Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
Trueee! Def, new book & chapter. Keep on pimping lol. But if you need me, holla @ ya girl. Got ya back on an emotional drive back HG. Hugs. In the mean time ya'll Pray for me, suffering from Final Exam stress...must not buy anything.

pray to St. Jude, patron saint of all difficult cases.. true.

I will keep pimping lol.. and I will holla for my lovely ladies who like hyenas with lipstick willl attack on command! YAY!

St. Cheapo will help you not buy anything.. lol.


(gotta run for my confrontation, will report later)


Well-known member
Why even bother with him? he is not worth your time or money in gas to go see, let alone you dwelling upon it. He is not worthy of your presence.

Think of bad boyfriends like makeup. Once they stopped making you look pretty and feeling good about yourself you swap it, sell it or toss it in trash. No regrets. You never look back cause i nice new shiny prettier more glittery one will come and you'll love it way better.
Couldn't be said better, especially in a low buy thread. I'm on a Low Boy for 2014 :p


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Staff member
Dad's in the hospital again. It was my mom's birthday today and they went to visit my aunts & uncle to go out and my dad collapsed, they had to call an ambulance. So he's in hospital in a different city now. My mom was crying and couldn't even talk, I seriously thought my dad is dead until she could get the words out and tell me what happened.
I wanted to reply to a couple of posts but my head is spinning for now. On top of that I just had a 2 hour phone conversation with the friend I talked about earlier in the thread. Didn't turn out how I hoped. Will try to catch some sleep.

Dolly Snow

Dad's in the hospital again. It was my mom's birthday today and they went to visit my aunts & uncle to go out and my dad collapsed, they had to call an ambulance. So he's in hospital in a different city now. My mom was crying and couldn't even talk, I seriously thought my dad is dead until she could get the words out and tell me what happened. I wanted to reply to a couple of posts but my head is spinning for now. On top of that I just had a 2 hour phone conversation with the friend I talked about earlier in the thread. Didn't turn out how I hoped. Will try to catch some sleep.
I am so sorry my dear! May he have a speedy recovery! I am keeping your family in my prayers.


Well-known member
Dad's in the hospital again. It was my mom's birthday today and they went to visit my aunts & uncle to go out and my dad collapsed, they had to call an ambulance. So he's in hospital in a different city now. My mom was crying and couldn't even talk, I seriously thought my dad is dead until she could get the words out and tell me what happened.
I wanted to reply to a couple of posts but my head is spinning for now. On top of that I just had a 2 hour phone conversation with the friend I talked about earlier in the thread. Didn't turn out how I hoped. Will try to catch some sleep.
I am so so sorry to hear this @Naynadine. Sending love and prayers for a speedy recovery for your father.

Hope that you get some needed rest.


Well-known member
:bouquet:Sending all the best to you and your family, Nay! Keep strong and we are all here for you darling. And this too shall pass.


Well-known member
@HG, I am not in Miami but I can be there quick fast and in a hurry if u need some help with the ass whooping. I have been walking and swinging so much these days the only thing I am missing is a punching bag. Everytime I think of A- hole I do another round at the park. Seriously getting in shape for combat. Oh, that's his name in my phone log too.


Well-known member
So many people are going through such tough times right now! @HerGreyness, @PeachTwist, @Debbs, @Naynadine...sending positive vibes your way for all you are dealing with. (Hoping I didn't miss anyone on that list...if I did, just know it wasn't on purpose! I had over 100 posts to catch up on so it's all a bit jumbled in my head.) I'm a little under the weather right now and maybe can't come up with the best thing to say to you, but I just couldn't go to sleep without sending some sort of well wishes your way. You are all strong, kind, amazing women who can handle anything life throws at you...but I still hope life takes it easy on you and things take a turn for the better soon! Sending love and hugs, and although the odds anyone will take me up on it are probably slim since I'm a random specktrette, I mean it when I say I would be happy to exchange PMs with anyone who needs someone to vent to. I'm a pretty great listener.


Well-known member
Dad's in the hospital again. It was my mom's birthday today and they went to visit my aunts & uncle to go out and my dad collapsed, they had to call an ambulance. So he's in hospital in a different city now. My mom was crying and couldn't even talk, I seriously thought my dad is dead until she could get the words out and tell me what happened. I wanted to reply to a couple of posts but my head is spinning for now. On top of that I just had a 2 hour phone conversation with the friend I talked about earlier in the thread. Didn't turn out how I hoped. Will try to catch some sleep.
Awwww! I'm sorry, mama. Here's hoping your dad makes a speedy recovery. Hope you can get some rest.


Well-known member
Dad's in the hospital again. It was my mom's birthday today and they went to visit my aunts & uncle to go out and my dad collapsed, they had to call an ambulance. So he's in hospital in a different city now. My mom was crying and couldn't even talk, I seriously thought my dad is dead until she could get the words out and tell me what happened. I wanted to reply to a couple of posts but my head is spinning for now. On top of that I just had a 2 hour phone conversation with the friend I talked about earlier in the thread. Didn't turn out how I hoped. Will try to catch some sleep.
Honey I hope you get some much-needed r&r. Prayers for your family. Friendships aren't always forever but it is always for the best in the long-run. Big hugs.


Well-known member
lol.. will keep these wonderful words of advice in mind. but I have decided to confront him, very decently and tell him that there is nothing to say. nothing at all. no apologies are needed, no friendships to be offered and no future anything to consult about.

