RIP Anna Nicole Smith


Well-known member
OMG..that is so sad.


Well-known member
I think it is really sad. She was actually a really nice and vunerable person. I dont think anyone should have to go through what she went through in life i mean wether you like her or not you have to admitt her life was tragic at its best. & its really sad about her baby she barely even got to know her mother.


Well-known member
after seeing her on the howard stern show and how obviously rude and stuck up she is.... i dont feel pitty for her what so ever. her baby girl on the other hand... thats another story... and i feel so bad for her little girl. I hope she has a good life when they find out who the father is.


Well-known member
It is weird how I feel sad about this..not a real fan or what have you, but I heard this and instantly felt kinda sad. Her poor baby!


Well-known member
you know, i have this supervisor and i've been convinced that she wasn't human...but she seemed really bummed when she heard the news (her friend called her at work) that was kind of off topic, but there's a bright side to it!


Well-known member
I've never been a huge fan of her, but I'm sad that she died so suddenly especially after the birth of her daughter and death of her son.


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I really do think Anna was the epitome of vile females. Marrying an old man on his death bed for money, the outrageous plastic surgery, the flashing her bits everywhere, the having no other way to be successful other than using her body, the drugs, the over-all trashiness. Worst off, the thinking that any of this behavior is glamorous.
I say it's sad that she died because she has this little baby but on the other hand, as terrible as it is, I wonder if the baby is better off. I mean her poor son seemed absolutely mortified all of the time and with good reason. The lady was a damn train wreck.
It's sad, but I really think her life was pretty sad too.
I know it's harsh but, I'm just being honest.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
She was an addlebrained, drugged out, opiate addicted gold digger.

Sometimes those people outlive us all. I was surprised. I never minded Anna Nicole. I thought she was nuts, but for some reason, I always felt sad for her.


Well-known member
She was given more opportunity than most people see in a lifetime, and she squandered it all.
I'm really not sympathetic.


Well-known member
This story makes me sad. It makes me sad because it was obvious she needed help and it was one of those situations where it benefitted the people around her to keep her a trainwreck instead of encouraging her to get help. (Sort of like Don King and Mike Tyson in a way.) She was more marketable as a trainwreck, so why help her clean up? Sure she bears a lot of responsibility for her life, but without a good support system, she was a time bomb.

Even in death people are taking advantage of her. A paparazzi company has sold footage of paramedics working on her as she was dying for half a million dollars. I hope the poor woman is at peace now. And I hope her life can be an cautionary tale for her daughter, although with the drama already in that little girl's life, who knows.

Miss Thing

Active member
I think she was doomed from the start. She came from white trash (who are great
), she played her cards good being her situation. I'm not saying she lived honestly or righteous but she took her bad situations & made the most of it & grabbed any opportunity she could. She started off as a stripper in hickville and had a kid, its too bad she made a mochery of herself in the process. I think this was bound to happen, she was a mess..but still beautiful when she was at her best.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Trim Spa ad execs are pooping their pampers right now.

LOL...that's what I was just thinking!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore View Post
Trim Spa ad execs are pooping their pampers right now.

I was also thinking this.
People Might associate this with the pills.. although Diet pills are awful for you , she probably overdosed on something. she has been thru A LOT of crap the past few months

Just because she was ditzy, and yeah she married an old man, "for money" although who knows she really MIGHT have loved the guy, we dont know.. we just assume she did it for money because its a likely culprit . It doesnt make her death any less sad. .. Her being a little crazy in the head, doesnt make her life worth any less.


Well-known member
I heard about this on the radio and at first, I thought it was a joke. Later while eating out at a restaurant I seen it all over the tv's and was shocked that it was actually true. I feel really bad for some reason, she's been through alot lately and her poor baby, so sad!


Well-known member
Despite the fact that she chose the "wrong path in life", she did not deserve to die at 39 years of age. I'm not saying she didn't contribute to her death, but her tragic life has ended tragically.I feel so bad for her baby.


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