RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has issues. They are so pretty that I just keep carrying the bag with me everywhere so when I have the urge I pull it out and admire the makeup ... smh!

OMG you sound like me I have 2 RiRi Woo from when it first hit the scene and I'm so obsessed I just ordered another one to complete my collection. Who does that? I need to try and sell the other RiRi Woo to a coworker. Oh I just purchased another HK from Nordies. I'm truly a hoarder ... ;-(
Ha ha...Mine are sitting on my dresser in my bedroom next to the television. So while I'm watching tv, I glance over at my lovelies and smile. Sigh!!!!!


Well-known member
I love angled brushes. Particularly the too faced one... It's just awesome. It's dense but not overly thick where it creates a thick line, like a mac one I have (I need to try and grab a thinner brush from MAC)... I've tried the curved gel liner brushes and none of those worked for me,.. Also, the skinny pointy one was a fail. And MAC's gel liner is the bomb for me. I bought the maybelline one since everyone said it was a dupe but I have found it dries out rather quickly and just becomes difficult. The first couple of uses are nice but after that, not so much! My MAC fluid lines just stay creamy for forever!!
Thanks so much. I do use a thin angled liner brush & both BB & MAC gel liners so I think I just need you to do it for me


Well-known member
Woo woo after searching I was able to find TTT and nude lipstick! Just need to find a way to get backups! And also diamonds


Well-known member
Just so yaw know, I was very unproductive at work today. All your fault! Now I'm going home after a long day of surfing, posting about makeup and shopping. Bought some cute shoes on IDEELI....
Woo Hoo! New shoes and lippies. Don't get now betta than that.


Well-known member
Whenever Diamonds comes available on Nordstroms don't get your hopes up and order because I've attempted to purchase this 6 times and it's being cancelled every single time.


Well-known member
So i am a still a very much newbie but after it taking 45 minutes for me to read through the new posts since I last checked this thread 4 hours ago I know I am in the right place ;) You girls all love your MAC at least as much as I do LOL Becuase I am in Europe I have no idea about the "secret Site" I could probablu hazard a guess after keeping up with site but it makes zero difference to me :) I hope everyone eventually finds the things they want at retail price, The reselling on ebay is obscene! I still have to wait till the 10th to see the products in store and I have a little order on Mac.fr which should arrive Monday, after all the crazy hype I hope it lives up to expectations! I must admit that it is daunting to make your early posts here, but that is like any community you try and join, I think I will stick it out and try to lose my "newbie" stigma and hopefully fall into the fold of other MAC lovers. I guess everyone just has to remeber, everyone was new once, and unless with hard evidence, you can't prove that a new member doesn't love MAC as much as you. I have been researching MAC collections extensively for the last 5 years - Neo Sci Fi was my first big haul to give you an idea :) - and I have only just joined this site. Being part of this wonderful community unfortunately doesn't guarantee special access to new collections - how amazing would it be if there were an official MAC forum that did though? *SWOON!* I guess everyone contributes their piece - that's what a community is - and fingers crossed in the future us Newbies can contribute great stuff to pay back those who are more experienced now.  Now go forth and look fabulous in Riri Fall y'all!
Welcome!!! Ahh, Neo Sci Fi... Those were the days! I love the idea of an official MAC blog... But with our experiences with MAC Online, I think they would give us incorrect release dates, tell us wrong dupes, and we would still have to come back to Specktra and rely on Erine, Liba, etc., for accurate info. ;)


Well-known member
Ok so I'm a newbie to the site, but not to cosmetics. I'm wondering if anyone else does not realize in total what they spent. I'm actually afraid to add it all up. I do know that I spent $180 at the store alone. I'm scared to realize my damage. Maybe if I add it up I'll stop myself. The rush feels so good! I'm already a compulsive shopper this board is making it worse ... LOL!!!


Well-known member
I already have HK in black packaging but now I want it in the special packaging. Seriously, that's just dumb! ... Talking myself out of it now.. Trying to...


Well-known member
i just got done catching up with this thread and sheesh
! i still consider myself somewhat of a newbie and i have never felt unwelcome or any negative vibes. the ladies and gents on specktra have been nothing but nice and super helpful. i hope this riri drama doesn't discourage anyone from joining as i believe all are welcome here

also i can't believe how hard it has been for some of you to hunt down items! it's incredibly disheartening the way MAC has handled this release! i really wish there was some standardized rules for big releases like this that all mac stores, counters, etc. had to follow!

i was lucky and was able to get my items after an hour and a half in the waiting room. ttt and nude arrived yesterday and i'm not really in love with either of them, but i WILL make them work. i'm working with a limited budget, so i'll be getting my 33 + tax worth.

nude with cork liner. i have to say, i'm not really a fan. i think i'll try it with numerous liners an see if i can a way to make it work.

ttt with nightmoth liner. sorry for the sloopy application, but this just applies really patchy on me.


Well-known member
My diamonds order was cancelled again by nordstroms, I am beyond upset because this time they sent me an email saying they received my order leading me to believe it would be filled. The first time I didn't get the first email. This is ridiculous.

i feel for you.... i'm trying to get one tooo


Well-known member
I got on Nordstorm yesterday (Thurs) a tad after 9 AM and Nude was gone, but they had TTT. So i check into Macy's to see if they had Nude and when i got back to Nordstrom in very little time, TTT was gone. Sigh. Seems like MAC made less of these than they did of Heaux and RiRi Boy.


Well-known member
I give up. I can't afford to have all this money pending. Good luck to you!
To your earlier question on the $$$ hold. I think its up to your bank, but its usually just 24 hours, but some may take a little longer. And, being the weekend, maybe monday.

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