He can be whoever he wants to be, wherever he wants to be, with whomever he wants to be.. but he will not be with me. that's the whole story. and then I am out and done.

and i will call the Miami ladies in to give him a brow wax as well as the ass kicking he so richly deserves.

on to another chapter.. and a new book
I don't really know the situation's specifics but I think what you have to say to him (above) is totally rational. You said you'd been down this road before with him so it's probably pretty obvious to you that this is who he is and it's not how you want or deserve to be treated at all. It's funny that it seems like he is the one who feels the need to see you and plead his case whereas you know you're just going to inform him that the door closed weeks ago and for good at that. Suck it, Bert.


Well-known member
Dad's in the hospital again. It was my mom's birthday today and they went to visit my aunts & uncle to go out and my dad collapsed, they had to call an ambulance. So he's in hospital in a different city now. My mom was crying and couldn't even talk, I seriously thought my dad is dead until she could get the words out and tell me what happened.
I wanted to reply to a couple of posts but my head is spinning for now. On top of that I just had a 2 hour phone conversation with the friend I talked about earlier in the thread. Didn't turn out how I hoped. Will try to catch some sleep.
Nadine, that is really scary news and I hope and pray for your dad's health to recover quickly. I think getting any sleep you can at the moment is wise. Specktra's always here for the distraction but I think you'll need the rest more to get through helping your mom and dad at this moment. Be well, sending positive vibes your way.


Well-known member
I don't really know the situation's specifics but I think what you have to say to him (above) is totally rational. You said you'd been down this road before with him so it's probably pretty obvious to you that this is who he is and it's not how you want or deserve to be treated at all. It's funny that it seems like he is the one who feels the need to see you and plead his case whereas you know you're just going to inform him that the door closed weeks ago and for good at that. Suck it, Bert. 
What's even more wack is that they used to be friends, too. He done f-ed up two relationships at once.


Staff member
Dad's in the hospital again. It was my mom's birthday today and they went to visit my aunts & uncle to go out and my dad collapsed, they had to call an ambulance. So he's in hospital in a different city now. My mom was crying and couldn't even talk, I seriously thought my dad is dead until she could get the words out and tell me what happened. I wanted to reply to a couple of posts but my head is spinning for now. On top of that I just had a 2 hour phone conversation with the friend I talked about earlier in the thread. Didn't turn out how I hoped. Will try to catch some sleep.


Well-known member
Dad's in the hospital again. It was my mom's birthday today and they went to visit my aunts & uncle to go out and my dad collapsed, they had to call an ambulance. So he's in hospital in a different city now. My mom was crying and couldn't even talk, I seriously thought my dad is dead until she could get the words out and tell me what happened.
I wanted to reply to a couple of posts but my head is spinning for now. On top of that I just had a 2 hour phone conversation with the friend I talked about earlier in the thread. Didn't turn out how I hoped. Will try to catch some sleep.
I'm so sorry doll! I know you must be frantic. I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers. Please let us know how he's doing... and if you're ok!


Well-known member
"30 Lipsticks In 30 Days" Challenge - Cycle 2
"30 Eyeshadows In 30 Days Challenge"

Day 1: MAC Sheen Supreme in Bare Again w/ NYX Mauve Lip Pencil
Jete Eyeshadow
Day 2: MAC Sushi Kiss w/ MAC Lasting Sensation Lip Pencil & Fold And Tuck Lipglass
Loreal Infallible Eyeshadow in Amber Rush
Day 3: MAC Huggable Lipcolour in Fresh & Frisky (THANKS @Debbs! I LOVE IT!!) w/ MAC Have to Have It Lip Pencil
Make Up For Ever Aqua Cream #15 as a base w/ Sable
Day 4: MAC Viva Glam II Lipstick w/ MAC Underage Lipglass
Urban Decay Eyeshadows in Vigin, Naked, and Sin
Day 5: Revlon Colorburst Lacquer Balm in Vivacious
Loreal Infallible Eyeshadow in Tender Caramel
Day 6: MAC Sail La Vie w/ MAC Lasting Sensation Lip Pencil
MAC Eyeshadows: Shroom, Texture, & Beautyburst
Day 7: MAC Hibiscus w/ MAC Lasting Sensation
Anastasia Lavish Palette: Cream, Ballet, Orange Soda, Sienna
Day 8: MAC Mineralize Lipstick Bold Spring w/ MAC Just Wonderful Lip Pencil
No Eyeshadow today - just a wash of Orb from lid to browbone & LOTS of mascara
Day 9: MAC Daddy's Little Girl w/ MAC Just Wonderful Lip Pencil
Too Faced Heaven & Push-up (shades from Natural Eyes Palette)
Day 10: MAC Kinda Sexy (B2M'd for this yesterday!) w/ MAC Dervish Lip Pencil
MAC Eyeshadows: Next To Nothing, Dark Edge, & Tempting (from MAC's Tempting Quad)
Day 11: Bite Beauty Musk Lipstick
No Eyeshadow today


Well-known member
The Ghost of Christmas Makeup Past came to haunt me today! I ordered a Tarte QVC Today's Special Value back around the holidays (pre low-buy) and kind of forgot that it was on auto-delivery for another order in April. It arrived today. It contains 4 lip cremes, 2 mascaras, 2 chubby shadow pencils, and an eyeshadow palette. Overall I like the products, but the eyeshadow palette is very similar to the one from the holidays. Had this not been on auto-delivery and slipped my mind, I certainly wouldn't have purchased the eye palette on it's own. I'm ok with it enough to keep it, mostly for the lip cremes, but for $60 I could have purchased a few lipsticks that I actually wanted instead. Grr. I don't think I want to return it, because I will use everything. But the eyeshadow palette is a skip. I guess I could gift it.

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