Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by mosha010

Thank u hun!! and you're right! I prob need to relax and take things w calm.

I said I was a bit behind on other threads - just now caught up with your dress crisis, no wonder you've been stressed! But it sounds like the new one will be even better, and you'll look great no matter what. Quote:Originally Posted by lyseD

My mom has thirteen grandchildren -- nine girls, four boys and five great grand-daughters. No shortage of girls here.

You got our share then! My dad was one of 7 kids - only 1 girl. By the time this baby arrives everyone I know with young kids will have 2, and all have either have 1 of each or 2 boys. Between my close friends & family there are 16 boys & 4 girls! Quote:Originally Posted by PixieDancer

WooHoooooo! Let us know how mama and the new baby are doing! Do they have a name picked out for your new nephew? Tell them CONGRATS from us!!

I'm sure they do, but they're not sharing until he's born :) Quote:Originally Posted by CrimsonQuill157

The doctor opened his eye and he could see - praise God! They said that everything is just going to have to heal on its own and he is home now. I'm spending the night here and I have a feeling I will be here with him quite a bit. He can't see very well - even the eye that isn't swollen shut is still swollen enough to impair his vision. He can't wear his glasses - his left eye is so swollen they won't fit.

Every time I look at his face I see red. There was no reason at all for why this guy did this to him, none. They were supposed to be friends!!!!! Rob had turned his back on him to go home and he got hit in the head with something and when he came to, he was like that. I feel so helpless. I just want to go destroy this guy and I can't do a thing.

I'm SO relieved to hear that he hasn't lost his sight. And I'm very glad he's pressing charges, he absolutely needs to do that, this so called 'friend' can't be allowed to get away with it. He must feel so betrayed along with the physical pain :( I'm glad he's got you with him.


Well-known member
  :lmao: [COLOR=0000FF]The first pic that shows in the thread photo gallery is of a raccoon's bottom.[/COLOR]:shock:
That was from me. There's been one coming around where I live a lot so I decided to try to get a photo of it for @mosha. It was too dark, though, so the butt was the best one I got!


Well-known member
The doctor opened his eye and he could see - praise God! They said that everything is just going to have to heal on its own and he is home now. I'm spending the night here and I have a feeling I will be here with him quite a bit. He can't see very well - even the eye that isn't swollen shut is still swollen enough to impair his vision. He can't wear his glasses - his left eye is so swollen they won't fit. Every time I look at his face I see red. There was no reason at all for why this guy did this to him, none. They were supposed to be friends!!!!! Rob had turned his back on him to go home and he got hit in the head with something and when he came to, he was like that. I feel so helpless. I just want to go destroy this guy and I can't do a thing.
That is so bizarre! How awful and confusing for both of you. It takes quite awhile for bruising and swelling to go away, especially around the eyes, so your bf will need some help. (Hopefully they told him to ice it a little bit.). I 'm sure your being there will be a lot of comfort to him. Hang in there.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by CrimsonQuill157

The doctor opened his eye and he could see - praise God! They said that everything is just going to have to heal on its own and he is home now. I'm spending the night here and I have a feeling I will be here with him quite a bit. He can't see very well - even the eye that isn't swollen shut is still swollen enough to impair his vision. He can't wear his glasses - his left eye is so swollen they won't fit.

Every time I look at his face I see red. There was no reason at all for why this guy did this to him, none. They were supposed to be friends!!!!! Rob had turned his back on him to go home and he got hit in the head with something and when he came to, he was like that. I feel so helpless. I just want to go destroy this guy and I can't do a thing.

I hope that he has a swift recovery and that the cops get the person responsible. I really feel for your other half, he must be in a lot of discomfort and it cannot be easy for you to see him like that knowing there is very little that you can do for him right now. Big hugs coming your way x


