, hence my post here, helps me get it out in the open, haha. And yes, keeping up with putting away some savings has made me happier, but probably made me a little too confident and allowed my slip into overspending. Saving for things other than makeup has been a good feeling, and I know once I get back on that road the lemming for unnecessary items will start to fade.


Well-known member
I think I need an intervention!! I really was doing OK not amazing, but not bad and then the Sephora sale came....and then I just went downhill. This month has been super emotional as well and I am completely an emotional shopper, it just happens, even when I don't intend it. Two weeks ago I had a biopsy and last week found out it was cancerous, so I had to have surgery this week to remove it. Cancer is unfortunately a co-morbidity of my genetic disorder, I started getting it 4 years ago, and I so far have kept on top of it so it hasn't spread deep into my body. I came to grips with my reality a while ago, but it's still hard, so sometimes I fall into a small hole and buy stuff. It's not the best way to deal with it, I know that, but it happens. My family is also struggling getting custody of my 3 year old niece, who is very dear to me, and my entire world(I can't have children), she lives in another state and we only get to see her when we can afford to go see her or bring her to us, the family member she lives with does not take very good care of her, and we are going through court after court hearing trying to get her. It's all a bit overwhelming. And add boredom to the list(doctors, surgeries, recovery, etc lead to lots of sitting around and looking at stuff which expands my list of wants, but not needs). After all of that I think I need makeup anonymous, hah. I only made one order during the Chic week sale and then, I made a second, really wanted those KVD lipsticks...I thought I did OK since most of the stuff I ordered I needed(face wash, face pads, only bought a lip tar and the electric palette(which I was planning) then all of a sudden 3 more kvd lipsticks, another lip tar and 2 skin items, my skin gets red and blotchy and is dry so I decided to try the FAB anti-redness cream and moisture elixir. Then all of a sudden the ULTA sale came and I got an eyeliner, 2 revlon matte balms and the LORAC afterglo palette(totally did NOT need) Then MAC Playland came and I got the three items I was planning(Orange Chromagraphic, TA and Live it up and then I got Dreaming Dahlia because Nordstrom still had it and I really regretted not getting it) and tried really hard to avoid the others I was about to buy. Basically I'm just buying everything I want! And I know I don't need it. I haven't put myself in debt, in fact I have saved more in the past 3 months than I have in a while but I know better than to just buy things because I want them. Sigh. Oh and of course I got makeup from a gift exchange, I didn't buy it, but still, it's makeup. I know I need to go through and get rid of stuff before I buy anything else. Sorry for that long post, but I think I needed to get that out.  :help:  
You do have a lot on your plate! I've been there with the cancer thing, but fortunately only once. It sounds like you have accepted your reality, but I'd guess it's still scary. I felt very vulnerable after my cancer surgery. I had spinal surgery 6 months before that, and those two things made me feel like I couldn't even depend on my own body. I was in my early 40's and didn't expect to have health problems at that age (neither rid my Doctors, so it took a year to get an accurate diagnosis on both). I felt like I had no control over my own body. And like you said, all of the surgeries and Dr. Appointments leads to a life that isn't much fun. So buying yourself treats gives you something pleasant in the midst of all of that bad stuff. So I completely understand why you would do that. I hope you don't beat yourself up too much. Of course you know best what you can afford, but it sounds like you need a small amount of treats. I'm hoping that if we support each other here maybe we can stop the emotional spending. I know that I need to find other things that make me happy, but doing it is the hard part. I hope things get better for you soon.


Well-known member
@novocainedreams: I hope everything will turn out alright in the end. I wish you lots of strength and don't beat yourself up over buying. I know it can brighten one's day. You've got enough to worry about.

Urgh - I just noticed that my foundation is almost empty which means I have to spend 29€ for a new foundation in the next few days. This wasn't planned and I hate it.
I also ordered a new bag a few minutes ago because I bought a new pair of shoes last week and I haven't got a bag to go with it and I'm kinda OCD concerning the colour of the shoes and the colour of the bag. It just has to be nearly the same colour. And who can say no to a bag? It's only 30€ and it's not a real leather bag but I don't see the point in spending 70€ or so for a bag that isn't even leather. Maybe I'm too stingy but if I spent more than 70€ I want real leather. So I settled for a faux leather bag for 30€ instead of buying a faux one for more than double the price or so.
This shows me that I really need a job but I haven't heard back from the supermarket I applied to over a week ago. It's difficult for me to find a student's job because I live in a rural area and I don't want to spend 15€ on parking every time I go to work, so I have to find something that's not downtown but most of the shops needing someone are actually right in the city.
Furthermore, I'm still torn between getting something from AA or getting the Smashbox Full Exposure palette. I love neutrals and 47€ is not that much for 14 eyeshadows. On the other hand, I love the colour of Lorelei and the two greens... Any advice?
Sorry for rambling but I had to write it down. Internal monologue.


