So i am a still a very much newbie but after it taking 45 minutes for me to read through the new posts since I last checked this thread 4 hours ago I know I am in the right place

You girls all love your MAC at least as much as I do LOL
Becuase I am in Europe I have no idea about the "secret Site" I could probablu hazard a guess after keeping up with site but it makes zero difference to me

I hope everyone eventually finds the things they want at retail price, The reselling on ebay is obscene! I still have to wait till the 10th to see the products in store and I have a little order on which should arrive Monday, after all the crazy hype I hope it lives up to expectations!
I must admit that it is daunting to make your early posts here, but that is like any community you try and join, I think I will stick it out and try to lose my "newbie" stigma and hopefully fall into the fold of other MAC lovers. I guess everyone just has to remeber, everyone was new once, and unless with hard evidence, you can't prove that a new member doesn't love MAC as much as you. I have been researching MAC collections extensively for the last 5 years - Neo Sci Fi was my first big haul to give you an idea

- and I have only just joined this site. Being part of this wonderful community unfortunately doesn't guarantee special access to new collections -
how amazing would it be if there were an official MAC forum that did though? *SWOON!* I guess everyone contributes their piece - that's what a community is - and fingers crossed in the future us Newbies can contribute great stuff to pay back those who are more experienced now.
Now go forth and look fabulous in Riri Fall y'all!