Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
have not heard from @mosha010    I think she is busy with her wedding details. oh my news is that I have been on a weekend hide out with mom because Bert came to town to see me.. so I vamoosed the hell outta house and home:haha:  
Oh Lawd, a visit? Girl, he surely has lost his mind lol @mosha010 hey girl, hope your doing awesome & things are Gucci with ya. Hugs!


Staff member
Not to mention in my profession, we are going on strike this week.  It's a very stressful time for many people.  I believe in what we are fighting for, and I'm fortunate to have another job that I can do while we wait it out.  Honestly, our gov't doesn't seem to value public education in the slightest.  It's very sad - the things that you see happening to children every day and how they are struggling (as are their parents usually too!).  The fight for smaller classes and a more balanced class composition has been going on for so, so long now (years and years).  Sometimes I have doubts about my profession (not in what we stand for - more about "What am I getting myself into?") and if I have what it takes to get involved in what seems like a losing fight.  I am considering changing professions and moving into something more 'easy' or straight forward.  The gov't seems hell bent on cutting and cutting public sectors and bleeding them dry.  I'm not sure how much longer it can go on before it collapses on itself.  I feel like our gov't is wanting to creating a two tiered education system so that parents will have to either put their children in private or public schools - and by that time, public schools will be so run down, parents will be fighting for spots in private schools (and who can afford those?).    Sorry, not meaning to get political in here, but these things have been on my mind a lot lately. 
:hug: Good luck. AFAIC, teaching is a seriously underrated and underpaid profession. I suppose I’m fortunate that I went to school in a small town. My class size was always tiny compared to other places. (When I graduated sixteen years ago, there were 18 of us in my class.) [quote name="mosha010"] How is everyone doing!????[/quote] I’m battling a cold. :(


Well-known member
There is nothing more effective to a low buy than something happening. My boyfriend got jumped last night. He's in horrible shape, I'm with him right now and its all I can do to hold it together for him. It's like everything just changed. My whole perspective. We're afraid he may lose the sight in his left eye. But I think we are lucky to still have him.


Well-known member
There is nothing more effective to a low buy than something happening. My boyfriend got jumped last night. He's in horrible shape, I'm with him right now and its all I can do to hold it together for him. It's like everything just changed. My whole perspective. We're afraid he may lose the sight in his left eye. But I think we are lucky to still have him.
Oh God! That's so horrible! I am so sorry that happened to him! Yes you are lucky to have him and those things like you said puts everything into perspective. Praying for a speedy recovery! Big hugs!


Well-known member
My boyfriend got jumped last night. He's in horrible shape, I'm with him right now and its all I can do to hold it together for him. It's like everything just changed. My whole perspective. We're afraid he may lose the sight in his left eye. But I think we are lucky to still have him.
oh dear.. so sorry to hear this CrimsonQuill.. it's so awful to have a loved one in suffering.

and yes, this does put a whole new perspective on life. Hope he recovers fully and is up and out soon.



Well-known member
My boyfriend got jumped last night. He's in horrible shape, I'm with him right now and its all I can do to hold it together for him. It's like everything just changed. My whole perspective. We're afraid he may lose the sight in his left eye. But I think we are lucky to still have him.
That is absolutely terrible! I am so so sorry @CrimsonQuill157. I am so glad you can be there for him--you're a real trooper girl. Hang in there. I know that we only know eachother here on Specktra, but know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Wish I could do more! Big hugs!


Well-known member
@mosha010 hey girl, hope your doing awesome & things are Gucci with ya. Hugs!
lol.. I thought so too.. but given that I totally cut off contact with him, he is trying desperate measures. I think someone should tell him to go hook up with the young broad again. lol


Well-known member
@Paint&Ink Chick I'm glad to hear the surgery went well! @Paint&Ink Chick

Well, I placed some orders this weekend... no makeup though. Skincare (Avene, Paula's Choice BHA samples) and the Aveda paddle hair brush. I wanted a good brush for a while now and I was undecided between the Aveda and the Less is More one, but the Aveda was cheaper plus extra 10% off and I also got some face cleansing cloths as a GWP.
My skin is in terrible condition today. I think the Avene Triacneal is a great product, but I think it's too harsh for my very sensitive skin. Or maybe I just can't use it everyday and should only use it 1-2x week. Will try again when my skin has calmed down. Right now I feel like Freddy Krüger, lol.