Well-known member
Ummmmm I fell off my low buy last week at the drugstore and need to be sent to the chair! I bought loads in the drugstore and I am not sure why? It might have been stress as work is crazy right now. in a more positive light I didn't by multiple shades of the same product so at least I get to test formulas out properly. What was dissapointing is that it was 2 seperate hauls and the first consisted of lip products! I feel rotten as i had just culled out so many that didn't work only to go but more that I didn't need! I managed to avoid AA, I nearly bought an eyeshadow but resisted at the counter and now its sold I want my Lip products to fit in 4 muji draws and now I think I am about to overflow again, ideally I would like to get it down to 3 draws. In an effort to get back under control again I am putting myself back on the 30 day lip product challenge and then once I have it down to 4 draws again I will concentrate on finish 5 products that are nearly done. I am also going to concentrate on 1 foundation and tinted moisturiser (YSL and Nars Tinted moisturisers) for June to see if I can finish them up! Day 1 25/05: Revlon Romantic Kissable Balm Stain - umm its going i like the color but have other pencil formulas I prefer, this one is gone Day 2 26/05: L'Oreal Glossy Balm Sin on Peach - love the colour but made my lips sore, this one is gone Day 3 27/05: Revlon Honey Kissable Balm Stain - I think this is going to go to, its not the best on me. I might also do some more ebaying/selling in June I still haven't touched my naked palettes or my Shu Uemura ones. I also have a large heap of Becca stuff I want to get rid of. The end of June will be 6 months from the start of the low buy and I think it would be a good point to re-do my stash inventory and see how I am getting on, so its important that I make June count!


Well-known member
The doctor opened his eye and he could see - praise God! They said that everything is just going to have to heal on its own and he is home now. I'm spending the night here and I have a feeling I will be here with him quite a bit. He can't see very well - even the eye that isn't swollen shut is still swollen enough to impair his vision. He can't wear his glasses - his left eye is so swollen they won't fit. Every time I look at his face I see red. There was no reason at all for why this guy did this to him, none. They were supposed to be friends!!!!! Rob had turned his back on him to go home and he got hit in the head with something and when he came to, he was like that. I feel so helpless. I just want to go destroy this guy and I can't do a thing.
I'm glad! That's great news about the eye. It's the worst when friends betray you. Physical violence is a whole other level. I'd press all the charges I could. He could have killed your man, and that can't go unchecked. Being by Rob's side is plenty, trust me. I'm really sorry all this happened.


Well-known member
Low buy going OK here! Managed to avoid AA, even with all the buzz! I went to the counter and tried a lipstick on, but firmly walked away. Skipping Pedro and most of Osbornes. The only thing catching my eye is Refresh MSF, but I can probably stay away from that too. Been working on using my stash. So far: Day 1: hot gossip Day 2: angel Day 3: sushi kiss Day 4: Maybelline lust for blush Day 5: sweet & sour Day 6: toying around Day 7: no makeup :) Day 8: Milani nude creme (so good!!!)


Well-known member
The doctor opened his eye and he could see - praise God! They said that everything is just going to have to heal on its own and he is home now. I'm spending the night here and I have a feeling I will be here with him quite a bit. He can't see very well - even the eye that isn't swollen shut is still swollen enough to impair his vision. He can't wear his glasses - his left eye is so swollen they won't fit. Every time I look at his face I see red. There was no reason at all for why this guy did this to him, none. They were supposed to be friends!!!!! Rob had turned his back on him to go home and he got hit in the head with something and when he came to, he was like that. I feel so helpless. I just want to go destroy this guy and I can't do a thing.
So happy that Rob can see! Praise the Lord indeed! I hope he gets better soon! You being with him is great and trust me that helps him a lot! I know you wish you could do more but being by his side right now is the most important thing of all! Just keep praying and everything will be ok! Lots of hugs!


Well-known member
Can I make an OFF-TOPIC request please?

Could everyone here PLEASE vote for ME. ASSOCIATION to win £2000 for Research!

You can use your FB or Twitter to Vote, and voting can be done from anywhere in the world and still counts!

I'm sorry I've been AWOL. I've not been feeling great and it was a long weekend just gone so spent it with my partner. This weekend I have the Drs to look forward to on Monday for bloods and an internal exam (whoopee!) but on the bright side I get to see my family for the weekend too which will be nice. :)

I hope everyone is doing well. I'm hoping to be back to normal-ish soon!

Love you all xoxo


Well-known member
  :support: [COLOR=0000FF]I feel so bad for you. This is just so awful.  I wish there was something we could do to help.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=0000FF]  I'm so glad his vision will be restored but I can't even imagine how painful it must be for him.  I'm glad he pressed[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  charges.  Huge hugs to you[/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF] both.[/COLOR]
Me too, just continue to Pray! But some friend...smfh especially while his back was turned. At least he has a awesome gf like you, your doing a good job of being there. Hope he recovers soon.
Quote:Originally Posted by mosha010

Thank u hun!! and you're right! I prob need to relax and take things w calm.

I said I was a bit behind on other threads - just now caught up with your dress crisis, no wonder you've been stressed! But it sounds like the new one will be even better, and you'll look great no matter what. Quote:Originally Posted by lyseD

My mom has thirteen grandchildren -- nine girls, four boys and five great grand-daughters. No shortage of girls here.