Well-known member
@novocainedreams I can completely relate to sitting around between appts and just browsing and seeing more stuff you want rather than need and finding it difficult not to get it. Playland is just about to come out in the UK (everything says Coming Soon) and even though I've bought an identical Lip Cream from Bite, I still want Toying Around lipstick, because you know.. what if I DON'T want it to be matte? I did a CP for a girl and I could get it with the money she's sending me, but she hasn't sent it yet so I'd have to justify taking the money out of my bank and paying £2.50 for shipping.

I hope you feel better soon, though. I truly do.

Must. Stay. Strong.


Well-known member
I fell off the budget wagon a bit yesterday with Playland. I bought 4 things when Nordies released it and that should have been it. But I looked at the thread in the morning when it went for sale on MAC's site, and I saw "free next day shipping". Then I thought "ooh, I should get SOMETHING." I didn't get too much (3 lippies), and I did talk myself out of getting the yellow Playland lippie which I never would have used. But I realize that this is the kind of behavior and thinking that I need to stop. Why did I feel like I needed to get something just because it was free overnight shipping?
You are definitely not alone, companies use that free shipping to their advantage, they KNOW people will buy something when they make offers like that. Don't feel too bad, just pick yourself up and get back on the budget train, lol, I'm right there with you.
I am the biggest SUCKER for free express shipping. I don't know what comes over me. I could just as easily drive to the MAC counter but as soon as I get that email I start searching for something to buy.


Well-known member
@novocainedreams I can completely relate to sitting around between appts and just browsing and seeing more stuff you want rather than need and finding it difficult not to get it. Playland is just about to come out in the UK (everything says Coming Soon) and even though I've bought an identical Lip Cream from Bite, I still want Toying Around lipstick, because you know.. what if I DON'T want it to be matte? I did a CP for a girl and I could get it with the money she's sending me, but she hasn't sent it yet so I'd have to justify taking the money out of my bank and paying £2.50 for shipping.

I hope you feel better soon, though. I truly do.

Must. Stay. Strong.
Thank you. Yes, that is exactly it...having all that extra time cause me to "window shop" online way too much, haha. And I know what you mean...I am sure I have similar colors for so many things I buy but that little difference just gives me an excuse! Sometimes I am so good at saying no and reminding myself, other times...not so much.

Stay Strong!

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
Thank you. :) Thank you. Yes I know it happens, so I am not going to beat myself  up too much, but I know it's probably about time to reign it in, hence my post here, helps me get it out in the open, haha. And yes, keeping up with putting away some savings has made me happier, but probably made me a little too confident and allowed my slip into overspending. Saving for things other than makeup has been a good feeling, and I know once I get back on that road the lemming for unnecessary items will start to fade.
I'll be Praying for you & hope your feeling better! Glad that your lil purchases & saving for other items have made you feel better. You deserve it! Also I know many of you have went through your stashes, but is anyone "Spring Cleaning" your mu? I think once I get my other Muji's I will be doing this. Although I have been getting rid of items I don't want or use.


Well-known member
Also I know many of you have went through your stashes, but is anyone "Spring Cleaning" your mu? I think once I get my other Muji's I will be doing this. Although I have been getting rid of items I don't want or use.
Thank you

And yes, I will definitely be doing a little(or A LOT) of spring cleaning. It's definitely time for me to do it. And I
my Muji's!


Well-known member
Thank you. Yes I know it happens, so I am not going to beat myself up too much, but I know it's probably about time to reign it in, hence my post here, helps me get it out in the open, haha. And yes, keeping up with putting away some savings has made me happier, but probably made me a little too confident and allowed my slip into overspending. Saving for things other than makeup has been a good feeling, and I know once I get back on that road the lemming for unnecessary items will start to fade.
I'll be Praying for you & hope your feeling better! Glad that your lil purchases & saving for other items have made you feel better. You deserve it!
Also I know many of you have went through your stashes, but is anyone "Spring Cleaning" your mu? I think once I get my other Muji's I will be doing this. Although I have been getting rid of items I don't want or use.
I've been doing it as I organise everything. Anything I'm unsure of is getting tossed.

