I keep thinking I'll cull more blush as I use them, but I've already gotten rid of the colours I didn't like. I pulled out Marine LIfe today and thought, this could probably go. The seahorse is long gone and it's just a pink and coral. I have heaps of both. I put it on and was reminded that I really like it. So it's staying. Unfortunately, that's true of ALL the blush I still have, even if there are similarities between many shades.
I have zero problem getting rid of something I bought and don't ultimately care for; I'll toss it in the garbage without blinking if I don't have someone to give it to. I pulled some lippies out today that I just don't love anymore. But I don't see anything helpful (to me) in throwing out something I do like. I certainly don't want to grow my stash, but I'm ok with slowly using up the products I do like. When I no longer enjoy having something around to use, I'm pretty ruthless about disposing of it.
Oh, and A English are the only polish I'm still buying. I don't need anymore than I have, but they're so freaking flawless (seriously the best polish I've ever tried - many deep colours could easily be one coaters) that's it's rare for me to not get at least one (plus maybe another for one of my girls) when a new collection is launched. Since that means I only buy 2 or 3 a year, I'm ok with that level of purchasing. I often end up tossing a lesser variant of the colour, although she has some unusual shades that I had nothing like.
I like your strategy! I think it's all about knowing yourself and knowing when it's time to let go of something, which you've obviously got figured out. I have to say too that I really enjoy that all of us are so different. It just shows you that you can be on a No/Low Buy and still use and enjoy makeup no matter how often you purchase or what size of a stash you have.
Quote: Originally Posted by
Ohhhh YASSSSSS! That is such a great strategy. Like picking your top X amounts and everything else can go. I love that.
I think I might pick one category that I can 'go crazy' in to keep things a bit easier for a while until I keep getting used to the feeling of decluttering. It's still hard for me to do, but I have like 50 pencil eyeliners....so yeah...not going to use up all of those in the next 2 years I'm sure

it's so overwhelming but I'm getting somewhere which is closer than I've been before. Letting go of my Hello Kitty stuff was easier than I thought...I just kept telling myself that it was so old and it was time...and I only ended up keeping one of the quad compacts (I am going to put a magnet backing in for a travel sized quad a la Z palette). I hear what you're saying about using stuff just so you can justify keeping it...when in reality you probably wouldn't even reach for it.
That's funny that you mentioned that book - I put a hold on it weeks ago at my library and I'm still waiting for my shot at it. I've heard good things and not so good things, but I ca't wait to check it out for myself!
Lots of good strategies
@veronikawithak as usual. Thanks lady, we are in sync (N'Sync?) hehe
Yeah I find the Top X strategy works really well for me! It also makes it easy to go gradually because you can always start with a higher number and work your way down. With time, your list will settle and that feeling of being able to randomly pick out anything from your stash and know that you LOVE (yes, "love" in capitals is important) it will take over. That's what keeps me motivated more than anything. When I'm out shopping now, I look at something and think "Do I LOVE this dress more than my X other dresses?" If I love it more than my least favorite dress, I know I can follow the 1 in 1 out method and replace it. If I have like 20 dresses and I love them all equally, and I also love this new one equally then that's fine too! I'll get the dress at that point, if I know I'll love it and wear it often enough. That rarely happens to me though. Usually something will look or fit noticeably better, or something that I've had for years will be starting to wear out. Plus I've gotten to know how I interact with my possessions. I'm one of those people that gets overwhelmed by choice and I find that it drains me to use so much decision-making energy on things like clothing and makeup and accessories. On the other side of that, I know people who love those kind of decisions and who could have an infinite closet and still be able to get dressed quickly and efficiently and still look great - this is not me. I would stare at everything for half an hour and then throw on a paper bag. :haha: I think it's all about getting to know yourself and your habits really well!
I know a few people didn't like the Marie Kondo book.. for some it's too.. spiritual? Eccentric? One of the things she mentions is coming home and putting away her things and thanking them all for their service to her that day. She treats her things like they have a life of their own and that they deserve to rest after being put to use all day. Things like that are a little quirky for some people.. but I loved the concept of really appreciating everything we have and taking good care of our things.. which I think was the real message there. Basically my advice for reading it would be to take what is useful from it and don't take it too seriously! I found quite a few things helpful: organizing by type, not by location - we often have things like clothes stored in multiple places and in order to see what you have, you have to get it all in the same place; asking yourself whether your possessions bring you joy; and folding things vertically so that you can see everything.
We are totally N'Sync!
Quote: Originally Posted by
Now I'm curious, which lipsticks do you have you kept as favorites for each color category..?