Where are @mosha010 and @HerGreyness ?
bad bad NayNay.. orders? on low buy... that sounds like me


Well-known member
Oh God! That's so horrible! I am so sorry that happened to him! Yes you are lucky to have him and those things like you said puts everything into perspective. Praying for a speedy recovery! Big hugs!
oh dear.. so sorry to hear this CrimsonQuill.. it's so awful to have a loved one in suffering. and yes, this does put a whole new perspective on life. Hope he recovers fully and is up and out soon. xoxo
That is absolutely terrible! I am so so sorry @CrimsonQuill157 . I am so glad you can be there for him--you're a real trooper girl. Hang in there. I know that we only know eachother here on Specktra, but know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Wish I could do more! Big hugs!
Thank you so much ladies. They have him back there now and I'm in the waiting room... Waiting. Just praying he will be okay.


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
the triacneal is indeed quite harsh,have you tried the Cleanance k? ( i thought it was kinder to my sensitive skin.And you should try the Cicalfate emulsion as well it's really good for irritated skin:)

Thanks for the recommendations :) I was reading a lot about those products and thought about ordering them, but it seems like the Clearance line is not suited for dry skin. And I read that Bepanthen cream is even better than the Cicalfate, so that's what I'm putting on the dry irritated spots right now.

Quote: Originally Posted by CrimsonQuill157

There is nothing more effective to a low buy than something happening.

My boyfriend got jumped last night. He's in horrible shape, I'm with him right now and its all I can do to hold it together for him. It's like everything just changed. My whole perspective. We're afraid he may lose the sight in his left eye. But I think we are lucky to still have him.
My goodness... I hope he recovers fully soon. Sorry to hear this.


Well-known member
[@]CrimsonQuill157[/@]. Omg hun I'm sorry I didn't know. I hope he gets better and it's not a major thing w his eye. ️ You're such a doll for staying by his side during this crazy time.


Well-known member
[@]Naynadine[/@] omg girl for real I've been a bit crazayyy doing a ton of different things and just hoping this goes by soon... Awwghhhh


Well-known member
bad bad NayNay.. I am on a mountain and had not internet.. lol. it's surprising how disconnecting for even a weekend can relieve some stress.

since there is nothing but trees, racoons and other assorted species --not even men.. lol. I have been a very good girl.

I just had to trim off all the burnt hair darling..

and yes, I plod each and every day....

running out now before I lose the rest of it..

no emoticon for runningthehellouttaherecausemy hair is burning up
Then perhaps Mosha is lurking nearby????

Wait for meeeeeeeeeeeee I've got the fire extinguisher!!!!


Well-known member
Then perhaps Mosha is lurking nearby????

Wait for meeeeeeeeeeeee I've got the fire extinguisher!!!!
Meddy darling... hope you are feeling better!

my hair is burned, but my spirits are flying

and yes, mosha is right around the corner


Well-known member
Bertisalyingrat.. lol

yes, we are having a lovely time.. massages and sleeping a lot.

no, Bert isn't a stalker, he is a pathological liar.. lol. The kind who think they can
until you have rigor mortis.
Glad you were able to get your R & R on before the fall makeup collections arrive

Quote: Originally Posted by mosha010

Hi ladies!!! Had a crazy week. Almost no time for funs. Getting ready for Memorial Day which will be spent cleaning my house! Lol. I went for my mock dress fitting (she's making a fake dress first to get all the details done right before we cut fabric) and the design is gonna look puuuurrrttyyy. I'm excited things are going to work out after all.

How is everyone doing!????
Hi Mo! So glad you're feeling better about how things are going. You are going to be by far the prettiest bride evvva!!!


Well-known member
  [COLOR=0000FF] OMG---what's wrong with people!!!  That's so infuriating!!  Hoping and praying for the best possible outcome!!:heart:  So sorry this happened!![/COLOR]   [COLOR=0000FF]Glad you were able to get your R & R on before the fall makeup collections arrive :lol: [/COLOR]   :wavey: [COLOR=0000FF]Hi Mo!  So glad you're feeling better about how things are going.  You are going to be by far the prettiest bride evvva!!![/COLOR]
My darling [@]Medgal07[/@] I've been lurking the forum checking on you ladies from afar hahaha and maquiavellically (typo but can't figure out how to spell that one right now) coming up w coons to randomly post. To keep ya on ya toes. Lol.

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