You got our share then! My dad was one of 7 kids - only 1 girl. By the time this baby arrives everyone I know with young kids will have 2, and all have either have 1 of each or 2 boys. Between my close friends & family there are 16 boys & 4 girls! Quote:Originally Posted by PixieDancer

WooHoooooo! Let us know how mama and the new baby are doing! Do they have a name picked out for your new nephew? Tell them CONGRATS from us!!

I'm sure they do, but they're not sharing until he's born :) Quote:Originally Posted by CrimsonQuill157

The doctor opened his eye and he could see - praise God! They said that everything is just going to have to heal on its own and he is home now. I'm spending the night here and I have a feeling I will be here with him quite a bit. He can't see very well - even the eye that isn't swollen shut is still swollen enough to impair his vision. He can't wear his glasses - his left eye is so swollen they won't fit.

Every time I look at his face I see red. There was no reason at all for why this guy did this to him, none. They were supposed to be friends!!!!! Rob had turned his back on him to go home and he got hit in the head with something and when he came to, he was like that. I feel so helpless. I just want to go destroy this guy and I can't do a thing.

I'm SO relieved to hear that he hasn't lost his sight. And I'm very glad he's pressing charges, he absolutely needs to do that, this so called 'friend' can't be allowed to get away with it. He must feel so betrayed along with the physical pain :( I'm glad he's got you with him.
That is so bizarre! How awful and confusing for both of you. It takes quite awhile for bruising and swelling to go away, especially around the eyes, so your bf will need some help. (Hopefully they told him to ice it a little bit.). I 'm sure your being there will be a lot of comfort to him. Hang in there.
Quote:Originally Posted by CrimsonQuill157

The doctor opened his eye and he could see - praise God! They said that everything is just going to have to heal on its own and he is home now. I'm spending the night here and I have a feeling I will be here with him quite a bit. He can't see very well - even the eye that isn't swollen shut is still swollen enough to impair his vision. He can't wear his glasses - his left eye is so swollen they won't fit.

Every time I look at his face I see red. There was no reason at all for why this guy did this to him, none. They were supposed to be friends!!!!! Rob had turned his back on him to go home and he got hit in the head with something and when he came to, he was like that. I feel so helpless. I just want to go destroy this guy and I can't do a thing.

I hope that he has a swift recovery and that the cops get the person responsible. I really feel for your other half, he must be in a lot of discomfort and it cannot be easy for you to see him like that knowing there is very little that you can do for him right now. Big hugs coming your way x
I'm glad! That's great news about the eye. It's the worst when friends betray you. Physical violence is a whole other level. I'd press all the charges I could. He could have killed your man, and that can't go unchecked. Being by Rob's side is plenty, trust me. I'm really sorry all this happened.
So happy that Rob can see! Praise the Lord indeed! I hope he gets better soon! You being with him is great and trust me that helps him a lot! I know you wish you could do more but being by his side right now is the most important thing of all! Just keep praying and everything will be ok! Lots of hugs!
Thank you so much ladies. It's so nice to have somewhere to turn when I just need to let go. He's in a lot of pain this morning. We slept off and on last night and every time I woke up, he was awake. He's resting now and I'm leaving him be for a while (per his request - I hate being ten feet from him). One of his friends has basically turned his back on him. They've been friends since they were kids and I don't know why he's doing this to Rob. He's taking the guy who did this' side. He hasn't called to check on Rob once. Thankfully Rob does have some good friends who are sticking by and checking on him when they can. It's just such a complicated mess around here. I'm enjoying catching up with the threads. It makes me feel sane and normal when everything else is changed.


Well-known member
Can I make an OFF-TOPIC request please?

Could everyone here PLEASE vote for ME. ASSOCIATION to win £2000 for Research!

You can use your FB or Twitter to Vote, and voting can be done from anywhere in the world and still counts!

I'm sorry I've been AWOL. I've not been feeling great and it was a long weekend just gone so spent it with my partner. This weekend I have the Drs to look forward to on Monday for bloods and an internal exam (whoopee!) but on the bright side I get to see my family for the weekend too which will be nice. :)

I hope everyone is doing well. I'm hoping to be back to normal-ish soon!

Love you all xoxo
Done! Anything for our Peachy! I'm going to log into a different account later from my desktop computer to vote again when I get home. XOXO

Quote: Originally Posted by CrimsonQuill157

Thank you so much ladies. It's so nice to have somewhere to turn when I just need to let go.

