thanks for the lipstick dupes, I have decided to skip the Cinderella collection because my counter won't have it and I don't wanna do all that stressful internet stalking on the shop's online page. Great you enjoy the beauty powder you already got! Concerning recreating an LE look rather than buying new stuff, I agree with you. One needn't always get the complete collection to recreate the collection's looks. Basically, the Cinderella look is about shimmer, neutral eyes and light, natural lips. Nothing too hard to recreate with my own stash! Although I don't wanna talk you out of the eye gloss if you really want it, I'm not sure you'll really appreciate it since it's not everyday-friendly at all. It is very sticky and creases within the hour. Although it might be great for creative looks or photo shoots.so if you're looking for something rather fun and gimmicky, enjoy! @veronikawithak: I wish we had such a generous return policy over here, too! Would have saved me from a lot of clutter. And congrats on your enormously successful no/low buy!Good job [@]veronikawithak[/@]! It's times like that, when a product you had initially been so excited about but let's you down/irritates you, that I'm so glad you girls across the pond can return or exchange so much of your beauty purchases. If I could do the same I definately wouldn't have had to face throwing away or giving away so much makeup over the past couple of years :/ But it keeps me mindful now though that I can reflect back on all the mega purging I've had to do. So what do I want my collection to look like when the year is up? Well I'd like a little less of everything - I'd certainly like to actually use up a colour cosmetic, because I only ever manage to finish base products. As the Mac collections release later in the uk they always seem to get bunched together so there's like a million new collections out at once and then nothing new for ages... I'm trying to stay strong and not get that gotta have all the pretties mentality of collecting. Like I'm really struggling over what to get from Cinderella - mostly I like the look of the lightly tapped eye gloss because it looks so interesting colour wise and I love that sheeny look BUT if any of yous have dupes for it I'd love to know, powder or cream eyeshadows!I also like the look of mystery princess beauty powder. Maybe two years ago I'd have hauled more, lipsticks and glosses and more, but the prices are getting too high and the payoff of some Mac colours leaves a lot to be desired, so I can't afford to invest in so much Mac these days. So to try pacify myself I tried to make a Mac cinderella look with what I have: I had nothing similar to the eye gloss (hence wondering about dupes) so I made an eyeshadow look but it was too warm looking. I used my maleficent beauty powder in natural, which I'd just been applying to the top of my cheeks just to use it up tbh, but this time I applied it all over my face instead of my msfn and WOW! I loved how it looked! So playing with what I had showed gaps I wanted to fill and made me discover new ways of using what I had too
I figure that high tea and plink lipsticks are close enough colours for the lip looks and I already have omega and quarry eyeshadows that are in the quad.