Returning anything from HK collection?

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Seriously, you're stretching now.

You're attempting to take a business policy that is framed based off information within the company's business model and compare that model to oppression of an entire gender AND to the policies of American presidents. You're reaching, and you know it. If either of us has a logical fallacy, it's NOT me. It's definitely you.

Your entire logic was based on the premise that because something was policy it couldn't be argued with. That is utterly wrong. Of course you can argue with policies. Politicians do it all the time. If there was never any argument over policy, why would you need to change the government periodically?

Of course, there are places where it may be inadvisable to argue against policy - places like China, Burma, North Korea and even parts of the former Soviet Union.

Yes, I used an extreme example to demonstrate that but I'm certainly not wrong to show the flaw in your logic. Go find yourself a graduate philosopher and ask them. To find out what logic means see here.

What I did by comparing stoning in Iran to corporate policy was a technique known as reductio ad absurdem (Latin for 'reduction to the absurd') - see here


Well-known member
I see the arguement is going strong =/ isn't the title of the thread "returning anything from HK collection?" I don't think it's, rip a new one on EVERYONE who doesn't like what they bought. Goodness, if you get so upset, write MAC a letter and tell THEM how you feel, quit shoving it down everyone's throat....end of rant =]


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Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
i feel bad for the girl who made this thread lol




Well-known member
awww c'mon more of this. PLEASE


I'm not gonna lie, this collection wasn't what I had in mind so I can't help but feel disappointed. But I made sure I loved my items (which was only 2) before purchasing so there will be no returns from me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Charlie'sAngel
I didn't go to a preview party but I went yesterday and I had a lot of things on my mind that I was excited to buy.... Tahitian Sand BP, Mimmy l/g, Cute Ster l/s, TLC in Pink Fish and Tippy blush..... After I went to the store and played around and tested things out, the only thing I came home with was the Pink Fish TLC (which I absolutely LOVE)...everything else was just OKAY and yeah the packaging was cute but I'd prefer to save my money and B2M emties for something that I just can't live without.

If you haven't tried Pink Fish TLC...TRY IT!!! Its such an amazing color- the PERFECT pink. Lip color, gloss, SPF, moisturizer all in one its great.

Ordered these today...I was on the fence about them for a bit....Because my MAC locally did not have these...If they are like EZ Baby I will love them!


Well-known member
I am already feeling a bit of buyers remorse and I haven't even picked my stuff up yet. It isn't the products at all it is just that I spent way too much money sight unseen. I know that once I pick them up tomorrow that I will be excited with it all and make it all work.
I think that I am also still a little ticked that they charged me twice for my pre-order.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
I am already feeling a bit of buyers remorse and I haven't even picked my stuff up yet. It isn't the products at all it is just that I spent way too much money sight unseen. I know that once I pick them up tomorrow that I will be excited with it all and make it all work.
I think that I am also still a little ticked that they charged me twice for my pre-order.

Nordies had did the same thing to me...when I went to pick it up I decided to look in the bag and I noticed two of everything...OMGGGGG!!! If I had not looked in the bag I would have had my first MAJOR HK return...Damn my nosey looking in the bag ass!! But they were able to credit me back my money and fix it at the register


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
Of course they do. That doesn't give them a right to demand their money back if they screwed up buying something they didn't want. Try ordering a pizza from Papa Joes and returning it half eaten three days later because you changed your mind. Will you get your money back? Dream on! Cosmetics, like food, simply get thrown out on return.

Have you never been to a restaurant and ordered something that you have never had before? If you didn't like it, did you just eat it anyway because it would be thrown out?

There is no reason to be a 'No Return Nazi'. I don't know if you realize it or not, but you are coming across very strongly and not so nice.


Well-known member
oh my.. can everyone just drop it & stay on topic? specktra isn't supposed to be catty. i thought we were a family?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by akcmommy
Have you never been to a restaurant and ordered something that you have never had before? If you didn't like it, did you just eat it anyway because it would be thrown out?

There is no reason to be a 'No Return Nazi'. I don't know if you realize it or not, but you are coming across very strongly and not so nice.

I have never been to a restaurant and and ordered something I didn't like and had it thrown out, no. A few weeks ago I was taken to a Chinese restaurant and my friend ordered some Thai style spicy pickled chickens' feet. Did I like them? Not particularly, but I coudl eat them. Did they get wasted? No.

No return Nazi? Hardly. I have only ever expressed my opposition to unnecessary and avoidably wasteful returns. Show me where I have said I am against all returns.

Whether you like it or not, we only have one planet and we all have a duty to reduce the amount of waste we produce. We are all consumers. You've probably never even given it a thought but what does the term "consumer" mean? It means you "consume" things - you use them up.

It is an absolute crying shame when products which aren't in any way faulty or incorrectly supplied are simply wasted. Especially when they are limited edition products people are clamouring to get their hands on. Every HK product returned is going to disappoint someone who would have loved and used it. That is of course aside from any environmental impact.

I am old enough that my parents grew up with food rationing after the second world war. I doubt you ever had that in the USA. I hate wasting anything and won't waste anything if it's avoidable.

Most cosmetics ingredients don't grow on trees. Many start their journey being mined (all over the world) or pumped from the ground and are then converted in huge industrial chemical plants into things like parabens, PEG, metal salts and silicones. The planet has finite resources. The whole "waste doesn't matter" attitude will mean those resources run out even faster. We are running out of oil and many mineral resources. What will we do when something does run out. Sending spaceships to Mars to go hunt for more of the raw materials is hardly the answer, is it?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
I am old enough that my parents grew up with food rationing after the second world war. I doubt you ever had that in the USA. I hate wasting anything and won't waste anything if it's avoidable.

My grandma was in her late teens when japan bombed hawaii in world war II... She defininately felt the impact resourse wise.. and Hawaii is a part of the USA.. So i dont get this quote... Hawaii was in bad shape for decades...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
My grandma was in her late teens when japan bombed hawaii in world war II... She defininately felt the impact resourse wise.. and Hawaii is a part of the USA.. So i dont get this quote... Hawaii was in bad shape for decades...

By USA I'm really referring to mainland USA. Hawaii didn't become part of the USA until 1959. There was some food rationing in the USA duing the second world war but it was nowhere near as severe as we suffered in the UK. Rationing in the UK persisted in to the 1950s, long after the war had ended. Have a look at what UK rations were here.


Well-known member
^^^^ Question?

Would you Argue with a Stop Sign just for the sake of arguing? Would you tell it even though it says STOP it really means something totally diffrent....Like YIELD

Enough already....For the Love of Jesus son of Mary..Let it friggin GO!!!!


Well-known member
Yah I gotta agree this is getting to be stupid and doesn't have anything to do with MAC anymore.. I think if you guys wanna discuss this then take it to PM's...


Well-known member
In all defense of people having a right to voice their opinions...Even though I don't agree with the one being expressed...We all have the option to not open the thread if we find it bothersome. It's ridiculously humorous to me at this point


Well-known member
My husband is sitting here with me while I read him these ridiculous posts and in his words he says "go f@*k a paintpot"

I'm sorry but you do seem to want to argue just to argue. I'm not going to post in this thread anymore b/c I too thought we were not catty toward eachother, BUT I have noticed that you come off very rude and say harsh things. (I noticed this b4 this thread ever started) There is nothing more annoying than someone who always has something negative to say.
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