He's in a lot of pain this morning. We slept off and on last night and every time I woke up, he was awake. He's resting now and I'm leaving him be for a while (per his request - I hate being ten feet from him).

One of his friends has basically turned his back on him. They've been friends since they were kids and I don't know why he's doing this to Rob. He's taking the guy who did this' side. He hasn't called to check on Rob once. Thankfully Rob does have some good friends who are sticking by and checking on him when they can. It's just such a complicated mess around here.

I'm enjoying catching up with the threads. It makes me feel sane and normal when everything else is changed.
This is just awful and there's no easy way to get through the many layers of F'd up this is... the physical damage plus the emotional damage he must be feeling. I think you being by his side is the best and most wonderful thing you could ever do for Rob. And going through something this tough will definitely make you stronger as a couple. I think the world of you for being so strong and standing by his side. I know it must be very hard. PLEASE Don't forget that you have needs too. Don't overlook your own health and wellness during this time. It's easy to do. We are thinking of you!


Well-known member
Jeez Crimson that is awful. do you know what caused the fight?

My new low buy rule is no glosses.. Seriously, I have about 24 nude like shades. And I have MAC glosses I bought a year ago that smell older than ones I bought 5 years ago... what gives? I'm going to try so hard to hold out on Pedro glosses. I have the Silver one that came out with the ice winter collex (sh zam) and I LOVE IT, and never got a back up. I know i'm skipping the reds. I have enough. I don't need them. (I'm going to keep repeating that over and over). I'm kinda disgusted, well, that's to strong, that I have so many shades that are just a hair lighter or darker from each other... I mean honestly on my lips, is it going to matter?


Well-known member
My boyfriend got jumped last night. He's in horrible shape, I'm with him right now and its all I can do to hold it together for him. It's like everything just changed. My whole perspective. We're afraid he may lose the sight in his left eye. But I think we are lucky to still have him.

So glad your boyfriend's sight won't be impaired!


Well-known member
My boyfriend got jumped last night. He's in horrible shape, I'm with him right now and its all I can do to hold it together for him. It's like everything just changed. My whole perspective. We're afraid he may lose the sight in his left eye. But I think we are lucky to still have him.
OMG! I hope he heals up soon, that's so horrible.


Well-known member
I kinda broke my no-buy yesterday when I went to the MAC counter. I had planned on just getting SMHM from AA and the brush but ended up getting studio fix foundation, careblend powder, cheeky bronze msf, smhm and the 159 brush. I guess it isn't too bad since I was running low on foundation so that I'm not really counting as a cheat, but the other items were definitely a cheat since I said no makeup until Osbournes. *sigh*


Well-known member
Jeez Crimson that is awful.  do you know what caused the fight?  My new low buy rule is no glosses..  Seriously, I have about 24 nude like shades.  And I have MAC glosses I bought a year ago that smell older than ones I bought 5 years ago...  what gives?   I'm going to try so hard to hold out on Pedro glosses.  I have the Silver one that came out with the ice winter collex (sh zam)  and I LOVE IT, and never got a back up.  I know i'm skipping the reds.  I have enough.  I don't need them.  (I'm going to keep repeating that over and over).    I'm kinda disgusted, well, that's to strong, that I have so many shades that are just a hair lighter or darker from each other... I mean honestly on my lips, is it going to matter? 
It was no fight. Rob would have had to have been able to fight back for it to be a fight. He was hit with something over the head which knocked him out and the guy beat him within an inch of his life for NO REASON.


Well-known member
I kinda broke my no-buy yesterday when I went to the MAC counter. I had planned on just getting SMHM from AA and the brush but ended up getting studio fix foundation, careblend powder, cheeky bronze msf, smhm and the 159 brush. I guess it isn't too bad since I was running low on foundation so that I'm not really counting as a cheat, but the other items were definitely a cheat since I said no makeup until Osbournes. *sigh*
I want that brush (and possibly the 132) so bad! When I went to my local pro store last week the SA used it to apply Mineralize Moisture and my skin looked so amazing I don't know how I had the willpower to walk out without it.


Well-known member
I want that brush (and possibly the 132) so bad! When I went to my local pro store last week the SA used it to apply Mineralize Moisture and my skin looked so amazing I don't know how I had the willpower to walk out without it.
I only didn't get it because my counter was out of them and I was being too lazy to walk across the mall to Nordies, but it shall be mine. lol

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