I see guru's videos on youtube with their collections, some of them are astounding. I think "It'd be cool to have that much makeup" but really, ugh, no. Some of them need some serious hoarding help. I think it's worse when they're sent the items though, as they haven't paid for it (as much as they lie/claim they have) they can justify keeping it.

I'm actually wanting to do my own videos at some point, just because I'm so sick of people claiming they love something they really don't. I just don't have the MU skills for tutorials I don't think to justify doing them, lol. That, and being on a low-buy, how do you even keep up with the constant "buy something new to review" that everyone makes requests for?

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
Thank you :bigheart: And yes, I will definitely be doing a little(or A LOT) of spring cleaning. It's definitely time for me to do it. And I :heart:  my Muji's! 
No prob. You def keep the Faith & trust in God! Luv your attitude,so dnt ever let the situation beat you;-). And I (heart) my Muji's too! I'm glad their having the site wide sell. So atleast I can justify my spending lol.


Well-known member
[@]novocainedreams[/@], sorry to hear all that you're going through. It makes sense that you'd shop. It's good you recognize the triggers. Think about other things you like to do to relax and try those instead.


Well-known member
Eyemazing April Wed 16th: chanel illusion dombre 86 ebouli I thought this might be for the toss, havent used it in ages and I remember it smudging and creasing. The formula is very soft, I did a big wing but the softness helps it not look so obvious. The colour does me plenty favours with its burgundy sparkle. I applied mac FC foundation over lid and put a bit of msfn on to see if it helps with transfer to lid, I'll see. Chanel imitible intense mascara in rouge noir is incredible. Sadly I've had this open so long it's hard, though im determined to get a few more uses out of it! I'll blast it with the hairdryer I reckon.
So I think I suit red toned shadesaround my eyes, but not if they're too orange or yellow based.


Well-known member
This is my favourite look you've done so far - perhaps I'm just "meh" over "barely there" but this is beautiful. Really suits you!
thank you that's so nice of you to say :)
it's hard to see too much of a difference between most of my pics due to my light hand and a crappy camera phone,
i post the pics mostly as an incentive for me to keep doing the challenge and give me a memory jog for comparison purposes,
but i think the difference with this look is cool!


Well-known member
I fell off the budget wagon a bit yesterday with Playland. I bought 4 things when Nordies released it and that should have been it. But I looked at the thread in the morning when it went for sale on MAC's site, and I saw "free next day shipping". Then I thought "ooh, I should get SOMETHING." I didn't get too much (3 lippies), and I did talk myself out of getting the yellow Playland lippie which I never would have used. But I realize that this is the kind of behavior and thinking that I need to stop. Why did I feel like I needed to get something just because it was free overnight shipping?
The whole free second day or overnight shipping does the same to me!!!! I get an email from MAC and if there's a code for free second day or overnight shipping I'm all like "" #thestruggleisreal


Well-known member
This is my favourite look you've done so far - perhaps I'm just "meh" over "barely there" but this is beautiful. Really suits you!

thank you that's so nice of you to say :)
it's hard to see too much of a difference between most of my pics due to my light hand and a crappy camera phone,
i post the pics mostly as an incentive for me to keep doing the challenge and give me a memory jog for comparison purposes,
but i think the difference with this look is cool!
Light hand and not-so-great quality could definitely be the culprit. If it gives you any more of an incentive though, while I don't usually comment - I always look to see what you've done each day.
Your winged liner is perfect - I really need to practice that once I've my vanity sorted out.


Well-known member
I think once my vanity is sorted I'm going to try and do my own 30-day challenge. (REALLY need this done, I NEED a mirror so I can SEE things.)

Due to my health, chances are it won't be 30 consecutive days, but I'll log them on here with a photo/description of what I used though to keep me on track.

I want it to be a case of at the very least I do a different eye look and different lip for every 30 days. Blush/highlight/eyeliner aren't included as I'm not at that kind of number where it's worrying me just how much I have.

I will give myself credit though - out of all my MAC shadows (probably nearing/over 100) I've used nearly all of them at least once (excluding brand new ones I've just bought.) so I do feel quite good about that.


Well-known member
Light hand and not-so-great quality could definitely be the culprit. If it gives you any more of an incentive though, while I don't usually comment - I always look to see what you've done each day.
Your winged liner is perfect - I really need to practice that once I've my vanity sorted out.
ty :) it does help that i was sat at my vanity, i think because im usually applying makeup on the go, be it on a train or in someone elses house, ive stayed away from anything too technical.
i need to give myself time to do my makeup as my whole face looks better for taking the extra 5 or so mins to sit down and do it, i reckon once you've got your vanity sorted youll find the process a lot easier too!

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